Why Cat Urine Smells So Bad and Doesn't Go Away

Author: Nancy E. Wigal
Cat urine odor is unique among the many smells we know. While there are other smells that are worse, most of us probably don't come across them.

Many people wonder why cat urine odor is so hard to get rid of. This article talks a little bit about the composition of cat urine.

Cat urine is composed of five different bacteria strains. Two of the bacteria strains are associated with the cat's marking scent. The other strains are in the cat spray, urine, and uric acid.

The sticky, tacky part of cat urine is urea. Urochrome is the pigment, and then there are the uric acid crystals and salts.

The first two components are not difficult to clean. The uric acid with its crystals and salts are what we continually see and smell, long after we’ve tried to clean the cat urine spot.

The crystals are insoluble, and they bond tightly to any surface they land on. This is why cat urine is immune to common household cleaners. Any type of moisture that gets on the crystals reactivates them. This is why we smell cat urine odor more distinctly when the weather is very humid.

The only way to completely and permanently clean up cat urine odor from any surface in your home is to use an enzyme cleaner. These cleaners are special formulas that actually eat the bacteria and crystals in cat urine.

Common household cleaners don’t contain enzymes. If they do, the enzymes are probably specific to cleaning up blood. Pet odor and stain removers use enzymes that attack and get rid of urine bacteria.

The worst type of cleaner you can use on cat urine odor puddles is any ammonia cleaner! Cat urine contains ammonia. Pour one of these cleaners onto that puddle, and its calling kitty’s name to come over and mark the spot again!

Now you know more about cat urine and its' odor than you probably wanted. However, if you or someone you know has a cat urine odor problem, this is why it's so difficult to get rid of.

About The Author

Nancy E. Wigal stopped the cat urine odor problem at her home, and kept the kitty that caused it. "18 Ways to Stop Cat Urine Odor Problems" saves you money, time and frustration by solving your cat urine odor problem - permanently.


Help Keep The Pet Population Under Control, And Your Cat Healthy - Neuter Your Kitten

Author: Niall Kennedy
If you, or a family member, received a kitten as a Christmas present there are many things you need to think about.

It is essential that you take the time to really consider whether or not you should neuter your cat. Because there are so many strays and so few homes for them, it is wise to really take the time to make sure that if you are going to keep your pet natural that you should keep him from reproducing.

Many of the feral cats out there are those that pet owners released simply because they could no longer care for them. A colony of them can easily spread diseases to pet cats and even dogs. Even when they are healthy they are often infested with fleas. Females that are in heat the colony of cats can cause quite a disturbance with all the crying and even fighting. Cats that are hungry can get into trash cans, ruin furniture on your patio and dig in soil in your flower beds.

Cats in heat often cause a lot of trouble and noise. Neutering or spraying cats can help to prevent many things including this. Female house cat in heat can pitifully mew at the door and then cats throughout the neighborhood will soon chime in. Cats that are not neutered have a tendency to ram far from home and they are likely to spray everything in their path.

These cats are also likely to get certain types of cancers as well. The cancers of the reproductive organs are very rare in cats that have been fixed. Unaltered cats can also develop several contagious reproductive diseases.

But, if you do have your cat altered, there are some down notes to take note of. For example, cats that are altered can compete in the show ring but even if he wins the championship he can not reproduce for you.

The humane society will alter kittens as young as eight weeks of age. Most vets will agree that it is healthier to do this to kittens at five to six months, though. If they are feral kittens how are trapped to be altered and then released back they can be done earlier.

Female kittens have a harder time with neutering than males do. Males can handle it at a younger age, then and you can wait until they are six months old to neuter your females.

Most cats have no problems with neutering but sometimes they can develop an infection for the incision. It is important to check the cat daily to insure that it is doing well with it. If the cat licks and chews at the stitches you’ll need to have the vet put on a surgery collar to keep the cat from reaching them. Female cats need to be confined indoors for up to five days after having the surgery.

Neutering your cat can keep the pet population under control. It will not necessary do anything to the cat’s temperament and it will not be a cruel event to the animal. It can be the responsible thing to do.

About The Author

Niall Kennedy is a lifelong pet lover and has worked in several pet sanctuaries. Best Pet Health Information is a resource that brings you information about many aspects cat health. You will also find great deals on flea medication for cats such as Frontline, Advantage and Revolution. http://www.Best-Pet-Health.info.

Copyright Best-Pet-Health.info. All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Living In Harmony Or At War? Having More Than One Cat In The House

Author: Niall Kennedy
I have two cats and I can't imagine that either of them would want to live without the other. They live like brother and sister. And I can't imagine me living with just one cat either.

For those that love cats, having just one is never enough. Instead of having just one cat to call your own, you can have several. Those who have more than one cat realize that this is a good thing not only for the cat owner, but also for the cats as well. Cats like other cat company.

Are you considering getting another cat? Many people wonder if their cat would be okay with another being around. If your cat is alone for a long period of time, then he may like having a cat around. Older cats will often develop a new lease on life when there is a new kitten introduced to the home. Some cats do like their solitude though and territorial issues can cause a problem.

New kittens mean having to go through all the frustrations with training all over again. You’ll also need to consider the added expense of all the vaccines as well. IF you add an older cat to the home, this too can be a challenge because the cat will need to adjust to the new home as well as to develop behavioral or health related problems.

When choosing another cat to bring into your home, you do not have to choose a cat that is the same breed at the one that you have. You may want to take care to choose the right combination though. For example a Rex with his silly behavior with a standoffish Russian Blue may not be the right combination. Cats will similar traits can work well together. The Himalayan Persian and the Maine Coon breeds are so friendly that they are likely to adapt to any even some of the most demanding breeds.

Set up an area for that cat before bringing him home. He may do better if you allow him to stay in one area until he adjusts. Allow him to settle in for the day before you introduce him to the rest of your family.

You’ll want to allow the original cat some time to get used to having the other cat in his home. This may take some time. For a smooth transition, make sure he doesn’t have to share his own litter box, his food or his toys with the new cat. There are health reasons as well as feelings that should be thought of here. Cats who are forced to share a littler box may actually decide to create their own area for a private box.

There are many reasons to have more than one cat. For many of those reasons, you’ll be able to have that much more companionship with more cats.

About The Author

Niall Kennedy is a lifelong pet lover and has worked in several pet sanctuaries. Best Pet Health Information is a resource that brings you information about many aspects of cat health. You will also find great deals on medication for cats such as Frontline, Advantage and Revolution. http://www.Best-Pet-Health.info.

Copyright Best-Pet-Health.info All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

How to Keep Your Cat from Killing Houseplants

By Ed Brancheau
Many people grow lovely houseplants that add to the ambience of their home. But what happens when kitty attacks and eats that houseplant you were so proud of? You're so proud of your beautiful plant, and the next thing you know, it's been torn to shreds and there's nothing to do but throw it away. Bad cat! But don't get angry with your cat too quickly.

Why did your cat decide to attack the plant? Plants may be attacked by your cat for two primary reasons. One is that green food is part of their diet. Your cat may feel that he needs to eat your plants if he hasn't had sufficient vegetables lately. Cats can eat grass if you let them out on a regular basis, thus sparing your plants. Balls of fur can form in your cat's throat if he doesn't get sufficient grass or other greens. cat grass is available to be grown in pots if you live in a place where you cannot let the cat out regularly. cat grass seed is available at most major pet stores.

Second, cats sometimes attack plants because when their leaves rustle in the breeze, they think the plant is an enemy. This is a natural behavior for cats in the wild. To prevent this problem, put the plant somewhere away from breezes where the cat cannot see it. The problem may go away if you just put the plant up higher, perhaps on a low table or a shelf.

Of course, once kitty has had a wonderful time destroying that plant you loved so much, he might decide he wants to do it all the time. This may require you to either keep your cat in rooms without plants, or it may require you to move all of your plants out of the house. If a cat is bored because of lack of attention, attacking a plant may be just a ploy to get attention. Give kitty plenty of attention when you are home. Make sure he has plenty of his own toys. You can use homemade toys that are cheaper than store-bought toys and much easier to replace.

Dangle a small wisp of scrunched up paper a few inches off the floor by tying it from something with string. Attach it to a chair rung or cupboard doorknob. Your cat will enjoy pouncing on the wad and rolling on his back to wrestle with it. Cats also like to chase small, light balls.

Ed Brancheau developed a cat training audio course and ebook to make life with the frisky feline enjoyable. To find out more, get this article or more pet articles.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Groom Your Cat To Avoid Hairballs - Kitty Will Love You For It

Author: Niall Kennedy
As loving cat owners we hate to think that our beloved pets are feeling unwell. That can be the first impression when your cat starts making hacking noises. Usually this is the first signs of the cat trying to get rid of a hairball.

If you see a blob of disgusting stuff on your floor, it is likely to be a hairball. Cats need to do this in order to remove hair from within their stomachs to keep them from getting sick.

What is it? It’s a mass of hair and probably some food from the inside of a cat’s body. When a cat grooms himself, he removes loose hair from throughout his body and it ends up in his stomach. Sometimes, the hair comes together and forms a ball in there. If he can not pass it, it is likely it won’t break down but will come up instead.

Most cats have trouble with removing hairballs. If the cat can not get them up, it can get into the intestines and cause a blockage. This is life threatening to the pet. If your cat seems to be constipated it may be a sign of a blockage. If the cat is lethargic and his coat is dull and unhealthy looking, this too may be a sign. Watch that he eats as he normally does. If not, you should call and take him to see the vet who will then find out if it is a hairball and then he’ll remove it.

You can prevent this type of problem yourself though. One of the best ways to do this is to groom the pet. The long haired cat need to be combed and brushed each day to remove excess hair. If you start to groom him when he is still young, he will learn to tolerate it. He may even look forward to being groomed. Some cats will bring their combs to their owners even. If he doesn’t like to be groomed, use a grooming glove instead.

If the cat still seems to have trouble with hairballs, you can add dietary aids to his diet. One of these is a dry cat food that can help to prevent hairballs. Don’t just buy the first bag of the formula that you find. Make sure it is still a good quality food for your pet, one that is high in protein and other nutrients. If your cat has a hairball, you can shop for the gel that can be added to the food which will help the hairball to pass. Make sure to talk to your vet before using one of these hairball remedies for long periods of time though.

You can try some of the more natural remedies as well but you should insure they are okay with your vet first. Some will actually cause your pet discomfort or will remove important nutrients from his body. These include such things as pumpkin, mineral oils and even butter. If your cat continues to have trouble with hairballs, talk to your vet about what you should do to improve this.

About The Author

Niall Kennedy is a lifelong pet lover and has worked in several pet sanctuaries. Best Pet Health Information is a resource that brings you information about many aspects of cat health. You will also find great deals on medication for cats such as Frontline, Advantage and Revolution. http://www.Best-Pet-Health.info.

Copyright Best-Pet-Health.info All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.