Cat Sense: fact about smell, sight, sound, taste and touch

by Idham Effendi

Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell. A cat will always sniff its food before eating and scent marks are an essential part of feline communication.Cats also have a unique mechanism at the top of their mouth, which enables them to make a special analysis of air molecules. A domestic cat's sense of smell is about fourteen times as strong as a human's but not quite as good as the dog's.

Average cats have a visual field of view estimated at 200°, versus 180° in humans, with a binocular field (overlap in the images from each eye) narrower than that of humans. Cats have excellent night vision and can see much better than us even in a badly lit environment, though they cannot see in total darkness. Sight is key element in a cat's hunting ability. While a cat's general vision is poor (much duller than a person's) because of the particular structure of their retinas, cats have an exceptional ability to see movement.

Cats can hear sounds that are three times as high than the ones we can. Cats in fact use their hearing for preying , for example for deciding whether a mouse hole is inhabited or deserted. Humans can hear frequencies from about 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz, dogs from about 20 hertz to 40 kilohertz, and cats from about 30 hertz to 60 kilohertz. The shape of the ear is designed to funnel sound down to the middle ear, where the tympanic membrane and three small bones called auditory ossicles transmit vibrations into the inner ear.

Cats use their sense of taste to determine which foods are good for them. Cats are also not very sensitive to the taste of salt. Some experts say that this is because they get all the salt they need from their meat-based diet. Compared to humans, the cat's sense of taste is weak. We have 9,000 taste buds, while they have only 473. The preferred temperature for feline food is 86 degrees Fahrenheit--the same temperature as the cat's tongue.

Like us, cats have touch receptors all over their body. These nerve cells transfer sensations of pressure, temperature and pain from any point to the brain. The most sensitive places on the cat's body, where the nerve cells are concentrated, are the face and the front paws. This is because these are the most important body parts the cat uses while hunting. The cat's whiskers are the most sensitive of all. The special hairs, called vibrissae, are set deep within the skin and provide the cat with sensory information about the slightest air movement around it - a valuable tool for a nocturnal hunter.

Today cats are no longer suspected of supernatural powers. Cats can hear sounds that we can't hear, see things that we can't see and smell and feel the world around us in ways that we can never grasp. Get more:

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Idham Effendi Email: Website:

Cat Character Has Won The Hearts Of Many Cats Lovers

by Idham Effendi

Cats are all kings and queens in their own reigns. Do show respect for them and care for them as much as they care for you.They are gentle to their humans and love them more than they love themselves. Dont punish them and always learn to understand about cat character. Here are some summerize list of interesting fact about cat character.

Their Special Way of Walking: the cat is a skillful hunter and this may be the reason for a cat to walk in that special manner. The cat walk moves two legs on one side together first and, then shifts to repeat the motion with the other side.

The tail of the cat also plays a part in the cat walk as it provides balance, much in the same way as the tightrope walker uses a long pole. A cat that walks along a narrow ledge or fence can peer over in one direction by taking the help of its tail that moves in the opposite direction.

The footpads of the cat are extremely calloused and are of a modified skin that will cover the connective tissue and, thus is much tougher than normal skin. This allows the cat to walk even in the cold, without any problem.

Average cats have a visual field of view estimated at 200°, versus 180° in humans, with a binocular field (overlap in the images from each eye) narrower than that of humans.

Domestic cats are very effective predators. They ambush and dispatch vertebrate prey using tactics similar to those of leopards and tigers.

Cats are a very clean animal. They take care of it themselves by licking their fur. The cats tongue is rough, and loose hair and debris stick to it very well. When swallowed, the loose hair forms a hairball in their stomach.

Most kittens will climb over objects, only to fall off again. Climbing is an integral part of a cats life, and kittens learn how to climb the hard way. When the cat knows how to climb, they are quite good at it, using both their legs and claws.

Kittens are always very curious about their surroundings, and tend to wander off from their mothers. The mother cat is very protective, and will catch her kitten, and carry them back home in her mouth, by the scruff of their necks.

It is widely known that cats see better in the dark than we do. There is a layer behind their retina, called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light. Humans, on the other hand, see better than cats do during the day.

Male cats are very territorial, and mark their territory by urinating inside, and outside their home. This is more common in male cats who have not been neutered. They will also rub on people and objects as another means of marking their territory.

More about cat:
About the author
Idham Effendi Email: Website:

The Truth about Cat Myths

by Jack

Just when you think you already know a lot about cats, you may still find it difficult to tell whether a thing about cats is a fact or a myth. Read on to know more about the real deal about common cat misconceptions.

Cats and dogs are eternal enemies.
Fact: Contrary to popular belief, cats can actually develop harmonious relationships with dogs and other pets as well. They can also make very good pets in the home. If you take good care of your pet cat, you will find that it can be the most loving and comforting creature you will ever have.

Indoor cats are unhappy. Fact: Although it may be true in many cases that older cats who have been outdoors can be unhappy when kept indoors, any indoor cat can be happy as long as you give them different stuffs that they can spend time and have fun playing with. Give your furry friend toys and other stuffs, but be sure that these are safe for your pet.
Cats can take care of themselves and are low maintenance. Fact: while cats may project an image of being independent, this does not necessarily mean that they should be given the least care. It certainly is not true that cats can live up to nine lives either. In fact, the average life of stray, undomesticated cats is only three years. Cats also need proper care, nourishment and attention too.

De-clawing and trimming nails are one and the same.
Fact: De-clawing or onychectomy is done by surgically amputating the first joint of each of a cat’s toe. This procedure is performed so that owners will not have to worry about annoying cat scratches anymore. However, animal rights advocates view this procedure as inhumane and cruel. De-clawing is not the same as mere trimming since the claws will just grow back after a while.

Female cats need kittens before neutering.
Fact: Female cats may have more serious risks when pregnant than when she is spayed. Although many people may want cats to produce kittens, the truth is that spaying can prevent uterine and mammary cancer, formation of ovarian cysts as well pregnancy complications that include malformed kittens and stillbirth. And if you find cat overpopulation alarming, spaying your female cat just might be your option.

Spayed male cats have higher risks of UTIs.
Fact: Although a study showed that neutered cats had no bearing on the increase of the risks of UTIs, a study conducted by the Win Feline Foundation revealed that a spayed male cat aged 10 to 15 years old had the highest risk of developing certain uroliths or crystals. When measuring the risks of acquiring UTIs between spayed and non-spayed cats, the former is better.
About the author
Jack Moundon is the owner of , Helpul information about cats health problems and meanings about their common behavior. Great gift for cat lovers and helping you cat stay healthy.

The Benefits of Cat Toys

by Kelly Wolfe

One of the Most widespread health concerns for indoor cats is being overweight. Indoor cats are prone to being overweight mainly because they don’t have to stalk or hunt for their dinner. One of the things you can do for your overweight cat is give her a reduced calorie diet or give her a cat toy to play with. Playing with cat toys is fun and can be beneficial in many ways.

One of the best ways to entice your cat to exercise is to dangle a cat toy in front of her. Try putting catnip on your cat toy to “lure” your cat into the “playing mode”. Having your cat play with an interactive cat toy is the “purrfect” way for your cat to get some much needed exercise.

Relief of Boredom
Cats are curious by nature. When cats are indoors they can get depressed due to the lack of excitement that is present in the wild. Cats need some sort of challenge every day. Being able to look out a window, climb a cat tree, or chase a feather cat toy is an essential part of being a healthy indoor cat.

Family Bonding
Whether it is a bond between the owner, a child, or another cat, bonding with the aid of cat toys is very important for your cat’s health. Just like humans, cats need to be in a loving family environment. Having an assortment of cat toys to play with your pet not only is a great exercise but is a great way to create much needed bonds to feel like part of the family. Make sure you spread your love to everyone including your cat. When your cat is in a loving environment, she may even play with the family dog. I know mine does!

All cats whether indoor or outdoor need exercise. One of the easiest and most fun ways is to play with her using a variety of cat toys. Not only with this keep the weight down but it will keep her happy, healthy, and free from stress and boredom. So get out those cat toys and catnip and play, play, play.

About the author
Kelly Wolfe Women of the West, Inc. Email: