Cat Hair Woes

By: Morgen Marshall
Cat hair gets everywhere. In the bedding, on the screens, deep in the carpet, and of course, on clothes. While the hair is not an allergen, the danderand allergens stick to it so we sneeze. As an owner of two beautiful long-hair cats, I'm inundated with cat hair.

I end up covered with cat hair as soon as I get out of the shower, and even when I'm cooking. It can be a real mess! So, how do I keep it down, and what makes things worse?

Spray a light mist of water over the floor, then, sweep up the hair with a broom and dust pan and put it in the trash. After that, damp mop, don't use a dry dust mop. They will catch a little of the hair, then start pushing the hair around. It will be so full of hair, you'll have to toss it. Those dust mop heads stir up more hair than they pick up. Using a damp paper towel over a sponge mop is much better.

First of all, never, ever stir up the hair. A damp towel on the end of a broom helps take it off the walls, picture frames and moulding. A damp sponge helps remove it from furniture and clothes.

Rugs are a completely different story. Put a light mist of water over the carpet, then rub a damp sponge mop over the carpet. Then, use the best vacuum you can find. Go over the rug or carpet several times. You will need to change bags at least once, if it's a bag model. Put a filter over the air return so that you don't end up putting cat hair back into the air.

Once you have the hair picked up and off the furniture, rugs and walls, treat everything with an anti-static spray or wipe it down with a dryer sheet. This makes the next round of cat hair easier to remove. You can make your own dryer sheet by using a washcloth, liquid softener and a dryer. Use just enough of the softener liquid to lightly dampen the washcloth and dry it before use.

Clothing can be taped, wiped down and laundered. I've tried several of those little balls you throw into the washer and dryer to collect the hair and had little results. The best way I've found to remove the hair is to damp sponge items before throwing them in the washer and picking off the hair balls that show up after the dryer. I keep the lint filter cleaned and clean it out midway through the drying cycle. Always tell your dry cleaner about the cat hair. They can remove the hair and treat your clothes to make hair removal easier the next time.

Some items need special care. A sewing machine should have a cover. When cat hair gets in the inner workings and combines with the oils present for lubrication, the machine stops working or burns up the motor. Stereo and video equipment should be wiped down daily. A computer will draw the hair inside because of the cooling fan. Use canned air to clean it weekly. This will greatly prolong the life of your computer. Televisions collect hair in the back workings and need to be blown out weekly. Wall and space heaters should be cleaned before use to prevent fires. Area and room fans need to be kept clean. The work better that way. Clean the blades regularly and keep all grills free of hair.

You can deal with the cat hair at the source. Run damp hands along your cat and remove a lot of loose hair that way. You can also use a rubber brush.

I recently got a memory foam pad for my bed, and the cats love it. They act like it's catnip! There is a chemical odor to the foam that draws the cats. Because it's foam, it grabs the hair from the cats. You can try wood combs, plastic combs and rubber brushes. A trick I learned a long time ago was to spray hairspray on a comb and then spray it again. The sticky surface grabs hair. Try this on your favorite brush.

You can try supplements to the cats diet, including oils and vitamins that decrease shedding. Of course, you can wash your cat with a gentle shampoo.

Regular grooming is your best defense against cat hair. It will reduce the hair coming from the cat and make the cleaning up much easier.

Yes, cat hair is a pain -- a pain I'm willing to live with.

Morgen Marshall

The Basics of Cat Feeding

By: Morgen Marshall
Cat Feeding Basics Cats need crunchy food, meat and clean water every day. Many cats can do without the meat or canned foods, but all should be getting some crunchy food every day to ensure dental health.

Cats can be messy eaters, and a placemat under their food bowls can be helpful. Keep the area clean and sanitary. Use a non-toxic cleaner on the floor and walls around the feeding area. Keep cat hair to a bare minimum and clean the area daily. Wash all food bowls daily, especially bowls used for wet foods, in hot water with soap before each use. Failure can cost your cat's health!

Water should be fresh every day. Many cats will move the bowl around the floor. This can be amusing but the behavior has a purpose. Cats cannot see the surface of the water, and by making it move, light will reflect, giving the cat an accurate distance measurement to the surface of the water. You can add a drop of food coloring to the water that contrasts with the bowl color to accentuate the cat's detection of the water surface to reduce or eliminate moving of the water bowl. For this reason, a filtering water system is helpful. The movement of the water is attractive to the cats, and the filter keeps the water clean and fresh. Even with the use of these systems, it is important to wash the bowl with soap and water, and refresh the water supply daily.

Use stainless steel bowls for wet, canned or fresh foods. These are most easily cleaned and have the strongest resistance to bacteria. Never feed more food than the cat can consume in a 30-minute period. Remove the bowls after feeding. Frequent feedings are fine, as long as your cat continues to eat dry foods.

A good-quality dry food is recommended for daily grazing. Many quality brands are available in supermarkets, and specialty foods are available at dedicated pet supply stores. Specialty foods include formulations for senior cats, cats with certain conditions including cancer diabetes, and kidney disease; and formulations specifically for pregnant or lactating cats and cats prone to digestive upsets. Dry food promotes dental health by stimulating gums and cleaning teeth. Dry food can be fed in ceramic or plastic bowls, as long as the bowls are cleaned daily with hot soapy water. Be sure to allow the bowls to dry completely before adding the dry food to deter bacterial growth. Fresh food is recommended daily, and is more appetizing to the cat. Having additional bowls available for dry food is advisable.

Do not over-feed the dry food because stale food is not attractive to your cat and will need to be discarded. Also, your cat may eat more than is healthy and add weight, which contributes to health problems. Hips, digestive tracts and blood glucose levels are only a few of the tender systems in your cat. By over-feeding your cat, you can contribute to an early demise. In addition, by knowing how much your cat normally eats, you can be alerted early if your cat suddenly stops eating, which is another sign of disease. Since cats cannot tell us when they do not feel well, any early indications of disease are helpful and can forestall serious consequences.

By practicing these hygienic habits and providing fresh food and water for your cat daily, your cat will live a healthier, longer life.

Copyright 2005, Morgen Marshall [Cat Feeding Supplies] (link:

What is a Cat Whisperer?

By: Morgen Marshall
Similar to a horse or dog whisperer, a Cat Whisperer is a person who relates particularly well with cats. A Cat Whisperer has unusual luck and success with cats. Often people bring cats or a single cat will just "show up" at their home. This cat will adopt the whisperer.

For myself, I've had Persians and black cats mostly, show up and move in. Sometimes, the cat's people moved and abandoned the cat. Other times, the cat just decided it liked it better at my house.

Some say that a Cat Whisperer is a cat therapist, but in truth, most Cat Whisperers are good cat behaviorist. Most Cat Whisperers have never had any formal training, and come by it naturally. They understand a cat's way of thinking and work with its existing behaviors to achieve the desired results.

Some cats that have been abused will only respond to a Cat Whisperer. Other people may try to help the cat and only see a scared cat with a long memory of abuse and hurt. These cats often tragically end up in kill shelters. It is tragic because the cats have already endured so much. Many of these poor cats were once loved and coddled pets. They were abandoned, mistreated by children or cruel adults, terrorized by dogs and possibly even tortured.

When a cat is this badly damaged emotionally and physically, it takes great patience and care to bring the poor cat back to some semblance of normalcy around people.

A cat lover and trainer invites you to a world of cats. A website dedicated to making the relationship between cats and people harmonious and healthy, [For the Love of Cats] (link: is a place for people facing difficulties in their relationships with cats to come and find the answers they need and can trust.

Abused Cats

Abused cats can be terribly maimed and damaged on the outside. They can even appear quite normal on the outside and all the damage might be emotional.

The emotional damage is harder to repair. A physically damaged cat will still respond positively to a soft voice and touch. They seem to know that the abuse will not continue anymore.

With an emotionally abused cat, you will need to let the cat come to you. Feed and care for it conscientiously. If you have another, more loving cat, the example to the abused cat will be good for it and will serve to draw the cat out.

Screaming, yelling, startling, and indiscriminate use of disciplinary tools, such as a water pistol can cause emotional damaged. Prolonged exposure to this treatment produces a cat that is slow to trust. The cat may turn mean or become lethargic.

If the cat becomes mean, it is actually a good sign. A lethargic cat is harder to reach. The angry cat still cares what happens to it, while the lethargic cat could care less.

The lethargic cat will not play, respond to treats, pats, or a soft voice. Your best bet with the lethargic cat is a companion cat to draw the poor thing out. Eventually, the damaged kitty will ask for a pat or scratch while you are most vulnerable - usually lying in bed or on the toilet. Give confident, gentle snuggling and use a soft voice. Do not make too much of a fuss - but let the cat know you like the new behavior. Move slowly because the cat is still quite traumatized. Once this behavior begins, you are well on your way to a friendly, but still stand-off-ish house cat. It may take a long time, and consistency is the key. Never raise your voice around the cat. It will run. Every instance of veterinary care will be traumatic to it. Try to minimize visits and combine the purposes. Your cat will hide after each visit for as long as it feels upset. Continue to speak softly and care for the cat. It will come out and be friendly eventually. This type of cat has the longest memory for past hurts. If you take on a cat like this, be prepared for a long, intensive period of healing.

The angry or mean cat will run away, fight and scratch. Consistent, gentle treatment and a soft voice are your best bets. If you tame the cat as if it were Feral, you will have the best results. Never trick the cat into a situation where it feels trapped. It will instantly revert.

Black cats face a serious risk around Halloween. Never leave the cat unattended outside during this time of year. It seems that all the sickos in the world come looking for black cats at this time of year. The unsuspecting and trusting pet black cat may be cat-napped and tortured or killed.

A cat lover and trainer invites you to a world of cats. A website dedicated to making the relationship between cats and people harmonious and healthy, [For the Love of Cats] (link: is a place for people facing difficulties in their relationships with cats to come and find the answers they need and can trust.

Cheap cat insurance: give your cat the unsurpassed healthcare benefits

By : robert scott
Usually, we do every possible thing to secure our family members; in fact, our pets also get same care and security as any other member of our family. However, there are many times when we feel helpless and stressed; basically it happens when our loved pet face any critical health problem. Since pets cannot express their problems in words, we need to be more careful in understanding their problem. It is true that unavailability of proper understanding and treatment can put our pet’s life in danger therefore we need to take out pet to the best doctor so that he or she may get best care and treatment. Since people have become more conscious for the wellbeing of their pets, they are buying various insurance policies to cover various requirements of their lives. When it comes to buy an insurance policy for your sweet little cat, there is a long list of insurance plans in the marketplace. However all policies carry distinct benefits but if you are looking for the most affordable policy then it is always better to go for cheap cat insurance.

There are several things you need to consider when looking for cheap cat insurance for your beloved cat. Though cheap cat insurance policies offer low rates but it is always better to compare all plans and their cost as it helps in finding out the most reasonable deal. With sensible comparison and research you can get the most suitable insurance plan for your sweet little cat; in fact, this plan will cover all possible medical and hygiene expenses of your cat. Basically, deductible and co-payment are the two possible ways of payment for your cat’s medical treatments under such insurance. In deductible process, you will have to pay for all medical treatments as the insurance company will reimburse that amount after completion of the treatment; whereas with co-payment procedure, your cat gets reasonable concession on every treatment.

You can choose either one or both options for your cat’s insurance policy but always make sure that you observe the difference between deductible and co-payment options. There are many cheap cat insurance policies that offer barred service just to allure the pet owners therefore, if you find any such provision or facility with any policy then never go for it as it can cause big financial trouble to you. If you have a cat with any ongoing medical condition such as diabetes, then your cat will be secured up to a certain limit only.

Once you avail that maximum limit for your cat’s treatment, you becomes liable to pay father medical expenses from your own pocket. In fact, these policies do not cover any medical expenses prior to purchasing the insurance policy. Since age of your cat determines the cost of policy, always remember that the older your cat is, the more expensive the policy may be. Therefore, if your cat has been diagnosed with any long term disease, then immediately buy an insurance policy for her as it will give you the great financial relief during her treatment.
Author Resource:- Robert Scott is a veterinary doctor and through ages having been dealing in pet insurance. If you want to know more about Pet insurance,veterinary pet insurance,pet health insurance, Cheap cat insurance you can visit

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