Why Does My Cat Have a Urinary Blockage and What Can I Do About It?

By Stephen Jones

If you notice that only drops of urine come out at a time when your cat tries to urinate and he is urinating a lot more often than usual, he may be suffering from a cat urinary blockage.

The symptoms of a blockage in cat are many but some of the most common ones are a complete cessation of urination, blood in the urine, and straining to urinate. There are a variety of factors that can cause cat urinary blockage. Some are prostate gland infection in male cats, stones, a tumor, and crystals.

Crystals and stones are common in male cats because their urethras are long and narrow, making it easier for crystals and stones to form. Male cats also deal with prostate gland infections. Since the prostate wraps around the urethra, when it is swollen it can prevent urine flow. The symptoms of a blockage in cat are quite painful.

Your cat may not exhibit many signs of being in pain so you need to keep an eye out for particular symptoms that point to a problem. If you see blood in your cat's urine, your cat's urine smells foul, your cat only lets out drops of urine at a time, or your cat is straining to urinate, it's essential that you take action immediately. It's important that you take your cat to the vet to diagnose the problem at once. If your cat stops urinating for even a couple of days, he can die. In order to prevent that from happening, immediate diagnosis and treatment is imperative.

Your vet will do some tests to find out what is causing the cat urinary blockage. Once that is figured out, your vet will either have to remove the blockage through surgery, manually, or by dissolving it with a special diet.

Depending on the severity of the issue, you have to choose an appropriate treatment with your vet. However, it doesn't stop there. The symptoms of a blockage in cat may go away after treatment but the problem will only come back to haunt you and your cat unless you make preventive treatment a priority. The best preventive treatment for cat urinary blockage is homeopathy.

Homeopathic remedies contain ingredients that are known to alleviate the symptoms of urinary problems and prevent blockages by maintaining a healthy pH level in the urinary tract and promoting the free flow of urine.

Look for a homeopathic remedy that contains cantharis and uva ursi. Also give your cat vitamin C everyday to prevent cat urinary blockage altogether. By taking these simple steps, you will be able to keep your cat healthy and blockage free for the rest of his nine lives.

Tips to Healthy Firm Cat and Dog Stool

By Rebecca Shelly

Runny stools or diarrhea are one of the most common problems seen in our pets. Digestive disorders can be a result of a change in diet, food allergies, virus, overeating, toxic substances like garbage or rotten food, unknown objects, diseases like cancer, and parasites.

One of the most important things you can do for your pet to maintain firm cat and dog stools are to provide a healthy diet. Never feed your pet chocolates, spicy food, people food or milk. Make sure they have ample water and plenty of exercise to help keep his bowel movements regular and relieve stress.

If your dog or cat has diarrhea that is persistent or lasts more than a couple of days seek medical advice. Your pet can become dehydrated, or there could be a blockage which can be life threatening. Other signs to look for which would require immediate veterinarian services would be fever, pain, vomiting, blood in the diarrhea, lethargy, depression, weight Loss, dehydration and loss of appetite.


If no cause has been found that requires medical treatment for your pet's runny stools or diarrhea you may want to introduce a raw diet. Cooked over processed food and pasteurized milk all can be detrimental to the health of our animals. Treating your pet for loose stools could be as simple as giving our pets the diet that they were designed to eat. Gradually introduce raw, unprocessed food in small amounts while reducing canned foods.

To help your pet maintain healthy firm cat and dog stools a homeopathic veterinarian might prescribe plantago major, alchemilla vulgaris or a combination of these and other herbs and botanical extracts. All of these are well known tonics for treating and preventing digestive disorders.

Prevention & Maintenance

Runny stools or diarrhea is not a disease but a symptom of something else going on with the stomach or intestinal tract and there are many home remedies to help correct an irregular digestive problem, if no medical problem exists.

If you are now using a regular veterinarian, consider switching to a holistic vet. They are usually more aware of the stress that a vet visit causes an animal. They avoid over-immunizations and help you learn to support your pets' digestive system.

Rebecca Shelly has been researching alternative health conditions for pets for many years. She is a regular contributor to Natural Pet Health a site discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for pet health on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications for your pet, visit the site to learn more.

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