Persian Cat Information And Cat And Kitten Types Are Described


Most people have a liking for pet animals and for them cats are no exceptions. People may find a variety of cats depending on their body types. It is easy to spot the difference between the stocky Persian and the long, lean, Abyssinian cat. To see how well they differ, it is best to see these cats in action.

Different Body Types:

Given below is the information of body types of different cats:

1. Traditional Applehead: Traditional Applehead cat is big-boned, more stocky and heavier of the three Siamese cats. The cat has a large bone structure. Head of the traditional applehead cat is similar to the shape of an apple. Nose of the cat has a dip, which can be seen when the head turns on its side.

2. Traditional: Traditional Siamese cat has a medium-sized bone structure. The head is oval which tilts vertically. Traditional cat has an elongated face as compared to the Applehead cat. It is athletic in appearance. Body coat of all three traditional Siamese cats are dense and short. The coat is also springy and soft to touch.

3. Traditional Classic: Traditional classic cat has a muscular, elegant, an athletic shaped body. The cat is as healthy as the traditional and traditional applehead cat. The cat has light feet and a slightly elongated shape to its head. It has an elongated body, tail and legs. The cat does not have a dip at its nose.

4. Wedge Siamese: The wedge Siamese is extreme in body type and elongated. It has the head like the shape of a wedge or a triangle, very pointed and sharp. In addition, the head is delineated and the chin is aligned. The head appears wedge-shaped from the tip of the cat's nose to the corner extending to large ears. The cat has slanted eyes of almond shape. Remaining part of the cat's body is thinner, longer, svelte looking and tubular. The cat has a wider nose as compared to the traditional cat. 

5. Siamese Mix Oriental: Cat of this type has an elongated slender body, long nose, large ears and almond-shaped eyes.

Other Body Types:

Below mentioned are some other popular body types of cats:

1. Cobby: Cobby cat has a muscular, short and compact build. It has short nose, small ears and roundish eyes. Persian cat is one good example of cobby cat.

2. Persian Cat: Persian cat has a round, broad head. It has large eyes, full cheeks and short nose. The cat has round-tipped ears that tilt forwards and has ear tufts. Neck of the cat is short and thick. The cat has a solid body with broad chest across the shoulders. It has large paws. Body coat is silky, wavy and shiny. It has a short tail.

3. Turkish Van: This cat has a thick, strong body. It has round, large, slanted eyes. The cat has a long bushy tail. Its large ears rest on the top of its head. The cat's body coat is pure white.

By: Martin Marks

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Go to Cat and Kitten Zone to get your free ebook about Cats and Kittens at Cats. Cat and Kitten Zone also has information on Kittens, Cat Supplies and a Cat and Kitten Forum where you can connect with others who love cats and kittens.

Back Massage - Pummeling And Cat Stroking

Finishing moves

You can proceed to the end of the back massage with a combination of some of the next moves or, if you have time, you can try them all. They are not in any particular order and you can experiment to find out which ones your partner prefers. I vary the ending depending on whether my client wants to be woken up - in which case pummeling is invigorating - or wishes to stay in a relaxed state - when I would use cat strokes.

Pummeling is the easiest percussion movement, and is therefore ideal for beginners. It should be really rhythmic - I always imagine I' m playing the maracas in a steel band!


Pummeling is an ideal pounding movement for the back. Make loose fists with hands and pummel all over your partner's back. Your wrists should be very flexible so that the movement is light and stimulating, not heavy and painful.

While you are learning the technique, put a towel over the back and pummel through this to avoid stinging the skin or striking the flesh too hard.

Start at the buttocks and move up the back toward the neck. Vary the speed for different effects: slow for relaxation and vigorous for stimulation.

Work gently over bony areas, and never strike the spine. Also, steer clear of the kidney area, as pressure here can be painful.

Cat stroking

Cat stroking is perfect for ending the back massage since it imparts a wonderfully hypnotic and soporific effect. Start at the neck and stroke gently down the spine with one hand, and as it reaches the buttocks, follow it with your other hand. Lift off your hand at the small of the back and return it to the neck. The return movement is as important as the stroke itself, so move rhythmically. Gradually, stroke more and more slowly and lightly.

When the cat stroke is as light as you can make it, move on to the feather touch. Stroke very, very lightly down either side of the spine with both hands together, using just your fingertips. When you reach the small of the back, lift your hands off and return them to the neck. Flick your hands gently between each stroke to keep them feeling light and to get rid of the feeling of electricity that tends to gather. The movement should feel that it has no beginning or end, and you can continue with it for as long as you like.

Additional moves

There are also extra movements and positions that you can include to extend your back massage or to make a change if you are massaging regularly. Get feedback from your partner to see which he or she prefers.

By: Franchis

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Cat Health, Cat Care And Cat Food Information


Cats need a high-protein diet, rich in fats. They normally eat small meals all through the day. Cats maintain their body weight by sticking to the diet they take in. To keep cats healthy, owners have to ensure that the foods they give to their cats are rich in minerals, protein and vitamins. 

In addition, the diet needs to be limited. Increasing the food intake for cats may invite serious health problems.

Necessary Nutrients:

Cat owners need to check, if their pet food offers the following nutrients:

1. Pet food has to contain vital nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. One vital nutrient is Vitamin A and vitamin E, which helps to build resistance against a variety of diseases.

2. Animal protein from poultry, meat, egg sources and fish helps to keep bones sturdy and strong. 

3. The diet needs to have accurate balance of fatty acids that nurture the skin and coat health.

4. Taurine, an amino acid, extracted from meat sources such as fish and chicken. This helps in keeping the eyes healthy and preventing heart diseases. Taurine supports fetal growth, development and reproduction in cats.

5. Next, a fiber source such as beet pulp, which maintains the digestive system of cats, is also a necessary nutrient.

Special Dietary Needs for Pregnant or lactating cats:

Pet owners have to take enough care of their pregnant cats. Increase their intake by 50 per cent than their current diets. The owner may give kitten food as a nutritional support to cats at the time of conception. 

After the mother cat gives birth to young kittens, gradually increase the intake to 75 per cent. Maintain this diet until the kittens get used to eating canned or dry food. The moment kittens begin eating substitute food, incorporate the normal food again so that the mother cat keeps away from any weight gain.

Avoid Obesity:

Generally, indoor cats do not get the opportunity to exercise as compared to outdoor cats. Due to this, indoor cats fall prey to obesity. To avoid this, pet owners have to allow their cats to exercise in open the way they wish.

Preventing Cats from Developing Hairballs:

Cats take their own time to arrange themselves neatly. They constantly lick their fur and in the process, sometimes swallow hair. If the hairball fails to pass into the intestines, the cat may land in trouble. It may try to eject the hairball. To avoid this, pet owners have to make sure that they supply a nutritional diet to their cats.

What Every Cat Needs:

No matter what food they get to eat, owners need to make available plenty of water for their cats, always. It is advisable to place water at a distance three to five feet from the food. 

This prevents the cat from swallowing water hastily. Cats demand comfortable place to eat and prefer to stay away from people around them. Last of all, the cat owners need to take their cats to the veterinarian at regular intervals. This will help in keeping pet cats healthy and happy.

By: Martin Marks

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Go to Cat and Kitten Zone to get your free ebook about Cats and Kittens at Cats. Cat and Kitten Zone also has information on Kittens, Cat Supplies and a Cat and Kitten Forum where you can connect with others who love cats and kittens.

Cat Behavior Training

Being a cat owner can be a very rewarding thing, but many people are discouraged from owning a cat because they hear horror stories about cats misbehaving. It is true that many cats have behavioral problems, but it isn’t because they are unintelligent or just simply naughty by nature. Cats are very independent creatures and unless they are properly trained, they are probably going to have behavior issues. 

We have all heard the expression “curiosity killed the cat.” Cats are very curious by nature and this is important to remember when your cat is “misbehaving.” Just like humans, cats get bored and are likely to be very attracted to unknown objects. Keep this in mind when your cat decides to play with the picture frames on the wall or knock your jewelry off your dresser. They aren’t doing these things to intentionally upset you, they don’t understand what they are doing is considered a bad behavior. Successful cat behavior training involves positive reinforcement, meaning encouraging your cat to behave properly, rather than punishing them for behaving badly. Don’t ever hit or scold them. 

In the case of your cat getting on your dresser, instead of yelling at them or throwing something to scare them off, nicely pick your cat up and put them back on the floor. Continue to do this until they figure out they aren’t supposed to be up there, and then reward them with a treat or affection each time they jump off on their own or when they eventually just stop jumping up all together. 

The difficulty with cat behavior training is that people don’t ever think about it until they own a cat that has behavior issues, which is only natural. It is important for people considering getting a cat to do research on common cat behavior problems and educate themselves on how to fix them. Knowing what to possibly expect and educating yourself on how to deal with the problem will help you get a head start before you bring your new cat home. Once you have the new cat, start training them immediately. It is never too early to start behavior training your cat. 

Not all cats are going to have behavior problems. Each cat has a unique personality, just as humans, and some cat owners never have an issue with their cat’s behavior, others will have to train theirs. Don’t let the possibility of having to train your cat keep you from having one as a pet. They are very loving animals and you can develop a great relationship if you put in the time and effort it takes.

By: Cortney Martin

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For more cat behavior training tips, check out, the cat behavior authority site.