Amazing Tips To Eliminate Cat Urine Odor and Stain

by Richard Lindner
AMAZING TIPS TO ELIMINATE CAT URINE ODOR AND STAIN “Inappropriate elimination," is a fancy term for your cat urinating anywhere around your household. The issue of cleaning cat urine is complicated and there are no easy answers or quick remedies. It leaves hard to remove stains and odor infusing through your home. After a thorough application of cleaning products and deodorizers, stains remained and worse, the odors come back! Cat urine smell is so difficult to remove and it comprises of three major components: Urea – which is the sticky stuff, Urochrome – the pigments which give it color and Uric Acid – which is the stinky part. Uric Acid is comprised of crystals and salts, when dried it releases relatively little odor, once the crystals and salts dampen again, with rain or humidity the odor comes back. You can easily get rid of the stinky stuff and the color stain using a proven cleaner or urine remover. The trouble is, because of the uric acid that cat urine contains, normal cleaners do not effectively eliminate the smell. There are products readily available in pet stores containing enzymes which will neutralize the smell. Examples of effective cat urine remover are Odor Secret. Follow the directions on the bottle and see the results for yourself. I advise you to discover not only how to clean your cat’s urine but what to do so you can stop the problem in the first place. The key is to completely get rid of the smell from the cat's perception because the cat may still smell where it urinated attracting it to pee in the same area over and over again. Another tip is NOT to use ammonia or ammonia based products to clean up cat urine since ammonia smells similar to cat urine, so you will be attracting them to pee on the same spot. One of the best things you can do to eliminate odors associated with the litter box is to keep it clean. Cats may urinate outside their litter boxes for many reasons: Cats are territorial; they mark their territory by urinating and when they feel threatened. Stressful situations can cause cats to mess anywhere or your cat has Urinary infections. I believe in approaching the problem from many different angles and not just the most obvious you’ll find the bottom line answers to putting a stop to your cat urine problem. Find out that there could be many causes to your cat’s problem and what you should do about it. You’ll learn that there are more ways of dealing with your pet’s problem than just cleaning it up. For more helpful information on pet urine issues visit Article Source:

6 Key Cat Training Tips

by Albert Tang
Cats are extremely sociable animals even though cats tend to give an image of solidarity and aloofness. Cats that are well trained can form successful relationships with you and your family including other family pets. A well trained cat also caused fewer social problems and minimized nuisances and embarrassments for you down the road. While instilling discipline into your cat is important, tough punishment must be avoided. Instead use positive actions and avoid negative ones when training your cat. Negative actions such as hitting or yelling are not generally acknowledged by them. Cats are known to associate these adverse actions with you rather than with their bad behavior. And as a result, the relationship between you and your cat will be strained. To maintain and forge a loving and warm relationship with your wonderful cat, you can use the following tips to help you solve your cat’s behavior problems.Train them youngWhen your cat is still young, he is more open and responsive to training. Bad behaviors have not yet been formed and not given a chance to develop. The older he gets, the harder it will be to train your cat.Give them regular love and attentionDo not use harsh or bitter tones to reprimand your cat; instead a gentle hug, caress, or a whisper has a longer lasting effect. Your relationship with your cat should be fun, rewarding, playful and interesting. Sometimes this change alone will solve your cat behavior problem. Cats when they are bored are known to become overly active and destructive. By playing with your cat daily and giving him regular relaxing massages can help to calm your kitty down. Cats normally stop using their litterbox when they feel neglected. With regular sessions of attention and play time, even litterbox problems can vanish almost overnight.Reward them for good behaviorCats are creatures that love rewards and fear punishment. Cats will only do things that they find pleasurable and rewarding to do. Reward your cat for good behavior. Give rewards such as treats, sweet talking or gently stroking the cat to let him know that you approve of the way he is acting.Let them know what is acceptable and what is notEducate your cat on what is correct and acceptable behavior and what is not. Reward him for good behavior. Cats have very short attention span and they tend to forget what they did a minute ago, much less hours ago. In order for you to discipline and make your cat learn, you must catch your cat in the act. As cats hate water, one effective way of making your cat learn is through the use of a spray bottle or squirt gun to startle your cat when you catch him misbehaving. Another method is the use of a whistle to create a loud noise to startle your cat as cats loathe loud noises. Make your training sessions short but frequent Training sessions should be brief but frequent. Cats are known to have short attention and interest spans; so it is important to make your sessions brief to be more effective.Systematic training will do the trickOwners must design their training programs. The program depends on their cats' attitude. Things to be included in the program are the specific tasks that the owners want their cats to do and the corresponding rewards. This method will deliver the results that you want only if you stick to the program that you did. Consistency is a key factor at this stage.
About the Author :Albert recently developed a eCourse for looking after your cat's mental and physical needs. If you are interest in learning more about this free eCourse and taking good care of your cat, please go to or you can send an email to to request for your free eCourse.Article Source:

How Do You Know If Your Cat Is Urinating or Marking Its Territory?

By: Charley Hwang
Urinating at places are usually made by cats who want to mark its territory, the sign of a confident cat. However, insecure cats make marks by urinating too, and it’s a type of communication between felines. Urine-marking causes vary; sometimes it is to mark a territory, or to show aggressive behavior, a sexual calling, or even being frightened and unsure. Spraying is what cats do, so don’t worry if you think your cat is overdoing it. It is not a sign of bad behavior. Just because the cat does it does not mean that it is spiteful towards you as the owner, or other deliberate reason. Being an animal, this is the way they react towards particular situations, and do not be overtly worry if they are just doing what nature made them out to do. However, cat spraying is not the same as urinating indiscriminately. You should know the difference as a cat owner. It could be that your pet is avoiding the litter box, whether if it is unclean, or because there are other cats in the household that intimidates it. Also, it could have a urinary tract infection. Peeing on places, usually with horizontal surfaces is not spraying; rather, it means that the cat has a problem. That said, it is clear that cats usually spray onto vertical objects, which to them is a sign of communication, not just territorial behavior. A cat remains standing when it sprays, unlike the squat position when taking a leak. Before it sprays, it will go backward towards the area, and then its tail will quiver, front paws kneading into the ground. Then he will spray urine as high as possible onto the area it targeted. Furthermore, cats may spray vertical areas as well instead of objects, for example, sofas, rugs or beds. To know if it is a problem with marking, check the urine, whether if it is in a spray or puddle. Sprays means that it is being normal and making its mark, and puddle means that your cat needs more training or a visit to the veterinarian. See below for more information on cats training. For more information on Siamese Cats or visit, a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks Article Source: