Cat Health- Caring for Pet Cat’s Health

By Tania Penwell
If you have a cat as a pet then you must also have concerns about its health. The health of your cat can be maintained and improved quite easily only if you can extend little time and effort. This will ensure that your pet cat is fit, happy and playful.

Cat health awareness starts right from the time you get your pet cat. You get to learn about its normal habits and personality and temperaments. In case you notice a sudden change in its habits (eating and sleeping habits etc.) and behavior at any time later then you can guess that there is some kind of health problem with your cat. You can then look out for ways of detecting the causes or the abnormality and addressing them suitably. It is a fact that problems with pet cats’ health do arise and it is not infrequent that cat owners seek to take care of their pet’s health by gaining adequate knowledge about them. Cuddling your healthy pet cat can indeed be a rewarding experience for you.

Regular check up of your pet cat’s health by taking it to a vet is important. Such check ups carried out on a yearly basis will ensure that the overall health of your feline is sound. However, if it comes to your notice that there are some significant behavior or mood changes in your cat and it is not in its usual self then the veterinary specialist is to be approached at the earliest. The common abnormalities to check out for are lumps, ticks, black specs in the ears, eye gunk or rashes. Upon detection of any such problems the vet should be immediately consulted so that medical attention can be provided as quickly as possible and measures for remedial action taken.

Your pet cat’s health is dependent much on good grooming too. Frequent grooming is all the more better. Grooming properly helps remove lot of dead hair. There are also special combs available for this purpose that can help extract ticks and fleas from the fur of the pet cat. The claws of the cat are to be cared for too. A quick trim may be needed. Though it is usually pretty easy to clip a pet cat’s nails yet care should be taken to see to it that the nails are not cut too short.

Books offering information and suggestions about proper care of pet cats are available aplenty even in local bookstores. It is suggestible that a cat owner keeps a good pet cat care book at hand for time-to-time reference. Cats make wonderful pets but it is also a responsibility on the cat owner’s part to ensure that they remain cute, healthy and playful always.

Tania Penwell is an author who writes for The Cat's Meow, which provides information on cats, cat health, and more on our feline friends.

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Basic things a cat needs

By Guido Nussbaum
Just like human beings, cats have needs and their needs must be fulfilled. Cat's need your attention and care, they need to play and develp socail behavior like they would do in nature. Cat's like to feel a warm body and they actually need this to grow up to good behaving cats.
What does your cat need?

For a better growth and development of your cat make sure you provide:

* Cat food

Wild cats don't have the opportunity to get a fresh meal every day, so they eat as much as they can once they get some. That's a natural behavior that some cat pets still show. Cats can get greedy but you have to watch their diet. Be sure you do not give your cat too much food and also don't leave her hungry. There is a right amount of food that a cat needs every day. The right amount depends on how old your cat is, what gender, how much is the cat outside and some other factors. When cats are younger than 3 months, you should split the meals up into 4 small meals every day. Once your cat is as old as 12 weeks, you can gradually trim down the number of meals to 2 a day.

* Water

Don't give your cat milk, it can cause diarrhea. A little once in a while is o.k. Provide your cat with enough water, especially if you feed a lot of "dry food". Make sure the water is fresh, cats don't like old water. Some cats don't like pure water if they got milk all the time. A trick here is to thin down the milk with water, a little bit more each time you give it.

* Cat belongings

There are certain things you need to provide to your cat. A litter box is one of the items that are absolutely necessary to have. It helps you to keep your home clean from odor and urine stains. Put at least 3 sheets of newspaper at the bottom of the litter box, then fill enough litter in the box. This will help you to clean it later on.
If you don't want your furniture to be ruined through cat scratches, you want to provide a scratch place to your cat. This can be a professional one or a self-made one like a rolled up carpet that you locate vertically.

* Your cat's place

Yes, your cat needs to have his own place to sleep or to hide. A good place to sleep for your cat should be a a warm source. You can use old towels or old cloths to build a comfortable place for your cat. A good place to hide for your cat can be a closet that you open just a little bit.

These four important points should be remembered because they can definitely make your cat pets feel good.

My name is Guido Nussbaum, I am a 28 year old cat-friend from Germany. My website deals with cat urine cleaning products and cats in general.

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Cat Health Awareness and Cat Health Care

By Tania Penwell
You may be the proud owner of a lovely pet cat. In such case you would consider caring for the cat and looking after its health to be your responsibility. It is important for you to provide little time and extend a bit of effort on your part to ensure that your pet cat stays healthy, fit and fine. You may, if you wish, get hold of some good pet cat care books that are available in local bookstores for reference. You can get some useful cat care tips from there.

Awareness about cat health needs to be made beforehand if you are planning to get a pet cat. This does not require much learning though. A bit of learning about the normal habits, behavior and temperament of a cat is what is required of you. This will enable you to detect when there is any sudden change in habits of the cat so as to take care of it. Behavioral changes, changes in eating and sleeping habits etc. need to be taken note of to decide whether some health problem has arisen. Usually it is the vet who takes the final decision about health concerns of the pet cat though you can provide preliminary attendance.

Problems with cat’s health are quite common and cat owners can appropriately control such problems by gaining knowledge about cat health. This can go a long way to ensure that your pet cat stays healthy and playful. Isn’t it a rewarding experience to cuddle and have fun with a healthy pet cat?

Taking the pet cat to the veterinary specialist on a regular basis is of crucial importance. The vet needs to conduct checkups on a yearly or half yearly basis even if apparently no problems are there. Only then can you remain sure that the health condition of your loved feline pet is sound. At other times during the year if it comes to notice that there has been the development of behavior or mood changes in your cat then the vet needs to be approached at the earliest possible.

Common problems that cats usually develop are lumps, ticks, black specs in the ears, eye gunk or rashes. These can generally be detected pretty easily and upon detection of these problems the vet is to be immediately consulted. Medical attention can thus be provided quickly, remedial action measures adopted and relief from the problem obtained soon.

Grooming of the pet cat frequently is an important health endowing measure. A lot of dead hair gets removed in the process. Getting hold of the special combs available that can help extract ticks and fleas from the fur of the cat provides further help. A trim of the claws of the pet cat may be needed to from time to time to promote cat health. It must be noted, however, that the nails of the cat are not cut too short.

Tania Penwell is a contributor for The Cat's Meow - where you can find information on cats, cat health, and more on our feline friends.

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How to Make Your Cat Urinate in the Litter Box 2

By: Richard Lindner
Its time to change the litter box if:

•A new litter being used has too heavy a scent. •The depth of the litter in the box changed. Some cats like their litter deep, others shallow. •Your cat has outgrown the box and needs a larger one. •The box is too hard to enter and exit.

Tips On How To Stop Your Cat From Urinating And Defecating Outside The Litter Box

If your cat has picked out a particular room to soil try closing the door to that room.

Put a bowl of food over the target area, as cats like to keep their eating area away from their “bathroom”.

Take your cat to the Vet on a regular basis.

If you have more than one cat, be sure you have one litter box for each cat and have an extra over and above.

If you recently changed residence, a cat might smell an area where the previous owner’s cat urinated. Remember that cat pee where the scent remains.

Do you know that it takes three to eight weeks for a cat to get adjusted to the new home, environment and people? Patiently train your cat and allow it to be familiar to a new setting.

Cats are very sensitive to change and are affected if the owner has no systematize lifestyle schedule. Handle and program your major lifestyle changes slowly and allow your cat to adjust together with you.


Urinating and defecating outside of the litter box, also known as “inappropriate elimination,” is one reason why cat owners get mad and furious.

Never rub your cats’ face on the floor, or kick it and bit it. Punishments just do not work and creates stress to your cat, which may develop to behavioral problems. It will worsen the situation.

Have patience. Be prepared for a few setbacks. Being a responsible pet owner involves more than devotion and love. With your patience, praise and helpful cat training techniques, it is possible to keep your cat from engaging in inappropriate litter habits. For more helpful information please visit

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How to Make Your Cat Urinate in the Litter Box1

By Richard Lindner

One of the worse offenses that a cat can commit at home is to urinate outside of the litter box. Nobody will be happy with this kind of behavior especially if the culprit chose to pee on the carpet or bed, much worst on top of your kitchen dishes.

How to prevent your cat from urinating in other places of the house is one of the commonly shared concerns of cat owners.

Before you get mad, read these non-fatal and non guilt-inducing tips to stop your cat peeing anywhere in the house. Why does your cat do not use the litter box?

First the cat will not pee outside the litter box without any reason.

Noise, light and vibrations can be disturbing and may scare your cats from going to their litter boxes, subsequently leading to eliminating in other inappropriate locations.

Check the location of the litter box; your cat needs easily accessible private place (don’t you?).

Don’t locate the box in a high traffic area or your cat may feel vulnerable and be disturbed by the lack of privacy.

Cats don't want to sleep or eat near where they go to the bathroom, so locate the litter box in a reasonable place away from water and food.

Using a confined space like the closet or basement and leaving the door open is a good idea. But if you do this be sure to keep the box clean to reduce odors.

One possible location for the litter box is under a table. This is recommended if your home is not carpeted rather it is tiled or cemented and it’s a lot easier to clean.

Some other things to consider when locating a litter box:

•Avoid putting the litter box on carpet. The feel of the carpet is more attractive to your cats than litter box and may promote eliminating on carpets. •Put the litter box in an area that is convenient for you to check on and keep clean. •If there are dogs in the home, locate the litter box where the cat can eliminate without being bothered by them.

Keep Litter Boxes Clean

A dirty litter box is the number one reason a cat will stop using it and will look for other places to eliminate. Clean all traces of pee and feces. Thoroughly refresh and wash out litter boxes with warm, soapy water or a mild commercial cleaner once a month. Use your regular cleaners, which may have ammonia. It attracts cats to pee.

If you have money to pay for self-cleaning litter boxes, purchase one for your pet to avoid being bothered when you are away or out of the house. These are fully automated to rake away waste and lock in odor by depositing the waste into disposable containers.

Other reasons why your cat do not use its litter box

Keep trying to figure out all the possible reasons why your cat is doing this obnoxious thing. Sometimes,

•Cats don't like the smell imbedded in the scratched plastic of old litter boxes. •You put foil down where your cat is going. They don't like it. •Your cat may be ill. Go to your vet for more help. For more helpful information please visit

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