Knowing the Changes of Your Aging Cat

Charley Hwang

A cat will not always be young and sharp, and after it grows old, its senses will become duller, such as vision worsening and hearing or sense of smell deteriorating. Some cats age before others, or have different changes as they age, so here are some common signs of aging in a cat that you should look out for to be able to take care of your cat. Some changes may be harder than others to notice, for your cat may have adapted to the changes themselves. But after some extra attention and checkups, you should be able to find out diseases or negative aspects of your cat’s aging, and find the best prevention method. Some changes would be noticeable, such as dental diseases, which causes bad breath. Besides that, there are also harder-to-spot signs such as hearing senses deteriorating. Your cat may have gotten used to not hearing as properly as it used to, and due to that, you would not have known that your cat is actually becoming deafer. To find out for sure if your cat is really not hearing well, you can look out for its reactions to certain noises. Once when your cat used to react quickly to loud sounds and yet now, it is not really startled, or shows no signs of hearing the sound, you can be sure that your cat is suffering from hearing loss. Snap your fingers quickly behind your cat’s head, and see if it curls back right away, or react in any way to the direction of the noise. If your cat is unsure of the origins of the noise, or looking somewhere else instead, then you can be certain it has hearing problems. If you usually keep your pet in the house, then there is no need to worry about its loss in hearing. If your cat is an outdoor cat, then you should take precautions about letting it wander outside, as it may not be able to hear oncoming dangers such as vehicles or other animals like dogs. As it cannot hear the approaching sounds of these things, it may become a victim before it realizes it is in danger. Besides hearing and eyesight that is affected in your cat, its sense of taste is also reducing. For cats, this could be a problem, for they are picky animals that usually test and smell at their food to see if it is still good, or spoilt. Therefore if they cannot sense if it is delicious enough or bad, they may ignore the food, and not eat it for enough nutrition. An aging cat needs its health, and this may be damaging for its health. For more information on Aging Cats or visit, a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks

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Is It Better to Adopt An Adult Cat Instead of A Kitten?

Charley Hwang

Want a pet cat but do not know whether to get a cat or a kitten? There are advantages to getting a grown cat as a pet, but of course, one of the biggest disadvantages is that you will miss out on all the cuteness and adorable factors of a kitten that a grown cat does not have. Little kittens are definitely the most fun pets to own, and even more so if you have children around. Kittens are like children, energized and full of curiosity. These balls of fur can run and jump around the house, and skid on floors just like your children can, and attacking things that have movement, even yourself! How adorable is that? Of course, there would be a minority of people who would not welcome this behavior at all, and these people might not think that kittens are the least bit adorable. Cats, after a certain stage will slowly become less active; and become more reserved animals, with a sense of calmness about them. They become less playful and mischievous. The Pros :- Looking at an adult cat before adopting it, you will know what you are getting, as an adult cat is already fully grown. Its body, size and shape, color and behavior will not change, and it is what it is. Whether or not it is active, or loud, shy or quiet, you will know when you meet it. Therefore, you can decide on the spot whether if it is suitable for you, and you are also able to tell if the cat accepts your company and shows interest in you. Adult cats are generally easier to care for, as opposed to kittens. Not many people looking for pets want to get adult cats, as most would prefer kittens and seeing them grow up. Therefore, you are actually saving its life, as most adult cats that do not get adopted are usually put to sleep. The Cons :- Now that you think an adult cat is well trained and well behaved, you would d be surprised to find out that a common problem cat owners abandon their cats is that the adult cats does not resort to using litter boxes. This problem is not apparent when you pick out your pet. Although not using the litter box may seem like an excuse to put a pet into a shelter, finding out first hand that a cat urinates all over your house can be very maddening. At the end of the day, most people decide that they rather keep the house intact than the cat. If that little problem has changed your mind about getting a cat, do not let it. These problems are only behavioral, and it can be changed and corrected with some more proper training. Most good breeders and shelters are rather honest, and they will tell you as much as possible about the cat you are interested in, about its behavior, attitude and personality. Therefore, if the cat has a problem they will probably disclose it to you. Hence, chances are you would not be ending up getting a cat with problems, as these are rather noticeable issues that breeders and shelters won't miss. For more information on Adopting An Adult Cat or visit , a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks

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Braving A Cat Show

Ingrid Stenquist

Madison Square Gardens has an annual tradition of hosting the CFA IAMS Cat Championships, hosted by the Cat Fanciers' Association within the Expo Center. I had the great pleasure of accompanying a cat enthusiast this weekend to survey the kitty floor. After purchasing my over-priced cat show ticket, I circled my way around the many tower levels and found myself face to face with the ticket clinchers. Upon thrusting my $15 ticket into the hand of a stupidly smiling portly fellow . . . I quickly realized that this is going to be weird. Portly man: "Ha haaaaaa, only women are allowed in the show!" Me: "Uhm . . . what?!" Portly man: "Only women are allowed to be in the show. Haaaa!" Me: "Uhm . . . ok-ay. . ." He handed me back the ticket and said some smart mouthed remark about it being a joke. Thus, I stumbled up the escalator into kitty land.

Little cat carriages, decked out in vibrant satin sheets with little luxurious pillows and crystallized kitty litter were the standard. Devotees additionally, would set up mini cat shrines, dedicated to their vain 'family members'. Mothers lovingly brushed their children's fur and used makeup brushes for some peculiar reason on their feline's eyes. Instantly, I gasped in shock and mild horror and made my way to the back of the expo center, searching for a ring number two because that was where my cat lover roommate was stalking her prey. Maybe it was the numerous amounts of large people eating out of Kentucky Fried Chicken buckets that frightened me, or possibly it was the massive amounts of glittery objects meant to entertain the cats. However, I only seemed to be getting in the way of some nervous competitors that would shout, "Cat, coming through! Get out of the way!" Discovering, that there were no labels or signs of rings in the place, I gave up and found the nearest concession stand.

Once I found my roommate, I was saved the burden of traversing the floor on my own. There was a stage in the back that displayed cat celebrities. The cat from CSI made an appearance and another cat that had appeared on animal planet show competitions. The most interesting event was a cat sex education speech made by a veterinarian cat specialist. However, the speech was more disappointing than entertaining because it had little to do with sex. Most of her tactics were of giving out meaningless trivia and quizzes on cats. "Can cats mate with bunnies? Is there such a thing as Cabunnies or Cabbits? The answer is NO!" I kid you not. I blame the lack of reasoning with her being from Orange County. She was very amiable, just too peculiar for my palate.

There were also exercise rings that were physical and agility challenges for cats to run through. Basically, the owner would pay ten dollars to wave a little feather toy and have the cat jump through rings and run up stairs in order to prove the height of their skills. It looked like a fun little playground but aren't cats for the most part lazy? And don't they enjoy being lazy? Most of the cats that were sleeping seemed fairly content. There was a cat with sheep like fur, named Woolibaar. The cat not only had a stuffed animal labeling it as an icon, but it had a marquee with scrolling red lights on the top of its' plush carriage. These were high-class cats in the midst of a strenuous competition of style.

The most enjoyable part of the cat show was actually the free part. The adopt-a-cat center was more entertaining because it gave people the chance to see 'normal' cats up close and to actually be allowed to pet them without feeling like a burden. Over 500 cats were available for adoption and several affectionate varieties were on display to the public.

The benefits of going to cat shows are that you are bound to pick up some free cat samples. If you have a hungry cat, bring a friend and pick up a couple extra care packages for the feline. The dressed up teenage cat dancers are a bit overboard in the entertainment department, but the cats are what make the event, not the people.

About the Author:
Written by: Ingrid Stenquist. is a one-stop virtual assistant for businesses of all sizes, from the one-person operation to the global conglomerate. They provide mailing address services and exclusive toll free 1-800 or local numbers. Their next-generation call center provides a dedicated team of service professionals to answer your calls, giving your business a familar and consistent voice. They will serve as a telephone answering service or a full-service sales team for your business, according to your special needs:

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