Cat Grooming – The Basics

By: Sheryll Cross
Cats are one of the most loved pets in the world. Cat lovers around the globe understand the needs and demands of their feline pets, especially when it comes to cat grooming. Cats often clean their faces after meals, lick themselves regularly as if taking a bath, and even file their nails on the scratching post. Truly, they should be treated royalty for having such habits.

Grooming your cat may seem to be a tough job, but take it as if you’re just doing small favors for your cat. First, you have to examine your cat’s skin and coat. You may know if your cat’s coat is unhealthy if it is uneven and dry, sometimes may have scales and scabs. You can also smell your cat’s coat if it has bad odor. If all of these are present, check on your cat’s diet. You may be giving your cat the wrong kind of food and your cat’s not getting proper nutrition. Also, the coat of your cat should be combed and brushed regularly. Cats should be brushed daily to prevent their furs from tangling and looking rowdy. Just don’t forget to use the proper tools like quality steel combs that won’t hurt your cats. Ask some professional pet groomers what are the ideal hygiene tools you needed specifically for your pet.

Your cat’s nails should be clipped from time to time. Indoor cats need their nails to be clipped unlike outdoor cats that use their long nails for defense, climbing, and balance. If you’re not used to clipping your cat’s nails, try to bring it to pet grooming salons where pet groomers can teach you the proper way of doing it. You can also ask them to teach you techniques to make your cat comfortable first before clipping its nails.

Cats need brushing their teeth too. You can brush kitty’s teeth at least once or twice a week. Brushing your cat’s teeth will remove plaque build-up that may lead to gum disease and other dental problems. Or, bring your cat to pet to your vet or a pet groomer and let him or her do some professional cleaning in your cat’s mouth. It is also important not to use toothbrushes and toothpastes used by humans. A lot of special dental cleaning tools are available in every pet shop or pet stores.

We all know that most cats hate being sprinkled or bathed. Well, they actually hate getting wet. But yes, cats don’t need frequent baths. Bathe your cat only if you feel that it needs one. Use shampoos, conditioners, and soaps intended only for cats. Again, the shampoos and conditioners that we use shouldn’t be applied on them. If your cat has allergies or skin problems, ask a veterinarian for medications. Don’t ever use a product without asking the opinion of the professionals.
Well, these are just basic tips on how to groom your cats. Just don’t put too much attention to grooming them, let them have quality time with you. Just like other pets, they need exercise, fun, and sleep. Just don’t forget to give the attention and care they are worthy of.

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For more information, visit this site on cat grooming. Sheryll Cross is a web copywriter for US Website Builder, that is associated with Beauty Time Pets Grooming.

Choosing A Cat Name

By: Michelle Bery
Welcoming a baby into a home comes with the joy and responsibility of naming the new addition – of forever assigning a label by which the world will refer to him. When it comes to our pets, the responsibility can feel just as important. Choosing names for our pets is a time-honored family tradition whereby we gather together to weigh in on the choice, basing a name on our pet’s very special personality. Choosing a cat name can be exceptionally difficult as cats come with their own subtle personalities that can initially be hard to identify.

Of course, for those of us who had cats in our homes as we were growing up, picking a cat name can be a bit easier; perhaps there’s a special cat that will forever hold a place in your heart after whom you wish to name your new cat. Perhaps there’s a name you’ve always admired but works best when paired with a unique cat; perhaps there’s a distinctive family name that is traditionally passed down to your pets or a name that’s meaning is something special for you; and, of course, there is always the consideration for particular names popular in different cultures.

Then of course there is a cat name that describes the look of your cat – a white cat, a fat cat, a small cat, etc; a cat name that relates the gender of your cat; or a cat name that describes the personality of your cat – whether friendly, funny, shy, etc. It may take a while to discover just what that personality is, especially if you are bringing home a kitten. It is totally appropriate to wait until you get to know your new cat before choosing a name that best fits him/her.

These days, the Internet can be the greatest resource for finding the perfect cat name. You can take a casual browse through the names or look for something specific. Take the time to find the cat name that best reflects the personality of both you and your pet – it’ll be with you a lifetime!

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For easy to understand, in depth information about cat name visit our ezGuide 2 Cats.

How To Eliminate Your Cat Allergy Symptoms- No More Wheezing ...

Allergies to cats are quite common.

The allergic reactions can be immediate, or they can begin to show up gradually over time.

Often someone has owned a cat for some time, sometimes even years, before the allergic reactions begin to show.

Having to give the cat up at that point may be heartbreaking for everyone involved, including the cat.

Most often the first recommendation from medical doctors is to relinquish the cat.

That could have been good advice in the past, however, the past 15 years have seen a whole new “breed” of therapy methods based on the bodies energy system who are extremely effective at resolving allergies at it’s deepest core -your energy system.

The methods are generally referred to as “Energy Therapy” “Meridian Therapy” or "Energy Psychology”.

One of the easiest and most effective method is "Tapas Acupressure Technique" or, TAT. Generally, TAT is recognized to eliminate allergies in
about 85% of cases, and that has been this authors experience as well.

The major distinction between these therapies and traditional aids or therapies, is that instead of attempting to clear the allergen out of the air using all sorts of filters, specialized vacuums, Hepa filters, limiting the exposure to the cat, medications etc. the energy therapies work on your own energy system so that it can be in harmony with the allergen.

Very different concept.

Instead of (unsuccessfully) trying to change the environment so we can live in it without feeling ill, or to manipulate our system by medications, Energy Therapies very effectively balance the part of our energy system not in harmony with, in this case, cats.

Pretty much in the same way that Chinese medicine views illness as a disruption of the flow of vital life force in your system, Energy Therapies view an allergy as a substance your energy system is not in harmony with and is trying to repel.

It is the repelling of the allergen that causes the allergic reactions.

So, here is how you can view it. You feel OK, and then you are in contact with a cat, or breathe air containing the allergen. This causes your system to become disrupted.

The flow of energy is now disrupted, causing a horde of symptoms, as in all your allergy symptoms.

Sounds almost too simple, yes?

The energy therapies, using either acupuncture needles, or simply your fingers, will, by using special acupuncture points, balance the system in regards to the offending substance.

To do that, you first need to cause the same disruption your body, or energy system, would have if in actual contact with a cat.

That can be accomplished in a few different ways. The practitioner may have a vial containing cat dander that you can hold in your hand, or, even more effective, you can simply think about cats.

Thinking about cats when you are allergic to them is enough to cause an imbalance of your energy system.

Now, while your system is in imbalance, the intervention takes place. The intervention can be acupuncture needles inserted into key acupuncture points, or, an even more effective method, as in TAT, is to hold, with your own fingers, certain acupuncture points known for their effect on the brain.

The treatment may have to be repeated a few times. In most cases less than 3, in order to be able to allow your system to be in balance in the presence of cat dander.

Once your system is in harmony with the car dander, (or other allergen), there are no more reactions. Once the intervention is completed, the effects are most often permanent, requiring no re treatment.

The person who used to have a cat allergy can now interact with cats feeling perfectly OK.

Having to relinquish your cat because you have developed allergies is a painful decision no one should have to make.

Today, with modern cutting edge resources available, that decision may be one you never have to make.

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To find more resources on how you can be permanently free of your Cat Allergy Symptoms Please visit

Choosing A Cat Bed

You have a bed of your own, so why shouldn't your cat? It's true to say that if you buy a bed or even several beds for your cat, he will probably still use your three piece suite, your own bed or indeed anywhere he wants, but you'll feel better able to move him on if he has his own special place to sleep.

There are all sorts of cat beds, ranging from the very basic to the positively opulent. You can try to fit one in with your décor but frankly, unless your wallpaper has colourful mice or paw prints all over it, you are probably on a loser there! The best you can hope for really is a colour that doesn't actually clash with that of the room that the bed will be kept in. However, you should really be more concerned about how the bed will be for your cat.

Some of these cat beds are similar to dog beds but smaller, i.e. an oval foam filled cotton cover with a fairly rigid base and sides with a lowered part of the side for the cat to walk in (as if they couldn't jump over the sides anyway). These can be good as there is usually room for a bit of fleece or blanket inside, which is not only cozy for the cat, but keeps the cover of the bed a bit cleaner that it might otherwise be.

Another foam filled type of cat bed is similar to that described above but a little more like a traditional dog kennel in shape being completely covered over with a door shape for entry. Cats have a nesting instinct so some like this arrangement. Equally, if there are other animals or small children in the house, your cat may feel more secure with his own little "house" to retire to for peace and quiet. These beds can actually be heated but unless your cat is very old, this really shouldn't be necessary.

Most cats moult on and off throughout the year, so some sort of mat or blanket to put on their favourite chair can be useful. You can whip it off and hide it if visitors come and the furniture shouldn't be too hairy.

If your cat is a real heat junky, you can buy a sheepskin hammock type arrangement, which you can hang on a radiator. However, this won't be suitable for an old cat as agility is the key when getting in and out of these things.

Cats often like bean bags. This are an inner lining filled with small polystyrene balls with an outer cover that can be removed for washing. Placed in a corner or other warm spot, your cat will soon get to like this arrangement.

Unless you introduce your chosen cat bed into the house when your cat is very small, your cat will probably pay it no attention at all for some time. If he ignores it completely, try picking him up and putting him on the bed while you stroke him for a while. If this approach fails, try inducing him with catnip toys or treats. Make sure that the bed isn't in a thoroughfare and is somewhere away from draughts, maybe raised a short way off the floor.

If you have more than one cat, make sure that each one has its own bed. If they choose to swap around between themselves, then that's their business, but never expect them to share a bed, although they may want to, particularly sibling kittens.

If you want to make the cat bed multi-functional, buy one of those beds cum activity centres with a scratching post but be sure that you have plenty of room for it!

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Liz Canham is the proud owner (or maybe servant) of three cats and is webmistress of The Cat Lover Blog.

Cat Allergies -A Deeper Look At The Cause -And A Promise For ...

Having helped quite a number of people be free from their cat allergies using TAT,(Tapas Acupressure Technique) I have made some really interesting observations.

My philosophy is based on the more and more accepted theory that the allergy problem lies within the body’s energy system, and the cause is a disharmony between the body’s energy and that of the allergen.

It is this disharmony that causes a disruption, or blockage in the energy system which is what sets off the cascade of an inappropriate immune response which result in the allergy symptoms.

The object then is to retrain, or balance the energy system so it is IN harmony with the cat allergen. Once that happens, the allergy symptoms go away completely.

This is a workable theory, as it can be observed time and time again using effective modern techniques. (TAT is only one of several-but probably one of the fastest and most effective.)

But then, what is it that causes the energy system to become unbalanced in the presence of the allergen?

Is there any connection at all with the mind?

Anyone interested in the mind-body connection have read stories of how someone got the phone call that their mother had died as they are watching a bouquet of yellow roses.

Ever since that incident that person was allergic to yellow roses. (Not red ones, or pink ones-only the yellow ones…) The person was even allergic to yellow plastic roses…

Or the case when someone was in a rollover accident, pinned under the car in the grass, gasoline fumes wafting, and after that they get violently ill when around rag weed?

Or the verified cases when someone who is a multiple personality has one personality that is allergic to cats, and the other is not… (They are in the same body, but they have different memories…different memories causing different chemistry.)

So, then, what can be an emotional cause for someone to be allergic to cats?

Well, the causes can vary quite a bit, but in my experience, a frequent reason for someone’s allergy has to do with the bad rap cats have had for hundreds of years.

I’d like to mention here, that it makes no difference if you like or love cats.

The bad rap is pervasive.

Let me explain…

Your mind is like a computer. Some of the data you get is like those temporary internet files- easy to delete.
Then some data gets saved onto your hard drive… Data that came to you from authority figures when you were a child, or data that came when you were in a state of acute stress or fear.

That kind of data was accepted without you having a chance to decide whether you wanted it or not, or whether it was true or not.

But, let’s get back to the cats…

There are “Truths” about cats that resonate within our society. Let’s see if you recognize any of them:

"Cats are sneaky".
"Cats attack without even being provoked".
"Cats are mean".
"Cats are stalkers".
"Weird people have cats". (as in the village “witch”)
"Cats can steal a baby’s breath…"
"Cats aren’t safe around babies."
“The crazy cat lady”
"Black cat crossing in front of you means bad luck".

Add to that the FACT that in medieval times you could be burned on a stake for owning a cat. Even liking cats could get you killed.

So, many of these things are silly, yes? But, for a child that was told these frightening things, it was not so silly, and could very well have been saved onto the “hard drive”

Now, most of these things are completely on an unconscious level. But,,, these things get into your inner mind, and even though you don’t believe them consciously, they are like a computer program. They will continue to run until you delete them.

I see this all the time working with cat allergies. And I also see that when the issue, or misinformation gets resolved the allergy goes away, for the most part, permanently.

Let me share a story.
(Details have been changed for anonymity )

Donna was severely allergic to cats. She would have reactions being around someone who had been in contact with a cat.

One of her favorite pastimes was garage sales, and shopping in second hand stores. Invariably there would be some item that had been in contact with a cat, requiring Donna to always carry her meds and plenty of tissue on her shopping trips.

Add to that, her grandson lived with 4 cats. When coming to her home he would have to undress in the garage, head straight for the shower and dress in the clothes that Donna provided for him.

Donna sure had some serious reactions to cats…

Gathering some info about Donna’s allergy, she shared that the allergy started when she was pregnant with her first son. Ever since then (34 years ago) she had had severe reactions around cats.

So we did the allergy eliminating session with TAT which at the conclusion includes a statement where you state how you would like to feel around cats.
(Or how your body would like to feel)

Donna stated “I want to be safe around cats”

Now that took me by surprise, since I had already asked if she was afraid of cats, or had a dislike for cats. Or if she had had any incidents with cats.

(Most people with cat allergies are not afraid of cats, on the contrary they like them)

Then she said, almost with an embarrassed chuckle, "Well,,, you know,,, that thing about cats stealing the baby's breath and all…" adding dismissively, “But that’s just an old wives tale”

So, reading this, you may have light bulbs going off…

Donna’s allergy started when she was pregnant with her first child. She has, even though she rationally knows it is not true, had the belief implanted that “Cats steal the baby's breath”

Now, what better way for Donna to protect her baby from dying by a cat "stealing it’s breath" than for her to get so seriously ill, a cat could never possibly come anywhere close to her baby?

See, this is how the inner mind works… (Fascinating, no?)

So, we did neutralize that belief using TAT and she had no allergic reactions whatsoever when around cats for a few months.

Then late one evening I get a call from Donna.

“Heeeeeeelp!! I had a bad reaction to a cat yesterday.”

I was curious to find out what had happened…

Donna had visited a friend who had a newborn baby boy. As they are visiting the family’s cat want to join in. As the cat gets closer to the baby, the baby’s father says: ‘Don’t let the cat get to close to the baby, It is not safe”

So that was the problem. We had not completely neutralized the (totally unconscious)
fear Donna had about cats and babies. We did some more TAT addressing the baby issue, and she has not had one reaction since.

Donna could have spent the rest of her life avoiding cats, avoiding people who have had contact with cats, and taking medication when going out shopping.

But, she only needed to clear a misconception she had gotten, probably at a very early age, in order to be completely allergy free, which she is today.

To experience the effects of TAT for yourself, I have a free TAT session you can download on my Cat Allergy website.

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Experience how TAT can help you. To Download a FREE TAT Session Visit My Website Learn How You Too Can Be Permanently Free Of Your Cat Allergies and your Cat Allergy Symptoms