"Finding the Perfect Cat or Kitten for You and Your Family"

Author: NS Kennedy
Some people say they are exclusively "cat people," meaning they only want to have a cat as a pet. That doesn't mean that just any cat will be the right companion. When choosing a cat to be your companion, be certain to make the choice that will work best for both you and the animal.
An athletic, highly energetic cat is fun to watch, but a cat can be a challenge to care for. A shy, sensitive cat probably wouldn't thrive in a home with lots of hullabaloo. The first step to choosing a cat is evaluating your lifestyle so you can find a cat with similar needs.
Some people only want a purebred, while others take great delight in their basic domestic crossbreed. Hair length is another decision to be made; long-haired cats require daily brushing and combing, but tend to shed less than short-haired cats. Do you have the time needed to raise a well-behaved kitten, or would a mature, mellow adult be a better companion? Once you have decided on what the right cat for you will be like, it's time to start the search.
Where Can You Find a Cat?
* Breeders: you should spend time researching to find a reputable breeder with years of experience* Animal charities: these are usually a great source for a first time pet owner. The experienced and dedicated staff will be able to give you advice and knowledge* Friends or neighbours: this can sometimes be a good source, as you will know where your pet has come from.* Never buy through personal advertisements in papers - you don't know what you are getting
Whether you look for your feline friend at a local animal shelter or from a breeder, take your time and ask plenty of questions. When you find a cat that catches your attention, spend some time watching her, and watching her watch you. Does she vocalize to get your attention or act aloof? These behaviors can give you insight to a cat's personality.
Ask for the opportunity to interact with the cat. Is she shy around strangers such as yourself, but confident with her caretakers? Or is she skittish with everyone? Remember that a cat acts differently when a stranger is present, and that cats in shelters often act very different than they usually would because of the stressful environment. Most humane societies and animal rescue groups gather a history on each animal they take in. This can tell you what the cat's likes and dislikes are, whether it is comfortable around children or other cats, etc.
If you have other cats or dogs at home, consider their personalities when choosing a cat. If your existing cat is older than 10 years and used to being the only cat in the house, she might not welcome a newcomer. A dog with a high prey drive will be provoked by a high-energy kitten. If you have no pets at home, consider adopting two cats. Many animal shelters have special pricing for "two-for-ones," and the cats make great companions for on another when you are not home.
When you bring a cat into your home, you make a commitment to always meet her needs. Advances in cat nutrition and veterinary medicine mean that many cats live 15-20 years. If you buy a kitten for children remember the cat will be part of the family long after your kids have left home! Before you get a pet, be sure you can take care of it for life.

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"Ensure a Good Relationship Between Your Cat and Your Kids"

Author: NS Kennedy
Many parents know that the best way for children to learn compassion and the importance of keeping commitments is by helping to care for a pet. Children learn from watching the adults in their lives. If a child can learn to treat an animal with respect they can take that lesson into later life. A cat can be a marvellous, loving companion for a child, but it is up to the adults in the family to ensure the cat and the kids live together happily ever after.
When you first bring a cat home, explain to your child that they will need to be patient, quiet and gentle to help the cat feel safe. Sit on the floor with your child and help him practice patience as the cat gets up the courage to come close. Let your child feed the cat a piece of food from his hand. If the cat is reluctant to come close, have your child gently toss a piece of food close to the cat. Once the cat realizes what your child is offering, the ice will melt.
Very young children can easily overwhelm a cat or kitten with their exuberance. Children under the age of five years should always be supervised when playing with or handling a cat. Children over 12 years can usually be trusted to be gentle, but be sure to occasionally check up on kids under 12 years when they spend concentrated time with the family cat.
You should remind children that they should not disturb a sleeping cat, or a cat that is using its litter tray.
Kittens appear to be amazingly flexible, and children often think nothing of draping a weeks-old cat over the crook of the arm and carrying it around like a toy, or picking up a kitten by the scruffof its neck. In this position, it is easy for the kitten to be dropped and seriously injured. Also, being carried like this leaves the cat feeling unsupported with it's hind legs swinging in space.
The best way to carry a kitten or cat is to place one hand or arm under its front legs, and support its hind legs with the other hand or arm. This gives the cat a secure feeling. Teach your children not to carry the cat from one place to another. Explain that for the cat's safety, they should always sit when they want to hold the cat, and should have their friends do the same.
Cats often have a mind of their own. Your child might feel like snuggling quietly at a time when your cat wants to play pounce. Impress on your children that if the cat ever struggles to get away, they should respect her wishes and let her go. A cornered cat will scratch and bite.
Encourage your children to exercise the cat by playing with appropriate toys. It is always tempting to play "catch my hand" with a kitten, because it is so amusing how fascinated they are with fingers. You should ensure that your children know the difference between playing and teasing your cat. If you teach a kitten that it is acceptable to swat and bite fingers, you'll wind up with an adult cat that regularly attacks you. Not exactly the kind of cuddly cat parents want for their children.

About the Author
Pet Medication Supplies http://www.pet-medication-supplies.net can help you get the best possible supplies for your pet. Advantix, Arthramine, Cosequin, Frontline, Heartgard - find the best deals in pet medication for flea and tick control, arthritis and lyme disease. Upto 50% discount everyday on brand names.


Author: NS Kennedy
At some time or another even the sweetest cat "misbehaves." Ironically, a cat's bad act is usually quite normal behavior for her, but may have a result humans don't like or want. Screaming at the cat or physically punishing her won't alter negative behavior. The best way to change undesirable behavior is to eliminate the opportunity and/or distract the cat to an acceptable alternative.
Immediacy is vital: even seconds late may be ineffective. You must do it as soon as the cat starts misbehaving.
Distracting a cat away from an act is not very difficult. A loud, unfamiliar noise will quickly get her attention. Some cat owners use a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of a game show buzzer. Keeping the sound low-toned and harsh is important, because you want to save high-pitched sounds for praise and reinforcement of positive behaviors.
One well-known way to distract a misbehaving cat is to give her a blast with a spray bottle. While this works, it has some drawbacks. First, you must have the bottle in your hand at the exact moment the cat is about to act in a way you want to discourage. Unless you follow your cat around all day with a spray bottle in your hand, this is unlikely to happen. The second problem is that this technique seems to lose effectiveness after a while with some cats.
The best way to extinguish negative behaviors is to remove the opportunity. If your cat obsessively scratches the side of your couch, place a loose blanket or hard acrylic panel against it. Both techniques remove her access to the satisfying feel of the fabric. If she climbs your curtains, shredding them as she goes, fold or pin them out of her reach unless you are around to stop her. If she has accidents only when you are not home, only give her free run of the house when you are there. When you go out, close her in a room with food, water, litter box, scratching post and a couple of toys.
Avoid, at all times, any form of physical punishment. It doesn't matter if your vet or the "cat expert" down the street suggests it; physically punishing your cat will do more harm than good. Some people feel that a "little" tap on the cat's nose with your finger is an acceptable form of punishment because you are only using one finger. Humane group experts point out, however, that if you look at that finger in proportion to a cat's nose - a very sensitive body part - it would be like someone hitting you on the nose with a rolling pin.
You can try gently pushing the palm of your hand into the face of the cat. This is best used when discouraging something like biting. Don't hit the cat, simply push its face back gently.
Inflicting pain has a negative affect on your relationship with your cat. Even the most outgoing cat will back away from your hands, even if they are only reaching out to pet her. If your cat is shy to begin with, physical punishment can have even more deeply negative results.
Keep in mind, too, what you are communicating when you swat your cat. Swatting is one of the main ways cats fight with one another. When you swing your hand at your cat, she very well may take it as a challenge to fight. Constantly provoking her can create a serious aggression problem.

About the Author
Pet Medication Supplies http://www.pet-medication-supplies.net can help you get the best possible pet health supplies. Advantix, Arthramine, Cosequin, Frontline, Heartgard - find the best deals in pet medication for flea and tick control, arthritis and lyme disease. Upto 50% discount everyday on brand names.

The Brazilian Shorthair Cat

Native to the country of Brazil, Brazilian Shorthair is a shorthair feline breed. The cat is still in relatively initial stages as an official domestic feline breed and is still not formally recognized by many registration bodies of cat fancies. In fact its discovery began as recently as the mid nineteen eighties when officials of Brazilian Cat Federation realized the need for a native cat of Brazil. They began comparing and surveying alley cats across the country and found that they were remarkably similar in their appearance and traits. Thereafter the preservation and maintenance of purebred Brazilian Shorthairs was started in earnest.
Mid-sized felines, Brazilian Shorthairs have a strong physical built. Their body is slender in comparison to shorthair cats of Europe and North America. Head is somewhat long with almond shaped slightly oblique eyes and medium sized ears that are rounded at the tip. Fur is short and close-lying to the body. A variety of colors and patterns are documented. Legs are well muscled. Tail is medium in length and tapering at its end.
The most significant threat facing the Brazilian Shorthair cats is pollution of their genetic pool. There is widespread crossbreeding and purebred felines are quite rare. Even though authorities in Brazil have encouraged people to come forward with cats that are closest to the true genome of the breed, there remains a shortage in number of purebred Brazilian Shorthairs. As a result few dedicated breeding programs exist for these pretty cats at the moment.
Brazilian Shorthairs possess a very pleasant temperament. They are easy going and adoring cats that take no time in establishing affectionate bonds with their humans. They are good with kids and other pets and enjoy company of people. Brazilian Shorthairs are known for their ability to develop loving relationships with all members of the family, staying attached to people all the while.
By: Ailurophile
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
The author is a blogger about cats and an expert on Brazilian Shorthair cat.

Cat Toys Can Make Your Cat Happy

Cats are naturally great hunters this is why they love to pounce or play with many different things. They love to search for things that are crawling or moving. When they see a moving object, they fix their eyes on it and it is going to pounce on it if it gets his attention. This is why many cat owners buy cat toys because they make their pets happy and prevent boredom.
You might notice that a cat naturally turns its eyes on a moving object or a thing that makes sound. And when the object is small, they will really try to pounce on it and play with it endlessly. But when you are buying cat toys, make sure that it is harmless and that it would not cause any injury to the pet.
Some cats may swallow the toy accidentally that is why you should make sure that it would not ruin or injure its digestive system in any way. And it should have sharp edges or harmful substances that may damage your cat’s stomach. Some pets even die of severe choking so these are some of the things you should avoid.
If you think that cat toys are expensive, well... think again. Besides, you do not need to buy the costly ones just to keep your cat entertained. You can buy a number of inexpensive toys to keep your cat interested and just rotate the sets from time to time so that your cat would not be bored. Another thing about cat toys is that it will prevent your cat from leaving the house so often.
If you provide them with things to play with, then they would not bother straying away. However, you should also talk them for a walk outside or let them play in the yard once in a while because they also need the sunshine and the fresh air. This will surely make your cats healthy and strong. Moreover, if they get plenty of exercise and if they never get bored, it certainly would not feel anxiety or stress.
There are many kinds of cat toys. Some of these are the lightweight balls, moving mouse figures, rubber balls and even stuffed animals. These are just some of the pet products you can purchase in pet shops and supermarkets. You can search the internet for a wide variety of toys, pet products, and many more. You can also explore or visit the nearest pet shop near you.
By: trinity smith
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
To learn more about Cat Toys, Pet Products and other training tips and tricks please visit Pet Shop.