Cat Training And Potty Training

When Training a Cat the first thing to get through the cat's head is that food is King and you are the provider of this magical and wonderous food. The Cat needs to understand you are the sole provider of his joy. Cats love food, but they love certain foods the best. I am sure you already realize that your cat is finicky and loves some foods more than others. I am guessing, shrimp, tuna, any fish, chicken are the ultimate favorites. 

The key is to find the favorite because you are going to be the answer to his favorite source of sustanance and joy. Once you are established as the source, the Cat will do almost anything to get to the source. Getting the idea now?

Start out slowly by calling him/her. If the cat comes to you when you call him then give him some of the ultimate yummy. You can lure him to the yummy but make sure you use his name so he associates his name with yummy time.
Keep doing this for a few days and working on it and eventually you will have a cat that comes when it is called.

Pretty cool to have a cat come when called. This is a very crucial tool to have though. Think about it. What does your cat probably love as much as yummy time. Go outside maybe? Well if you are like me and live in Coyote country, then you know how dangerous the outside world is for the cat. Especially when the sun goes down and the Coyotes start howling.

I am saddened when I see the daily missing cat posters in my community. This means to me that the Coyotes got another cat and it didn't have to be. Now think how powerful the yummy treat training is if your cat gets out the door, which it will eventually. Wouldn't it be nice to call your cat and have it run to the front door? Sure it would be and you may have just saved it's life.

Please practice and practice until your cat will come when called. Make sure you are using the ultimate yummy that he truely loves or this will not be as powerful. Think if you were the cat. Would you come running for a piece of lettuce, or would you come running for your favorite food, for me Pizza can get me running.

I personally have found shrimp to be almost irresistable to Cats and they go crazy like catnip for the stuff.
Just buy those ultra small salad shrimps in frozen bags as yummy food and you cannot go wrong. Make sure oonce thawed it doesn't go bad.

My cats will come when called, sit, give me their paw, use the bathroom where I say(potty training) and stay in the house all because I took the time. I have been studying Cats for a while and can help any of your cat training issues. A Cat Whisperer if I do say so myself.

By: Deakanutz

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Thank You for reading ny Artcicle regarding Cat Training and I hope this helps you train you cat fast. You can learn how to potty train your cat even. David Kierstead

Rusty Spotted Cat

Prionailurus Rubiginosus, the Rusty Spotted Cat has a grayish coat with rusty red colored spots all over its body, coalescing to form stripes on head. Fur is soft and short. Under surface is white and often spotted as well. Face is marked by dark and white stripes that run across the inner aspect of eyes. Eyes appear large in contrast to the small rounded head. Ears are short and oval in shape. Legs are tiny and tail is relatively thick, possibly aiding the cat in moving along trees.

An arboreal and nocturnal feline, the Rusty Spotted Cat is known to prey upon small animals including rodents, frogs, reptiles, insects and small birds. The reclusive felid spends most of the day resting in dense cover and comes out at night to hunt. An opportunistic predator, it is known to take domestic poultry, bringing itself in conflict with the locals at times. The cat is very friendly and fun loving though, often being adopted as a pet by some.

A resident of India and Sri Lanka, the Rusty Spotted Cat is divided into two subspecies on the basis of this geographical distribution. The Sri Lankan subspecies is brighter in coloration and lives at high altitudes in comparison to the Indian variant that prefers to stay in plains.

Prionailurus Rubiginosus Rubiginosus - India

Prionailurus Rubiginosus Phillipsi - Sri Lanka

A solitary feline, the Rusty Spotted Cat comes into estrus in spring. Usually one kitten is born after a pregnancy lasting nearly ten weeks. The babies lack the coloration of adults. Longevity and age of maturation is unknown owing to insufficient scientific research into the lifestyle of this elusive cat.

By: Ailurophile

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The author is a blogger about cats and an expert on Rusty Spotted Cat