How to Clean Cat Urine & Remove Cat Urine Odor

By: Stef Rigby
There are some nasty smells in the world and topping the list would have to be cat urine odor. Really I don't think there's much worse than visiting a friend and not being able to enter their house for the foul smell of cat urine, the odor meets you at the door and hits you hard. The stench is in the carpet, the furniture, it’s in the curtains, and it’s up your nose. Someone should really tell this person how to remove cat urine odor.

Cats are creatures of habit. When they find a place to urinate they will return to that same place and continue to urinate there – the fact that it may be your carpet, furniture or curtains really has no relevance to your cat at all. Once your cat finds a place to urinate it is drawn by the smell of its own urine back to that same spot time and again. Cats like the smell of their own urine, they have marked their territory and they’re happy with that.

To stop your cat urinating in the same place you need to remove the smell of cat urine completely, not mask or hide the smell, as it will just come back and so will your cat. It really is simple once you know how and which products to use and more importantly which products not to use. You may think you need a professional remedy for cat urine – but you don’t! You don’t need a cupboard full of cat urine cleaners either. You just need a tried and tested cat urine cleaner

So let’s learn how to get rid of the smell of cat urine.

First We Should Understand the Problem…

• Cats are not big drinkers so the urine is concentrated and very potent and gives the strong cat urine odor.

• Cat urine is made up of several different bacteria strains.

• Urea and Urochrome cause the stains, which can sometimes be invisible.

• Uric acid salts cause the odor by bonding to surfaces.

• Cat urine dries on the carpet and the uric acid forms crystals in the underlay padding. The Crystals are the source of that strong ammonia smelling odor and are also the reason puss returns to that “special place”.

• Cat urine crystals are the hardest part to remove.

• Most household cat urine removers contain ammonia so they are going to make the problem worse not better, your cat will be even more attracted to that same spot to urinate as puss thinks it smells wonderful.

• We need to use a cleaner that will break down the crystals so we can get rid of the cat urine odor.

• Water only spreads the stain and will reactivate the uric acid crystals, reviving old stains and smells.

• Normal cleaners, if they don’t soak the area with ammonia, will mask the odor of cat urine for a short time, but it always returns and so will your cat!

• We need to remove both the stain AND the odor.

How to Clean Cat Urine…

• Soak up the excess cat urine from the area as soon as possible.

• Use a dry cloth or paper towel (I like to use old towels as they are absorbent by nature) – do not wet the area or the urine will spread.

• Blot the area - don’t scrub the carpet – it’s kind of like when you get an ink stain on your clothes, and you scrub it. Does the ink come out or does it spread? Cat urine works the same way in your carpet as the ink. (By the way to get ink out, don’t wet the area or it will set the ink – instead soak it in a bowl of milk – yes I said MILK - and then scrub from the outside of the stain in towards the center, a nail brush is good for this! I just thought I would throw in that tip for you – it comes in very handy when you have kids.)

• Hold the cloth or paper towel over the spot for a while – I find standing on an old towel will absorb a good amount of the cat’s urine quite well.

• Let your cleaning solution soak into the area, again use a dry towel, put it over the urine stain and put some weight on the towel. Put something heavy over the towel and leave it overnight.

• The main objective here is to be eliminating cat urine stains permanently so your cat won’t be tempted back to this spot again.

• You really need to keep your cat away from this area until all trace of the urine odor has gone.

• If your cat keeps going back place some foil over the patch until the smell of the urine has gone.

• You may need to repeat this process until all trace of the urine odor and stains have gone.

What not to use. These are not effective Cat Urine Cleaners…

• Ammonia Might - remove the stains, but it smells too much like cat urine so puss will just keep coming back to the same spot to urinate again and again.

• Water -If used by itself can spread the urine and makes the problem area so much bigger

• Citrus based products - Only masks the smell – doesn’t get rid of it permanently

• Liquid soap - Just doesn’t work – at all

• Bleach - Which smells worse – bleach or cat urine – I think it’s a draw! Plus bleach tends to fade carpet, furniture and curtains

• Carpet shampooing - Only cleans the surface, wont soak down into the underlay padding where the urine crystals are

• Hydrogen peroxide - Only removes the urine odor temporarily – the smell soon returns

• Oxygenated products - Only works on the surface, doesn’t remove the smell from deep down and can cause fading or discoloration in your carpet, furniture and curtains

What to use. How to Choose a Cat Urine Remover…

There are many cat urine cleaners on the market. You’ve probably tried some of them while trying to find how to clean cat urine, and possibly found they don’t work. Why?

The bacterium in cat urine can be very hard to kill, and until you kill the bacterium you won’t be removing an odor. You need an enzymes to remove cat urine. Get rid of the bacteria and you’re one step closer to getting rid of cat urine smell.

There is no big secret on how to select a cat urine remover. You need natural cat urine cleaners. Using a combination of products found in your home. Once you use an all natural cat urine remover, you’ll wonder why didn’t try it sooner. 

Getting to Know Your Cat

By: Clark Tran
Spay or Neuter a New Cat
Millions of cats are euthanized each year in shelters due to the overcrowding of animals. Cats can easily have over 10 kittens in a given pregnancy leaving owners with problem of trying to find homes for these kittens. There is an easy remedy to this problem and that is spaying or neutering your cat. Not only is this the responsible thing to do but it is better for your cat. If unspayed female are more at risk of developing the following conditions: breast cancer, pyometra, tumors of the uterus & ovaries. While unneutered male cats run a risk of developing testicular cancer.
The Price of having a cat
When people see a cute kitten they immediately decide to adopt it. Once home they realize they have made a mistake. They are not prepared for the responsibility of a cat, not all members of the family are happy to have a cat, resident pets don't adapt well to the new addition or it just doesn't fit into your lifestyle. The costs of pet ownership can be quite high. Licenses, training classes, spaying and neutering, veterinary care, vaccinations, grooming, toys, food, kitty litter, and other expenses add up quickly.
Checking the health of your new cat
When a household decides to adopt a cat, be it from the shelter or a breeder a great deal of time should go into selecting the right animal. Have questions about where the pet came from, how they have interacted with the staff, do the pet have a behavior issue, etc. If you are buying from a breeder, ensure they are registered with an appropriate cat council. When visiting the cattery check out the overall health of the animals. Always have everything in writing, including the final cost of the cat, health guarantees etc.
Buying purebreds from pet shops or backyard breeders
If you are buying a cat from a pet shop or a backyard breeder there is probably little chance that a proper screening of genetic problems has taken place. Pet shops generally charge more for purebred kittens than a registered breeder would. Not only this, but they most likely won’t have certified paper to ensure their authenticity and health. As a result, you may be buying a cat that could have substantial medical bills in the future or even pass away suddenly.
Seek veterinary help
People don't realize the seriousness of a medical condition & fail to take appropriate action & get the cat to a vet. This may be due to the lack of knowledge they posses or funds. Cat owners should look into the cost of having pet health insurance or a special Cat Fund prepared in case of emergencies.
Flea Control Product
Unless recommended by your veterinarian, cats should be treated with a cat flea treatment only such as Frontline. Pet owners think they will save money by sharing their dog’s flea control product with their cats. This can prove fatal as cats are extremely sensitive to pyrethrins & pyrethroids which are often in dog flea products. The use of these on cats can result in death.
An appropriate diet
Cats have very specific dietary needs and as such need a balanced diet. There are many commercially available brands of cat food available which will fulfill your cat's dietary requirements. Don't attempt to feed your cat a home-made diet or other human consumed foods unless you have spent a great deal of time researching, as certain food s can do more harm than good.
Your roaming cat
Some owners feel that having your cat roam outside the home is beneficial for them. In actuality it may do more harm as free roaming cats & their lifespan is considerably shorter than that of indoor only cats, or cats with limited/supervised access outside. Outdoor cats run the risk of being highly stress by been hit by a car, attacked by another cat or dog, plus many other dangers they encounter which is very traumatizing.
Declawing VS not Declawing
Declawing has been a heated debate for many veterinarians, cat advocates, and owners alike. Some veterinarians consider declawing a "routine" surgery, while cat advocates consider it cruel, inhumane, and unnecessary in almost every case. Declawing is not for everyone and cat owners should have all the facts before making this decision.
Litter Box Maintenance
Cats will use a litter box only if it is kept clean, and if the litter is not scented or pleasant to the cat’s feet. Carefully maintaining your cat's litter box will almost guarantee that you will not be faced with litter box avoidance problems. Don’t try to over clean the box with disinfectant or bleach as cats are very sensitive to these and other chemicals. It is also recommended to have an automatic litter box to help in reducing the maintenance. If your cat suddenly starts urinating outside the box despite your careful maintenance, you should immediately suspect a urinary tract problem and call your veterinarian.
Clark Tran
For more information on this subject or any additional pet health articles please visit

Making Your New Cat Feel At Home

By: Tristan Andrews
So the big moment is finally here! You've just adopted a new cat or kitten from your local shelter or rescue, rampaged through the pet store to stock up on supplies, toys and goodies, and visited the vet for a health-check, shots, and neutering. Now its time to introduce kitty to her new home and the rest of the family. With just a little planning and patience, you can ensure that your cats adjustment period will be as rapid and stress-free as possible.

Home Is Where the Catnip Is: Cats are, by nature, highly territorial, which means that having a place to call their own is extremely important to their emotional well-being. Your new cat is already in a state of stress from having been in a shelter or being given up for adoption, and being brought to a strange new home only increases that stress. Your goal is to help make your new cat feel comfortable as quickly as possible. When you bring your new cat home, confine it to a single room for at least the first few days (with food and litter, of course!). Although this may seem cruel by human standards, it is actually a great kindness to allow your cat to claim ownership of a small new territory at its own pace and without competition.

Some shy cats may hide under the bed for as long as a week; others will be ready to come out into the house and go exploring after just a day. The important thing is to let the cat emerge whenever it feels ready. You should spend as much time as possible in the room with the cat, but you should never try to force it out of hiding. The cat will let you know when its ready to begin exploring more of the house. Be sure to leave fresh food and water out at all times, and check that it is being consumed. Even stressed cats like to eat, so no food for 24 hours or more is possibly a sign of illness and warrants a trip to the vet.

Meeting the Family: Naturally, everyone in the family, especially the kids, will be excited about the new arrival. Children should be invited to visit the new kitty in her room, one at a time. Try to keep your children quiet and seated on these visits, so they do not frighten the cat if he's not used to kids. If the cat is friendly and approaches, have them offer an outstretched hand to sniff.

If the cat accepts this, they can gently pet the cat. As the cat becomes familiar with the child, they may play with a cat toy on a string or stick. NEVER let your children encourage a kitten to pounce on their fingers (or yours, for that matter). It may seem cute at first, but a full grown cat jumping on and biting a hand in play can be very painful or cause bleeding. Teach your children how to properly hold a cat: with one hand under the rump and one hand on the back, held up against their bodies. And don't leave small children unsupervised with your cat.

Reassuring Jealous Cats: Cats are like children in many ways, so its not surprising that your older pet may be jealous of a new arrival. He may be fearful of losing territory or worried that he is about to be replaced. Extra love, attention and patience during this transition will help to reassure your pet that it is still the center of your universe! Be prepared for it to take from a week to a month before the new cat is accepted by the resident cat. Before bringing home your new cat, make sure that both old and new cats are healthy and current on their vaccinations, including Feline Leukemia. Let your cat continue to have run of the house while the new cat is confined, so that he understands he is not being pushed out of his territory. Allow him to sniff or paw under the door with your new cat, and exchange items to familiarize each animal with the others smell.

When the time comes for the two cats to meet face to face, try to give them short periods of contact, slowly increasing the time as they adapt to one another. Be sure to supervise their visits until you're sure they are okay alone, and be prepared for some hissing and growling, which is quite normal for cats that are getting to know one another. Do not yell at or discipline either cat for hissing or growling, and in the unlikely event of a fight breaking out, break it up with a spray from a water bottle or a thrown towel, not your hands. Prevent the new cat from sleeping in any of your old cats favorite places (for example your bed) and provide each with separate food and water bowls and litter pans. They'll probably use each others, but will appreciate having their own. Try to keep your older cats routine intact, and take every opportunity you can to pet and praise your older cat. Above all, be patient, and one day you will find your new cats grooming each other when they think you're not looking!

Friendly Like Cats and Dogs: Most of the same advice applies to introducing cats and dogs. Again, let the dog have run of the house, and sniff at the cat under the door and exchange scented items during the first few days. You may wish to put up a baby gate in the doorway of the cats room or bring the cat into the house in a carrier so the animals can see each other before they actually meet.

Make sure the first visits in the house are supervised, with the dog on a leash if you are unsure about how friendly he will be. Encourage you dog with gentle praise if he is friendly. If the cat runs from your dog, do not allow the dog to chase it, and don't force a cat that seems uncomfortable to be in the same room with the dog. Keep the first visits brief, then extend them as the animals become familiar with each other. Be patient, give them time, and they'll soon learn to get along.

Tristan Andrews
Tristan Andrews writes useful articles about cats and kittens. Discover and explore the feline world. Find out how to better care for, train and live with your cat at

Cat Flap to Stop Bullying

By: James Winsoar 

Are you a cat lover? If so how many cats do you have? Is your cat good at home? Well, Of course, it is really very easy answering such questions, when raised by someone or the other. And what would be the answer if the question falls the other way round, such as, is your cat really secure? Does your cat return home safely at nights, without any rashes or bruises that are indeed created by other cats? Are you sure, that your loveable cat alone eats the quality cat food that you have bought to her with at most care and affection?

Most of the cat lovers would be finding it difficult to answer these questions. Indeed these are the daily problems faced by the cat lovers. These questions make the cat lovers feel worried about their dearest pets, creating a mourning atmosphere in their minds.

Sometimes it's really hard to experience situations when the pet leaves the home and stays lost for two to three days. Is there a remedy for all these hard moments? If at all there is a solution, will it guarantee on the safety and security of the pet? Or are there any permanent solutions for all these problems to come to an end? Will the pet be safe from being bullied by other stray cats? Will the pet be safe in indoor without escaping, if the weather outside is very terrible and violent? The answer for all these questions is so easy, and it is as simple as looking for sweet in a sugar factory. Of course, the answer for this is a big "Yes".

The antidote for all these physical and environmental threats that are literally experienced by the owner and the pet has now come to light. The product is a nascent technology launched in our markets, which can be readily put to working status. It is what we call as PETPORTE CAT FLAP.

Available from the microchip Petporte catflap is a great remedy for cat lovers and to keep other cats out. It exists to provide advanced animal access systems to make both cats and their owners lives better. This is a Collarless technology, which indeed keeps the pet away from hard and rough collars which leaves a mark on the neck of the pet, Petporte Catflap was invented and patented by one of the Guernsey's leading vets, David Chamberlain, which is just a series of inventions that will be coming onto the market intended to make your life, and your cat's life, more enjoyable.

Petporte is the first Catflap in the world to prevent other cats from entering your home and recognizing your cat without the need for cat electronic, magnetic cat collar attachments, heavy collar tags, restrictive collars and infra red. The owner of the pet need not worry because there are no harmful radiations emitted from the device that makes the pet sick and disordered, this product is highly reliable and secure and there is no danger involved in it at all. Pet Porte, indeed will be friendly equipment for the safety of the pet.

The Pet Porte product is not at all complicated, and it's really very simple and ready for use, most probably the user of this Pet Porte product will not have the need of using a Catalog or working manual, because the whole technology has come to life by the click of two buttons alone, one in red and the other in green. Only the cats which have been previously programmed by the microchip gains access through the highly tensile magic door. In the PetPorte Catflap there are two distinct modes.

The modes of operation that are likely to be used here are the VET MODE and the NIGHT MODE, The vet mode is most commonly used in order to keep the pet indoor due to some specific reasons, And night mode uses a little more advanced technology, in which the magic door gets automated according to the light intensity of the outside atmosphere, thus it remains locked at nights, and of course the pet will always have access through the Catflap when it is outside the house. Thus these multimodal operations make Petporte Catfap unique from all the other Catflaps.

Now, while talking about the initial steps of installation procedures, makes one feel that Petporte Catflap, is designed with at most simplicity and a product that shows a great deal of flexibility.

Programming the Petporte is again a very short and simple process, as there are no complex steps involved, indeed the whole installation is only a single step process. The owner has to just press and hold the green button (beep sound is heard) and then the pet is made to pass through the magic door under the range of the sensor porch (beep sound is heard again).That is all the owner has to do, in order to finish with the programming process, in this same method an average of 32 different cats (approx) can be programmed. There may be a question arising among the users that what actually happens when the pet is made to pass through the Petporte. This is nothing but, when the pet is passed through the Petporte the intelligent sensors present in the body of the Catflap recognizes the existing microchip ID implants, so this method is highly secure and reliable and its clearly evident from this fact that stray cats will never find an entry into the house .

This highly adorable product uses an adapter that is fixed directly to the power supply, rather than using batteries which may die out frequently .The power supply that enters this Catflap is very safe, and its not at all harmful for the pet in any means, here there are no chances of short circuits or earth line problems, even if the pet chews or pounces on the lead insulated cables, as the voltage is very less and it's only around twelve volts. Thus the information in Petporte's memory is left as it is even if there happens to be a sudden power failure.

The major characteristics of the magic door that is used in the Petporte is that its highly tensile and strong as it has the capacity to withstand the pouncing/attacks ,even if it is created by the toughest cat around on the streets. As the door is connected to the main line power, the magic door opens/closes at the blink of an eye, i.e. in just few microseconds, so that you're lovable cat can enjoy its play with the Petporte, even if she/he loves to dash in and out frequently.

The Petporte is friendly device to your pet, and it is designed in such a way that, there will not be any possibilities in which the tail or the paws of the pet getting stuck. Eventually there are no possibilities for other stray cats to enter, thus making your cat feel free and relaxed at all times.

The Petporte Catflap has many salient features which makes it unique and reliable when compared to all the other Catflaps. In fact the other Catflaps such as traditional, magnetic and infrared flaps have their own disadvantages at different situations. Firstly, while discussing about the features of the traditional cat flaps, when used and kept under observation for few days causes many drastic moments. The result is that within one night the owner can see his house ruined i.e. his carpets torn and scrambled, urine all over the wall, the cat food missing from its tray, the pet left with the marks of being bullied-all these are the nonsense created by the non others, but the stray cats. Thus these are the adverse effects caused when traditional type flaps are used.

Secondly, comes the magnetic Catflaps kind of flaps, all the pets which exist with magnetic collars can gain access through the door, this is a major drawback. And the other issue is that, magnetic collars are heavily and tight, that makes the pet feel uncomfortable.

Thirdly comes the infrared Catflaps, these Flaps have sensors both at the transmitting and receiving ends and the door opens only if the sensor in the collar points directly to the sensor on the door. These Infrared Catflaps are expensive too, indeed the amount of complexity involved in these methods are more.

Finally all these demerits or disadvantages experienced when using other Catflaps are in turn changed into an advantage, merit or a positive point when Petporte Microchip Catflap is used.


The Microchip Petporte Catflap was invented with lots of advantages in it like,

• The irritation caused by the collar on a cat can be averted by the use of the cats existing microchip.

• With the help of locking mechanism, stray cat can be kept away from dearest cats.

• To understand a cat need better, this has been purely invented by VET, therefore the cat needs can be catered much efficiently by use of Microchip Petporte Catflap.

• The pains of bringing a cat at nights it's not an issue of a path, by the use of Microchip Petporte Catflap the light level will be detected automatically and thereby your cats can sub sequentially brought into house at nights.

• With the presence of Microchip Petporte Catflap, you will be able to know, if your cat inside the house or elsewhere, the beeping system of pet Port will intimate you of the presence of cat inside the house.

• The presence of magnetic latch in the Microchip Petporte Catflap, keeps the flap intact when the wind blows thus protecting the cats from getting hurt.

• The simple two button operation mechanism Microchip Petporte Catflap, gives a full control over cats world.

• Microchip Petporte Catflap allows you to program up to 32 cats of your choice and only the cats which are programmed can be under the scrutiny.

• The programmable microchip within Microchip Petporte Catflap prevents the loss of information about cat during a short circuit or power failure.

• All of this comes under low voltage intake with no batteries to replace so your cat can always come back inside.

•This product is cat friendly where the doors are specially designed and makes it virtually impossible for your cat to get its paws stuck in the door.

Hence the Petporte Microchip Catflap is a divine product that has been launched in the markets in order to quench the thirst of worried cat lovers, and this is a great time for those cat lovers to make full use of this great product. The product has satisfied the customers whomsoever using Petporte , thus making the users feel comfortable and relaxed at nights rather than worrying about their pets , since there is a friend there at the door step giving at most security to the loveable pets.

The PetPorte microchip cat flap is available from

Choosing the Right Name for Your Cat

By: Jay Schindler 
Pet cats hold a very special place in the hearts of their owners.  Wouldn't it be nice to give a pet cat the loveliest name one can think of? Wouldn't it be great to give a pet cat a name that would reflect its personality as seen by the one who owns it or a name which would give recognition to the cat's breed? There are actually a lot of names to choose from in books or in the internet. But generally, how can an owner choose a name which he will find fit for his cat?

Many cat owners name their pet cats with human names.  Actually, a whopping fifty percent of pet names are those of persons. This primarily is because there are owners who are enamored with a certain name and actually desire to christen someone, or something for that matter, with that favorite name.

Another basis for names is personality or appearance. In this category, examples are Midnight (should the pet be a black cat), Fluffy (obviously, if the cat is fluffy or has long, soft and bouncy coat) and Whitey (of course, if the cat is white). Pet names based on appearances or personality make up an amazing twenty percent of all pet names. However, unlike human infants where the parents can opt to wait for a few weeks to see the baby's personality before naming the child, cats must be named more quickly.

So how does an owner actually name his pet cat?  Here are some tips which cat owners can give some thought.

First off, keep in mind that the name that the owner chooses for his pet cat will not only reflect the cat's character but also how the owner views his relationship with his pet cat. As much as it says a lot about the cat, the name given by the owner will tell much about the owner himself.  It can then be seen how the name can portray an image of the characteristics of the cat. Many cat names give either a positive or negative impression of the cat. So, it is important to choose a name which will best convey the proper image of the pet.

A cat's name is for keeps. No matter which name the owner chooses, the cat's name should be that for the rest of his life. It is absolutely not fair to change the cat's name every two weeks just because the owner finds another name he thinks he might prefer.  If the cat already recognizes the sound of its name it should not be changed.

Although the cat won't mind any name its owner may wish to use, it is just not fair to give the cat an embarrassing name. While the cat would not mind being named "Ooga Booga", it would be embarrassing for the owner to actually use this name. Imagine a person calling out "Ooga Booga" at least eight times a day every time he is looking for his cat. The cat's owner should find his pet a name which he will be proud to use. Also please remember to pick a name which will be appropriate when your cat is full-grown. A large tabby cat with a silly name like Mimi or Kitten seems ridiculous.

A name with two syllables will do best. The response of animals is better to two-syllable names. A cat owner may decide to give his pet a long name as well as a nick name. However, the longer name inevitably would be shortened, and this would probably ruin the effect the cat owner originally sought.

The cat's breed heritage may provide great ideas for names. For instance, if the cat owner owns a Siamese cat, why not name it Siam? If the cat is a Russian Blue, it would be nice to give it a Russian-sounding or Russian inspired name such as Sofia or Chekov.

Speaking of inspiration, there are a lot of things out there from which you can gain inspiration. As was said earlier, the name the owner gives his cat will speak just as much about himself. So why not pick a name for the cat which is derived from the owner's likes, hobbies and favorites? If the owner were passionate about world history, maybe the names Isis, Genghis, Voltaire or Osiris would sound very classy. If the owner were an avid fan of the Greek mythology the names Zeus, Athena, Hercules or Jason would be sure to make a good first impression on other people.

On the more contemporary side, names of characters from favorite movies, cartoon series, TV programs or bands will do just as well. Huey, Louie and Duey would sound cute as well as Bonnie and Clyde. A more posh touch would be naming your cat after signature designers. Tommy, Donna, Karan, Calvin and Gianni would not sound so bad for cats--just as long as they are well groomed as their names imply. Naming cats is not the easiest task there is, honestly. But it can be a lot of fun if these considerations and suggestions are always kept in mind. Then no doubt, that perfect name will come easily. Wouldn't it be great for an owner to call his pet cat a name which is close to his heart and a name he will be proud to call out no matter what time of the day?

Jay Schindler
To read about tiger facts and cat facts, visit the Animals Facts site.

Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap, a Friend at Your Door Step

By: James Winsoar
Are you a cat lover? If so how many cats do you have? Is your cat good at home? Well, Of course, it is really very easy answering such questions, when raised by someone or other.
But what would be the answer if the question falls the other way round, such as, is your cat really secure? Does your cat return home safely at nights, without any rashes or bruises that are indeed created by other cats?
Are you sure, that your loveable cat alone eats the quality cat food that you have bought to her with at most care and affection? Most of the cat lovers would be finding it difficult to answer these questions.
Indeed these are the daily problems faced by cat lovers. These questions make the cat lovers feel worried about their dearest pets, creating a mourning atmosphere in their minds.
Sometimes it's really hard to experience situations when the pet leaves the home and stays lost for two to three days. Is there a remedy for all these hard moments? If at all there is a solution, will it guarantee on the safety and security of the pet? Or are there any permanent solutions for all these problems to come to an end.
Can your cat be safe from being bullied by other stray cats? Can your cat be safe in indoor without escaping, if the weather outside is very terrible and violent? The answer for all these questions is so easy, and it is as simple as looking for sweet in a sugar factory. Of course, the answer for this is a big "YES!".
The antidote for all these physical and environmental threats that are literally experienced by the owner and the pet has now come to light. The product is a nascent technology launched in our markets, which can be readily put to working status. It is what we call as PETPORTE CAT FLAP.
The Microchip Petporte Catflap is a great remedy for cat lovers and to keep other cats out. It exists to provide advanced animal access systems to make both cats and their owners lives better.
This is a Collarless technology, which indeed keeps the pet away from hard and rough collars which leaves a mark on the neck of the pet.
Petporte Catflap was invented and patented by one of the Guernsey's leading vets, who wishes to remain nameless, which is just a series of inventions that will be coming onto the market intended to make your life, and your cat's life, more enjoyable.
Petporte is the first Catflap in the world to prevent other cats from entering your home and recognizing your cat without the need for cat electronic, magnetic cat collar attachments, heavy collar tags, restrictive collars and infra red.
The owner of the pet need not worry because there are no harmful magnetic fields or infra red light emitted from the device that could make the pet sick, this product is highly reliable and secure and there is no danger involved in it at all.
Pet Porte, indeed will be friendly equipment for the safety of the pet. The Pet Porte product is not at all complicated, and it's really very simple and ready for use, most probably the user of this Pet Porte product will not require you to constantly refer to the manual, because the whole technology works using just two simple buttons, one in red and the other in green.
Only the cats which have been previously programmed by the microchip gains access through the highly tensile magic door.
In the PetPorte Catflap there are two distinct modes worth mentioning.
The modes of operation that are likely to be used here are the VET MODE and the NIGHT MODE:
The vet mode is most commonly used in order to keep the pet indoor due to some specific reasons. And night mode uses a little more advanced technology, in which the magic door gets automated according to the light intensity of the outside atmosphere, thus it remains locked at nights, and of course the pet will always have access through the Catflap when it is outside the house. Thus these multimodal operations make Petporte Catfap unique from all the other Catflaps.
Now, while discussing about the initial steps of installation procedures, makes one feel that Petporte Catflap, is designed with at most simplicity and a product that shows a great deal of flexibility.
Programming the Petporte is again a very short and simple process, as there are no complex steps involved, indeed the whole installation is only a single step process.
The owner has to just press and hold the green button (beep sound is heard) and then the pet is made to pass through the magic door under the range of the sensor porch (beep sound is heard again).That is all the owner has to do, in order to finish with the programming process, in this same method an average of 32 different cats (approx) can be programmed.
There may be a question arising among the users that what actually happens when the pet is made to pass through the Petporte. This is nothing but, when the pet is passed through the Petporte the intelligent sensors present in the body of the Catflap recognizes the existing microchip ID implants, so this method is highly secure and reliable and its clearly evident from this fact that stray cats will never find an entry into the house .
This adorable product uses an adapter that is fixed directly to the power supply, rather than using batteries which may run out frequently or unexpectedly .The power supply that enters this Catflap is very safe, and its not at all harmful for the pet in any means, here there are no chances of short circuits or earth line problems, even if the pet chews or pounces on the lead insulated cables, as the voltage is very less and it's only around twelve volts. Thus the information in Petporte's memory is left as it is even if there happens to be a sudden power failure.
The major characteristics of the magic door that is used in the Petporte is that its highly tensile and strong as it has the capacity to withstand the pouncing/attacks ,even if it is created by the toughest cat around on the streets.
As the door is connected to the mains power, the magic door opens/closes at the blink of an eye, i.e. in just few microseconds, so that you're lovable cat can enjoy its play with the Petporte, even if she/he loves to dash in and out frequently.
The Petporte is friendly device to your pet, and it is designed in such a way that, there will not be any possibilities in which the tail or the paws of the pet getting stuck. Eventually there are no possibilities for other stray cats to enter, thus making your cat feel free and relaxed at all times.
The Petporte Catflap has many salient features which makes it unique and reliable when compared to all the other Catflaps. In fact the other Catflaps such as traditional, magnetic and infrared flaps have their own disadvantages at different situations.
Firstly, while discussing about the features of the traditional cat flaps, when used and kept under observation for few days causes many drastic moments. The result is that within one night the owner can see his house ruined i.e. his carpets torn and scrambled, urine all over the wall, the cat food missing from its tray, the pet left with the marks of being bullied-all these are the nonsense created by the non others, but the stray cats. Thus these are the adverse effects caused when traditional type flaps are used.
Secondly, comes the magnetic Catflaps kind of flaps, all the pets which exist with magnetic collars can gain access through the door, this is a major drawback. And the other issue is that, magnetic collars are heavily and tight, that makes the pet feel uncomfortable.
Thirdly comes the infrared Catflaps, these Flaps have sensors both at the transmitting and receiving ends and the door opens only if the sensor in the collar points directly to the sensor on the door. These Infrared Catflaps are expensive too, indeed the amount of complexity involved in these methods are more .Finally all these demerits or disadvantages experienced when using other Catflaps are in turn changed into an advantage, merit or a positive point when Petporte Microchip Catflap is used.
The Microchip Petporte Catflap was invented with lots of advantages in it like,The irritation caused by the collar on a cat can be averted by the use of the cats existing microchip.With the help of locking mechanism, stray cat can be kept away from dearest cats.To understand a cat need better, this has been purely invented by a vet, therefore the cat needs can be catered much efficiently by use of Microchip Petporte Catflap.
The pains of bringing a cat at nights it's not an issue, by the use of Microchip Petporte Catflap the light level will be detected automatically and thereby your cats can sub sequentially brought into house at nights.
With the presence of Microchip Petporte Catflap, you will be able to know, if your cat inside the house or elsewhere, the beeping system of Pet Port will make you aware of the presence of your cat inside the house. You can easily switch the beep off if you want to.
The presence of magnetic latch in the Microchip Petporte Catflap, keeps the flap intact when the wind blows thus protecting the cats from getting hurt.
The simple two button operation mechanism Microchip Petporte Catflap, gives a full control over cats world.
Microchip Petporte Catflap allows you to program up to 32 cats of your choice and only the cats which are programmed can be under the scrutiny.
The programmable microchip within Microchip Petporte Catflap prevents the loss of information about cat during a short circuit or power failure.
All of this comes under low voltage intake with no batteries to replace so your cat can always come back inside.
This product is cat friendly where the doors are specially designed and makes it virtually impossible for your cat to get its paws stuck in the door. Hence the Petporte Microchip Catflap is a divine product that has been launched in the markets in order to quench the thirst of worried cat lovers, and this is a great time for those cat lovers to make full use of this great product.
The product has satisfied the customers whomsoever use the Petporte, thus making the users feel comfortable and relaxed at nights rather than worrying about their pets, since there is a friend there at the door step giving at most security to the loveable pets.
Get yours from - a website recommended by Cats Protection and Your Cat magazine.

James Winsoar
32 year old cat lover from Nottingham, England. Website: Microchip Cat Flaps Ltd.

Show Your Love for Your Cat by Feeding Him/her Nutritional Cat Foods and Avoiding Bad Cat Foods

By: Ike Lowe

When you visit a supermarket to purchase food for your family and you see a new product that you think might be a healthy choice, your first decision is to read the label to identify the ingredients and decide if the ingredients are healthy for your family.

Don’t you think it would be prudent to read cat food labels and determine whether it’s a bad cat food or a nutritional cat food? A cat food with any of their first five ingredients listed as a carbohydrate is bad cat food and it is harming your cat.

However, most cat owners fail to read cat food labels and as a result, you feed your cats many bad cat foods with harmful ingredients that are causing premature cat deaths.

Since most cat caregivers consider their feline friends as family members, don’t you think you should show them the same consideration? Feeding your cat bad cat food that leads to premature cat deaths is not showing love for your cat.

Cats are carnivores and their physiology demands a meat-based diet as this will closely mimic their natural diet. It’s imperative that you remember and abide by guidelines that will benefit your cat and help him/her realize their longevity. Bad cat foods will not do this but nutritional cat foods will.

Such foods as carbohydrates will damage your cats’ digestive system and cause food related diseases that will severely shorten his life. These are not nutritional cat foods but rather bad cat foods and they are the main cause of premature cat deaths

For your educational benefit as well as your cats’ lives, let’s take a look at some cat foods and examine their ingredients.


Use of Carbohydrates which include;

Oat Bran and Rice Flour also included is

Avocado oil and Guar gum

Oat bran is the outer husk of the oat grain – it is a carbohydrate.

Rice flour is a form of flour made from finely milled rice – another carbohydrate.

Avocado oil is oil pressed from the fruit of avocados. The fruit, leaves, bark and seeds of avocados have been reported as being toxic to cats. The toxic component in avocado is “Persin” which is a fatty acid preservative. Oat bran, rice flour, avocado oil and guar gum are all bad cat food ingredients


Use of Carbohydrates which include;

Brewers Rice and Corn Grits also

includes Beef-by-Product, Dried Egg

Product, Dried Beet Pulp and Menadione

Dimethylpyrimidinol Bisulfite

Brewers rice and corn grits are starchy carbohydrates with no nutritional benefit to cats

Beef by-product is the parts of the cow other than muscle meat. It could be organs and skin. Its origin is Rendering Plants.

Dried Beet Pulp is free from crowns and leaves extracted from the process of manufacturing sugar. It’s mostly used as a filler in cat food.

Dried Egg Product – Cheap source of protein - waste product of the egg industry. It could include undeveloped eggs, shells and other tissue deemed unfit for humans. Brewers rice, corn grits, beef by-products, dried egg products, dried beet pulp and MDB are all bad cat food ingredients.

Fancy Feast

Use of a Carbohydrate; Wheat Gluten

also includes Meat by-Product and

Menadione Sodium Bisulfite

Wheat Gluten - The tough, viscid nitrogenous substance remaining when wheat is washed to remove the starch. Wheat gluten is a cheap by-product of human food processing, the starchy liquid left after washing wheat. It is used mostly to bind food together. Wheat gluten is included in a number of human food products, as well as pet foods. Contaminated wheat gluten from China has been found responsible for a large number of the reported sicknesses and death of pets from melamine toxicity.

Meat by-product – Is the product that’s derived from Rendering Plants; road-kill, and the four Ds (dead, dying, diseased, disabled) and decaying animals flesh.

I’ve already explained what menadione derivatives are.

Wheat gluten, meat by-products and MSB are all bad cat food ingredients.


Use of Meat by-Products, Poultry

Giblets, Poultry and Bone Meal,

Vegetable Gums and Onion Salt,

I’ve already defined meat by-products earlier and we all know what poultry giblets are, correct? In case you don’t know, it’s the gizzards and hearts of chickens and turkeys provided that’s their origin but we don’t really know, they could come from buzzards as their source is not identified.

Bone Meal is another unidentified ingredient. It could come from the five Ds (dead, dying, diseased, disabled and decaying) animals that are products of Rendering Plants.

Vegetable Gum is another carbohydrate and its main purpose is a thickener or binder and it serves no nutritional purpose for cats and it could be toxic.

Onion Salt – No form of garlic or onion should be used in cat foods. Onions contain Thiosulphate which is toxic to cats.

Meat by-products, poultry giblets, poultry and bone meal, vegetable gums and onion salt are all bad cat food ingredients.

The above cat foods and their ingredients are a mere sample of what’s available as cat foods. Now that you have some information to improve you cats’ diet, use it and your cat will appreciate you taking their health into consideration.

Stop feeding your cat bad cat foods that are harming them. Stop buying bad food for your cats and lining the pockets of commercial cat food companies because they are laughing at how uninformed cat owners really are by actually purchasing the stuff they call food and feeding it to your pets.

It’s unbelievable that caring pet owners could actually create a market for bad cat food. If we don’t stop buying bad cat foods and start feeding our cats nutritional cat foods, our cats’ mortally rate will continue to skyrocket.

Since uninformed cat caregivers are the ones that created the market for bad cat food, what do you think would happen to the commercial cat food companies if suddenly cat caregivers became informed and stopped buying their bad cat foods?

They would stop making bad cat foods and begin making nutritional cat foods or go out of business.

Most cat caregivers are not that responsible. They have refused to stop buying bad cat foods and each year the commercial cat food company’s profits continue to increase. At this rate, the pet food industry will never act responsible enough to produce nutritional cat foods.

Because of convenience, cat caregivers buy bad cat foods that are loaded with toxins. A bag of dry cat food is killing your cat but do you care? Do you prefer your convenience over providing your cat with nutritional cat food?

The commercial cat food industry is banking on their research and it suggests that cat caregivers are uninformed relative to nutritional cat foods and they are more concerned with their convenience. Therefore, there is no incentive for the commercial cat food industry to produce nutritional cat foods so they will continue producing cheap and bad cat foods and you will continue buying it and they will continue laughing all the way to the banks and your cats will continue dying prematurely

Cat Care During Cold Weather

By Jeff Boo

In spite of the fact that a cat has an external covering of fur coat which is supposed to keep it warm, the fur coat may provides little protection during the cold winter. Have you ever experienced the coldness during very cold weather even with your winter coat on? If yes, you should be able to understand how freezing cold your cat could feel if you leave it unprotected for some time. This is not something that can be taken lightly as the coldness may leads to hypothermia, and when such medical condition get worst, it can be life threatening.

It is important for you to be aware where your feline is during very cold winter. If your cat has the habit of answering to the call of nature outdoor, make sure it is back in the house within minutes. Kittens, cats suffering from any illness or cats with thin covering of fur coat should be restricted from getting out of the house. Try using litter box in the house during cold days. Make sure your feline's fur coat stays dry during this period, and if for whatever reasons it get itself drenched, make sure you dry it immediately even it happened indoor.

It is the best option to keep your pet indoor during cold days. Make sure it cannot find its way out to the cold world because if it gets too far and the visibility is down to a few meters due to heavy snowing, your pet would stand a high chance of loosing its way home. And if it is out in such freezing environment for too long, the risk of capturing hypothermia will definitely be high.

So what exactly is hypothermia? Well it is a medical condition resulted from extreme coldness which could lead to malfunction of organs in the body. If your cat is exposed to extremely cold temperature, frostbite might occur as its body needs to warm up the important organs by shutting down less important body parts. Observe your cat carefully and if its movement starts to slow down, body begins to shiver and breathing becomes shallower, it most probably suffering from hypothermia. Do what it takes to gently warm your pet up or else, it would eventually pass out and die.

To make your cat warm will be good for it but it is best advice not to do it too quickly like putting directly into warm water. A quick sudden increase in temperature will only do more harm. Warm your feline's body slowly by covering its body with warm blanket and providing it with warmer environment. You may also use a hairdryer, but make sure you turn the setting to a lower mode and do not get too near to avoid burning its body. Ensure that your cat has really warm up and that you have covered its body with enough protection from cold before you take it out of the house to visit the vet.

You may have ensured that all doors and windows are closed, but cats being cats still stand a chance of getting out of the house. Remember to check out your pet cat frequently and observe its behavior to see if it is shivering from the coldness. If your feline is showing any symptom of being cold, warm its body slowly by using the tips as mentioned. This advice is crucial to the life of your pet.

Any responsible cat owner will provide the best care for his or her feline. Learn more about the caring of pet cats from the experts at

The Adventures of Songha - Wonderful Children's (and Cat Lovers) Book!

By Glenda Bixler

Cat-Lover Alert! Check out The Adventures of Songha by Linda R. Caterine and bow to the beauty of "The African Queen!"

With a beautiful cover featuring Songha by Robert Knight and fascinating sketches by William Dye throughout the book, Linda Caterine has created both an informative and exciting children's book. If you are a cat lover, like I am-you'll love it, no matter what age!

Songha is a Savannah cat, who comes from Kalahari, an African desert. Her father, Rafu Dubwana, who, now lives in America, is an African Serval Leopard. Once breeded, his daughter, Songha became "one of a kind." This is her story!

If this story is not totally true, it is this reviewer's guess that it is "almost" true and based upon the antics of Songha. You see, there is one important thing that differentiates Songha. She is half-wild and even though her mother was domesticated, her "wild side" just has to come out some time!

So, although she is greatly loved by her human family and by her companion, Simba, who also has a leopard ancestry, Songha has one great desire-to run free and learn about her kingdom! And, indeed, on every occasion possible, she has managed to escape her home!

First, she had to meet George, a long-haired gray Persian, who wanted nothing to do with Songha-not that Songha cared much, except she had seen that the Persian was able to go in and out of the house through a small door! Songha planned on going through that door as well! In fact, she had been quite perturbed to know that George was able to go out, while, she the Queen, was not!

At last Songha made it through the door! But then she was caught by a shape-shifter! The next time, she met Jacques Cousteau and with his guidance, she met everybody in the neighborhood, who later became her friends...and subjects of her kingdom...

Why? Because they saw or heard about her amazing skills-she could do things that none of them could do! And, because she had saved them from "El Diablo!"

Caterine entertains us with poetry and prose as she shares the adventures of Songha:

...No one has seen him to this day
And no one knows his fate,
And now my little Kingdom's safe
There are no more complaints
El Diablo is a "Legend"
And my friends think I'm a "Saint..."

This rare exotic cat will win your heart! She may retain some of that wildness, but who among us does not admire and rejoice in seeing the great cat beasts of the world. This one of a kind cat, now "somewhat" domesticated has much to give to human families.

Come, learn of the Savannah cat-in The Adventures of Songha by Linda Caterine. This would be a wonderful holiday gift for your children...and plan on reading it for your own enjoyment! I know I did!

The Adventures of Songha:

The Amazing Savannah Cat
By Linda R. Caterine
ISBN: 978-1-4343-8361-7
66 Pages

G. A. Bixler is co-owner of an online review site of Independent Professional Book Reviewers. She has over 40 years experience in educational administration and publishing. New or well-known, self-published, or small press authors are all welcomed! Compare our prices to other professional book review sites!


Why Does My Cat Have a Urinary Blockage and What Can I Do About It?

By Stephen Jones

If you notice that only drops of urine come out at a time when your cat tries to urinate and he is urinating a lot more often than usual, he may be suffering from a cat urinary blockage.

The symptoms of a blockage in cat are many but some of the most common ones are a complete cessation of urination, blood in the urine, and straining to urinate. There are a variety of factors that can cause cat urinary blockage. Some are prostate gland infection in male cats, stones, a tumor, and crystals.

Crystals and stones are common in male cats because their urethras are long and narrow, making it easier for crystals and stones to form. Male cats also deal with prostate gland infections. Since the prostate wraps around the urethra, when it is swollen it can prevent urine flow. The symptoms of a blockage in cat are quite painful.

Your cat may not exhibit many signs of being in pain so you need to keep an eye out for particular symptoms that point to a problem. If you see blood in your cat's urine, your cat's urine smells foul, your cat only lets out drops of urine at a time, or your cat is straining to urinate, it's essential that you take action immediately. It's important that you take your cat to the vet to diagnose the problem at once. If your cat stops urinating for even a couple of days, he can die. In order to prevent that from happening, immediate diagnosis and treatment is imperative.

Your vet will do some tests to find out what is causing the cat urinary blockage. Once that is figured out, your vet will either have to remove the blockage through surgery, manually, or by dissolving it with a special diet.

Depending on the severity of the issue, you have to choose an appropriate treatment with your vet. However, it doesn't stop there. The symptoms of a blockage in cat may go away after treatment but the problem will only come back to haunt you and your cat unless you make preventive treatment a priority. The best preventive treatment for cat urinary blockage is homeopathy.

Homeopathic remedies contain ingredients that are known to alleviate the symptoms of urinary problems and prevent blockages by maintaining a healthy pH level in the urinary tract and promoting the free flow of urine.

Look for a homeopathic remedy that contains cantharis and uva ursi. Also give your cat vitamin C everyday to prevent cat urinary blockage altogether. By taking these simple steps, you will be able to keep your cat healthy and blockage free for the rest of his nine lives.

Tips to Healthy Firm Cat and Dog Stool

By Rebecca Shelly

Runny stools or diarrhea are one of the most common problems seen in our pets. Digestive disorders can be a result of a change in diet, food allergies, virus, overeating, toxic substances like garbage or rotten food, unknown objects, diseases like cancer, and parasites.

One of the most important things you can do for your pet to maintain firm cat and dog stools are to provide a healthy diet. Never feed your pet chocolates, spicy food, people food or milk. Make sure they have ample water and plenty of exercise to help keep his bowel movements regular and relieve stress.

If your dog or cat has diarrhea that is persistent or lasts more than a couple of days seek medical advice. Your pet can become dehydrated, or there could be a blockage which can be life threatening. Other signs to look for which would require immediate veterinarian services would be fever, pain, vomiting, blood in the diarrhea, lethargy, depression, weight Loss, dehydration and loss of appetite.


If no cause has been found that requires medical treatment for your pet's runny stools or diarrhea you may want to introduce a raw diet. Cooked over processed food and pasteurized milk all can be detrimental to the health of our animals. Treating your pet for loose stools could be as simple as giving our pets the diet that they were designed to eat. Gradually introduce raw, unprocessed food in small amounts while reducing canned foods.

To help your pet maintain healthy firm cat and dog stools a homeopathic veterinarian might prescribe plantago major, alchemilla vulgaris or a combination of these and other herbs and botanical extracts. All of these are well known tonics for treating and preventing digestive disorders.

Prevention & Maintenance

Runny stools or diarrhea is not a disease but a symptom of something else going on with the stomach or intestinal tract and there are many home remedies to help correct an irregular digestive problem, if no medical problem exists.

If you are now using a regular veterinarian, consider switching to a holistic vet. They are usually more aware of the stress that a vet visit causes an animal. They avoid over-immunizations and help you learn to support your pets' digestive system.

Rebecca Shelly has been researching alternative health conditions for pets for many years. She is a regular contributor to Natural Pet Health a site discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for pet health on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications for your pet, visit the site to learn more.

Visit us now to learn more about Digestive Health and why we choose this natural remedy above all others after extensive product research.

Holistic Cat Care For Feline Urinary Tract Infections - Ten Benefits For Your Furry Friend

By Darlene L. Norris

Let me ask you a simple question: do you know what holistic cat care is? And do you know why natural remedies for pets are the best way to treat feline bladder infections? Read on to discover the answers to these questions.

What Is Holistic Cat Care?

Holistic medicine is a different way of looking at illness. Conventional medicine treats the symptoms of cat urinary problems, but doesn't address why your pet is showing these symptoms.

Holistic practitioners, on the other hand, look at the animal as a whole, not just as a urinary tract. Holistic pet care follows the principle that your cat's body is able to maintain a balance that protects her from disease and helps her to heal herself. If this balance is disturbed, your cat gets sick. The holistic approach is to restore this balance.

Our pets are exposed to many toxins in their food, from the environment, and even in the grooming products you use on them. Choosing to use only natural food and pet supplies will go a long way toward keeping your kitty healthy and protecting her from a feline bladder infection.

Ten Benefits Of Natural Cat Care

  1. Feeding your cat a natural diet reduces her exposure to artificial coloring agents and preservatives which can upset her system. Better nutrition will help her to resist feline urinary tract infections.
  2. A high-quality natural diet will prevent health problems like allergies, digestive problems, and cat urinary problems.
  3. Less stress in your cat's life will help her to stay healthy. Try to identify stressful situations she may be facing. Is she having territory issues with another cat? Is she lonely? Exercise can also help to lower her stress levels, too, as well as keeping her in shape.
  4. With excellent natural pet care, your kitty will live a long happy life.
  5. If your pet doesn't feel well, her quality of life won't be as good. Natural cat care will improve your feline friend's quality of life by helping her to stay healthy.
  6. If your kitty should suffer an injury or illness, she'll heal faster. Ingredients in natural remedies for pets are absorbed better, which aids in the healing process.
  7. By using natural products for pets, you'll reduce your own exposure to toxins. You and your family are exposed to the ingredients in the products you use on your cat.
  8. Natural products are more earth-friendly than conventional remedies. They break down quickly, and don't leave harmful residues in the environment,
  9. You'll save time by not having to take your kitty to the vet as often. With natural cat care, you'll be treating the source of feline bladder infection, not just the symptoms, which will help prevent new feline urinary tract infections from developing.
  10. And, finally, you'll be saving money in the long run by avoiding expensive products that can lead to more health problems for your cat.

The Best Natural Remedies For Pets

It can be overwhelming to try to choose the best natural remedy for your pet from the many on the market. Look for a product that's specially formulated for pets, not people. Deal only with a company that has a great reputation for producing the highest-quality pet remedies. Read testimonials from other pet owners who have used the product, too.

Believe me, once you've started to use holistic cat care, you'll see an amazing improvement in your cat's health, as well as preventing feline urinary tract infections.

Darlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn how to avoid feline urinary tract infections, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies at

What Makes Cat Dander a Problem?

By J Rodgers

Cat dander is a carrier mechanism for cat allergens, which is bad enough. But there are several additional aspects to be considered.

First, even one cat produces enough dander to be a plentiful food source for dust mites. Dust mites serve as a secondary source of allergens through their droppings and their dead, dried up carcasses. Not only should the impact of cat allergens and dander be considered, but also the effects of increased dust mites.

If you've ever noticed dust in a shaft of sunlight the particles you were seeing were typically in the 50-micron size. Under ideal conditions the unaided human eye might be able to see particles as small as 10 microns.

Approximately 75% of cat dander particles are 5 to 10 microns and 25% are 2.5 microns or smaller. Particles that size do not readily settle out of the air. They are also easily disturbed and become airborne.

Cat Dander and House Cleaning are Dangerous

This is a real problem when doing house cleaning or when actively seeking to remove dander. Studies show that vacuum cleaners easily aerosolize cat allergen on floors and carpets to critical levels. In clinical studies of asthma, a nebulizer may be used to provoke an asthmatic response of a 20% Fall in Expiratory Volume (FEV). The quantity of allergen aerosolized would be on the order of 40 nanograms per cubic meter of air. Studies have shown that cleaning and vacuuming produced this same level of contaminant per volume of air.

For asthmatic persons, exposures to cat allergen during household cleaning could result in a trip to the emergency room, or the morgue, depending on their control of their asthma. It is recommended that any household with a cat use a high quality HEPA vacuum.

Effectiveness in controlling cat allergen can vary widely depending on the HEPA vacuum. The best HEPA vacuums keep airborne allergen to a bare minimum.

Cat Dander Damages Lungs

The size of cat dander particles puts them in the category of lung penetrating particles, particles that easily transport to the innermost recesses of the lungs. Since they are not just particulate irritants but immunological irritants, they can do significant cumulative damage.

Chest X-rays of allergic individuals have found that long-term exposure to cat dander results in nodules forming inside the lungs. Reduced lung function and permanent lung damage result from this kind of long-term exposure to an allergenic lung-penetrating particle.

This should be of special concern to parents of cat allergic children, because children's lungs are still growing and are even more sensitive to airborne contaminants. Children also consume larger volumes of air per body weight than do adults, so contaminants have a more pronounced effect on children due to the higher concentrations that accumulate in their bodies.

The particle size of cat dander also presents a challenge because at that size range particles tend to stick to surfaces by molecular adhesion. Molecular adhesion renders particles especially sticky. For this reason, once a surface or clothing is contaminated with cat allergen it tends to stay contaminated until vigorous cleaning has been performed. More than light dusting is required; scrubbing and using chemical cleaners is the best way to remove them.

The stickiness of cat allergen has resulted in cat allergen being found in homes, schools, offices, and government buildings where cats have never been. Riding in on the clothes of cat owners, cat allergen constitutes an all-pervasive background that may be sufficient to cause allergic reactions.

What is the Best Air Purifier for Cat Dander?

A HEPA filter air purifier is the best choice for reducing airborne dander. HEPA's 99.97% filtration at 0.3 micron makes them the perfect air purifiers for pet dander.

The possibility of increased adhesion to lung tissues of lung penetrating particles that have been negatively charged should dissuade the consumer from purchasing a negative air ionizer air cleaner.

Ionic air cleaners that generate ozone and ozone generators should be avoided. Ozone causes increased sensitivity to allergens and makes airborne cat allergen all the more potent to the unwary consumer. Ozone will not clean particles from the air.

Electrostatic precipitators are about 80% efficient with clean, unloaded plates. Efficiency can drop to below 20% in as few as three days due to plate loading, thus requiring constant maintenance cleaning. An allergic person should not perform this maintenance cleaning. Concentrated allergens could provoke a severe reaction if inhaled while trying to clean the plates. Cat allergen can also cause skin rashes in allergic persons who come in physical contact with it.

The only air purifier to remove pet dander safely and effectively is a HEPA filter air purifier.

If you would like to know more about the best air purifiers for pet dander then please allow me to share with you the top ten purifiers featured on my site.

From J Alan Rodgers - The Air Purifier Expert at

Stop Cat Behavior Problems With "Complete Cat Training"

By Johnny Moon

You Can Correct Your Cat's Behavior Problems

Cat behavior problems can take away a lot of the joy of having a pet cat. And worst of all it can sometimes be very confusing on how you go about stopping those behavior problems. A lot of people are under the misconception that only dogs can be trained and that behavior problems with cats are impossible to fix but that's not true. You just need to know how to go about doing it.

Common Cat Behavior Problems

  • Excessive meowing, whining, and/or howling.
  • Aggression (towards people or other cats.)
  • Jumping onto places he should not (such as a table.)
  • Getting into the trash.
  • Urinating or defecating somewhere besides the litter box.
  • Biting & scratching.
  • General disobedience.

The Solution

The "Complete Cat Training" guide explains in step by step detail exactly how to stop all of the above behavior issues (and others as well.) It also explains how you can train your cat to follow various commands. Yes, cats can be trained to do "tricks" just as dogs can. It's a misconception that cats are not trainable in this way.

Who Wrote "Complete Cat Training" ?

Paula Robb. Paula is an expert on cats. In specific she's an expert on cat obedience which is why the methods in her guide are so effective at stopping all cat behavior issues.

"Complete Cat Training" Features

  • Solve all cat behavior problems.
  • Information on how to teach your cat to be more calm. This is great information if your cat tends to be very nervous and not very social.
  • Info on how to stop territorial aggression.
  • Instant online download.

Complete Cat Training is the top ranked guide for stopping all cat behavior problems. CLICK HERE to learn more (including how you can download this guide to your computer right now.)

How to Prevent Cat Bladder Stones

By John Paduchak
Cat bladder stones, or uroliths, are rock-like accumulations of minerals in your cat's bladder or urinary tract. They can irritate your cat's bladder and cause bleeding. They can also lead to a complete blockage of your cat's urine flow. If left untreated, bladder stones can be fatal for your cat.

A cat bladder stone is usually caused by a bad diet or infection. Both of these issues can be easily prevented at home. While there is no home treatment for dissolving bladder stones, you can prevent them from recurring by making some changes to your cat's lifestyle and habits.

Before you resort to these preventive treatments for cat bladder stones however, make sure your cat gets taken to a vet for prompt treatment. Even going 2-3 days without urinating will cause your cat's bladder to burst and could kill him.

The symptoms of a cat bladder stone include blood in the urine and straining to urinate. Your vet will make the diagnosis by doing X-rays. The stones will be dissolved or removed either through surgery, manipulation, or a special diet.

To prevent the formation of cat bladder stones, you should ask your vet to analyze the stones removed for their chemical composition. By doing so, your vet can determine if a special diet can help prevent them.

For example, many stones are made up of magnesium. The obvious step you can take is to give your dog food that is low in magnesium. If a bacterial infection caused the formation of a cat bladder stone, give your cat natural food.

Food that is high in carbohydrates and minerals can alter the pH level of your cat's urine. When the pH level of your cat's urine is not balanced, it can make it easier for bacteria to flourish and stones to form. That's why it's important to give your cat natural food that is high in protein.

Most commercial cat food is grain-based because grains are cheap. Your cat will pay the price however. In addition to giving your cat healthy, natural food, give her plenty of fresh, filtered water. Water prevents the urine from thickening thus makes it harder for bacteria to flourish and stones to form.

Cat bladder stones can also be prevented with the regular administration of a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy is completely safe and side effect free. Look for a commercially prepared formula that contains ingredients like uva ursi, berberis vulgaris, and cantharis.

Uva ursi is a well-known urinary tonic that helps to maintain normal pH levels in the urinary tract. Berberis vulgaris has a restorative effect on the bladder and urinary tract while cantharis maintains a healthy flow of urine and soothes the bladder.

In order to prevent cat bladder stones, follow these simple tips. By making these easy lifestyle changes, your cat won't have to suffer unnecessarily and you will save a lot on medical bills.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast and webmaster of and Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training.

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Choosing a Cat Breed - Which Cat Breed is Right For You?

By Julia S. Tuson
There are so many cat breeds to choose from that it can be difficult to decide which one is best for you. The best cat breed for you will depend on what you are looking for in your new companion.

One main consideration is whether you want a cat to have in your home as a pet or one that you let go outside. Furthermore, cat temperament differs from breed to breed. You'll need to ask yourself what personality and mannerism you are looking for in your new cat.

According to the international Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance, there are over 70 different cat breeds. However, the most popular cat breeds are: Siamese, Abyssinian, Burmese, Egyptian Mau, and Persian.

Siamese Cats
Siamese cats are without a doubt the most popular short haired cat and among the top 5 in the entire breed of cats. Siamese cats are generally believed to be highly intelligent cats.
The body of the Siamese is a light color and the face, tail, paws, and ears are darker. Siamese cats are short haired, so if you are looking for a feline companion that doesn't require an enormous amount of grooming, the Siamese might just be what you are looking for.

Abyssinian cats
Abyssinian cats are named as such because they were first imported into Europe from an African country known as Abyssinia which later became Ethiopia. Abyssinian cats are very extrovert in nature. If you want a lap cat that will lie quietly and that you can pamper at will, then the Abyssinian is probably not for you. Abyssinian cats are very quiet but playful, friendly, active and curious.

Burmese cats
If you are looking for more of an affectionate cat, a Burmese might be just what you are looking for. The Burmese is of medium size with quite a muscular body.
Burmese cats are generally inside cats as they don't seem to have any instincts to protect themselves from predators. Burmese cat are great with kids due to their quiet and easy going nature.

Egyptian Mau cats
If you are looking for a spotted cat, the Egyptian Mau cat is the way to go. They are the only natural breed that has spots. Egyptian Mau cats are very beautiful and graceful felines that are also extremely muscular. They have beautiful coats that are of medium length and can be found in various beautiful colors. The Egyptian Mau is a very smart cat that is quite active, and extremely loyal to their owners. They are a medium-sized short-haired type of cat.

Persian cats
Persian cats love to sit around and laze away the day with their owner. They are gentle, sweet tempered, and trusting. They need the attention of their owner, but they aren't obsessive about it. Persian Cats are tremendously responsive and a joy to have them around.

So which cat breed is right for me? It all depends on what you expect from your new pet. Choosing a cat breed can be a difficult task unless you know what to expect with each breed. Before picking your new kitten, make sure you know what you are looking for in your new pet.

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8 Ways to Tell If Your Cat Has a Urinary Tract Infection

By John Paduchak
Boy, did I learn a valuable lesson. My cat was acting lethargic and strange so I got worried and took her to the veterinarian. Turns out she had a urinary tract infection that had traveled up to her kidneys! My veterinarian told me that if I had waited any longer, my poor cat would have died. That was a wake-up call for me and made me realize that in order to keep my cat safe, I needed to learn what the signs and symptoms of cat urinary infection were so I could spot it quickly. Here are 8 ways to tell if your cat has a urinary infection before it's too late.

1. If your cat is cringing in pain while urinating, this is a definite sign of cat urinary problems. It's important to know how your cat normally behaves in order to detect any unusual behavior.

2. Excessive grooming of the genitals can possibly be a sign of cat urinary infection, especially if your cat is crying while grooming.

3. Is your cat urinating more or less frequently than usual? Take note of any changes in urination patterns.

4. Dehydration can be one of the first signs of cat urinary problems so if you notice your cat drinking more water than usual, your cat could possibly be suffering from a urinary tract infection.

5. Let your cat urinate on a light-colored surface. If you see traces of blood in your cat's urine, it is most likely a sign of cat urinary infection. Take your cat to a veterinarian for immediate diagnosis.

6. If your cat is urinating outside of its litter box, it is a sign of cat urinary problems. This happens because your cat associates the pain of urinating with the litter box and therefore tries to avoid it all costs.

7. If your cat has a fever, and tender abdomen when you pick it up this is also a uti symptom you should be concerned about. Lethargy is a sign of the later stages of uti.

8. If your cat stops urinating altogether, it is a serious red flag and you should take your cat to the veterinarian immediately. If your cat goes even 3 to 4 days without urinating, it can be fatal.

In conclusion, if you want to treat your cat's urinary tract infection before it's too late, it's important to keep abreast of these signs and symptoms. Cat urinary infection can be fatal if not treated in time. The best way to treat these symptoms however is at home with a homeopathic remedy before they spiral out of control. Your first step should be to go to a veterinarian and get a correct diagnosis. Then you can administer a homeopathic remedy and make some important lifestyle changes. By doing so, you can kill two birds with one stone and treat the infection while preventing recurrence.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast and webmaster of and Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training.

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Natural Cat Diet For Your Pet

Instead of giving commercial products to your cat you can stick to an all natural cat diet. Make sure that your cat has a proper feline diet and consider giving your pet all the nutrition they need. There are few different options available to you if you stick in an all natural cat diet.

In fact, you will be doing much better for your cat by providing them with a natural cat diet, because the best diets for cats are natural ones, coming as close to possible as the diet that they would eat in the world.

The reason that obesity rates are up among pets, especially in the United States, is because just as we are with ourselves, we are overfeeding our pets and as a result they are becoming overweight.

When you are planning your natural cat diet, know that cats are naturally carnivorous and have high protein requirements. The classic natural cat diet should be composed of about 60% protein, which should consist of organic ground beef, raw or cooked organic chicken, eggs once a week if desired as well as some cooked fish or other meats such as turkey, rabbit, or organ meats.

The grain content of the diet should be about 20%, and approximately 20% of the cat’s diet should be composed of vegetables which can be anything from lightly steamed broccoli, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, corn, or any other vegetables that you find your cat enjoys.

Instead of feeding them highly processed and artificial foods, composed of unnatural ingredients, such as soy meal, artificial colorings and flavorings and harmful preservatives, by giving them a natural cat diet you will be doing them a world of good and will quickly see just how much of an improvement is being made in terms of their health.

There is much more that you should be doing if you want to make sure that your cat is in optimal health, and more than anything this refers to exercise. Of course you generally can’t just tie a leash to your cat and take them outside for a walk as you would with a dog for instance, but there are other things you can do to make sure that your cat is getting a decent amount of exercise.

Cats are like children, they love to play. Buy toys for them or a cat treadmill, so that they can play around house.

By: Immotna Marketing

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Causes Of Aggressive Cat Behavior Between Cats

Aggression towards other cats and aggression towards people are the two primary kinds of aggressive cat behavior. Aggression towards other cats is primarily within a family grouping, having more than one cat in your family is prone to aggressive cat behavior. Aggressive cat behavior such as biting and scratching can be handled easily if you know the reason behind it, aggressive behavior between cats have several causes.

Territorial Aggression is very common among cats, because cats are very territorial (even more than dogs, surprisingly) and don’t like intruders into places they feel is theirs, trespassing is prohibited. This is very common in a household where an older cat is expected to welcome the intrusion of a new cat or kitten. It also happens outside, when a neighbor cat dares to trespass into your cat’s yard. This aggressive cat behavior will be noticed by chasing and ambushing the other cat, and a lot of hissing and swatting if there is contact between the two.

Inter-male Aggression happens because of the hierarchy that is natural among animals. It can be part of a sexual challenge for a female or to raise one’s status in the cat hierarchy. While neutered males are less apt to fight this way, they, too, can have inter-male aggression, particularly if neutered later in life. The behavior seen with this type of aggressive cat behavior is body posturing, staring, howling, yowling, and stalking each other. They two can fight, trying to bite each other’s neck or scratch their underbelly. It can all of a sudden stop – the two will separate and move away a bit – and then happen again right away – or they will just walk away.

Defensive Aggression is typical of a situation where the cat is trying to protect itself, like they are saying “don’t hurt me or even look like you will or I’ll hurt you”. For example, if you’ve ever tried to catch a feral cat, once it feels trapped it will attack in self-defense. The behavior seen with defensive aggressive cat behavior prior to an attack has the cat crouching with the legs under the body, tail tucked in, and ears pulled back. If the threat does not go away, the cat will usually attack with nails and teeth.

Redirected Aggression is like the cat is saying “I’m mad at him, so ill hit you”. This is an aggressive cat behavior that is directed to a different breed of cat, for example, if your cat will see another cat out of the front window, he will usually attack the other family cat who was just sitting there.

By: Immotna Marketing

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Andy Immotna has been maintaining a number of premium membership websites that constantly provides members with highly valuable information - from internet marketing to niche topics. Also visit for more resources.