Tips that help you choose the best Cat Urine Remover

By : Clint Jhonson
Almost everyone likes animals and a lot of people have one or more animals as pets. Cats are preferred by a lot of people because it is thought that they are cleaner animals that use the litter box to urinate. But the real problem of cat pet owners is the period before the cats start using the litter box. This is the time when someone can reach the point where they want to give up their cats because of their nasty habits of urinating around the house and stinking up the place. The remedy for this is finding the right Cat Urine Remover. But that is not really the easiest task. You can spend days or weeks until you find the right solution for Cleaning Cat Urine. In your search you will find that you have spent a lot of money on products that are non-refundable, thus wasting that money. Here are a few tips that can help you make the best choice for a Cat Urine Remover out of the first try. These tips can be used to determine instantly if a Cat Urine Remover is or isn’t worth buying and to rank different products.

The Cat Urine Remover should not have a fragrance for disguising or hiding the cat urine smell. This is not very effective because the problem is only solved temporarily. You will wait for two or three hours and th
EzinePrime | Your Prime Source Of EXCELLENT ARTICLESe awful smell will be back. The lack of fragrance can help you smell the urine stain and determine whether it was completely removed or not. If the smell still persists then the removal wasn’t totally effective, even though there isn’t any stain left.

When picking the solution for Cleaning Cat Urine, you should look for a product that requires an easy one-step process for its use. By doing this you can save the time necessary for applying two or three treatments for removing the smell completely. That is the last thing you need. The companies that develop products for Cleaning Cat Urine are not really considering the time it takes for completely removing the stains and the smells, since it is not their problem to deal with.

Other products that you shouldn’t pick for Cleaning Cat Urine are the ones that claim to absorb or sponge the stain. They require a first step of applying them and after a few hours a second step of removing them, which means vacuuming or cleaning it up. This doubles the work and it has to be cleaned thoroughly in order to remove all the remnants of the cleaning agent.

The nastiest component in the urine is the uric salt crystals, which give the urine its smell. They also bear the marking scents of your pet. It is just like dogs use urine to mark their territory. Finding a solution for completely removing the uric salt crystals will prevent your cat from urinating in the same spots every time.

Toxic chemicals are everyone’s concern when it comes to safety, especially for parents. They usually place their products that contain these toxic chemicals out of the reach of children. But even if you are not a parent, you should consider the chemicals you use in you house for the safety of yourself, your pets and your guests.

Another thing you should look for in urine cleaning product is its history. The longer the history the safer you are, because the companies that have been in business for a long time usually sell good products. Scams don’t have a long life; therefore a product that has a long history behind it is a product that you can trust to get the job done.

The value of the product is also something important when looking for this type of products. Besides the actual product, you should also look for bonuses included in the offer. This can help you solve your problems and get something extra from that deal.
Now you have all the criteria at hand in order to pick a Cat Urine Remover. The only thing that remains for you to do is the actual purchase and if you keep in mind these tips, the only purchase you can make is the best purchase. This will make Cleaning Cat Urine a very easy job.

Cat Litter Box Problem: Four Physical Causes

By : Kurt Schmitt
There are two main causes for a cat litter box problem. One is behavioral, and the other is physical. Before assuming it's a behavioral problem, you should always bring your cat to the vet so that you can rule out any physical causes.

Cats are creatures of habit and will normally use the box once trained. If, however, your cat learns to associate a bad experience with the box, she may stop using it. The problem, contrary to popular belief, may be a physical one that she just can't control.

Here are four physical reasons why your cat can't or won't use the box properly.

1. Pain While Urinating - if your cat experiences pain while urinating, she will create a bad association with the box. Your cat can't hold it in forever, so she ends up urinating on the dining room rug. Be aware that until you remove the odor completely from that spot, your cat may return there again and again.

2. Pain During Bowel Movements - if, for example, your cat is painfully constipated she will associate pain with the litter box. When she is finally able to go, it may be on the kitchen floor, instead of in the box.

3. Painful Joints and Muscles - if your cat can't get in and out of the litter box without experiencing pain, she won't want to use it. If there is anything causing her pain while squatting, or getting in and out of the box, it could mean trouble. Injuries, arthritis, or some other painful joint condition could create a cat litter box problem.

4. Problems With Motion - perhaps your cat has difficulty climbing up into the litter box. Older cats, or cats who are diseased or have been injured often have limited movement, and aren't able to use the box.

It's not true that your cat just doesn't want to use the box to annoy you, there is some reason, and it could be physical. Your vet will help you determine if a physical cause is your cat's problem.

For painful urination, bowel movements, or joint or muscle pain, proper treatment will have to be sought out in consultation with your vet. Once the pain is gone, some retraining will probably be required and a large amount of patience on your part to help your cat through it.

If a mobility problem is at fault, there may be some things you can do to help. Make it easy on your cat by getting a low litter box so your cat doesn't have to step too high into it. Also, a large box that is easy to move around in would be better. Depending upon your situation, your vet may have a treatment to help your cat's mobility problem.

Remember, a cat litter box problem that has a physical cause is usually fixable, once the cause is identified by your vet. Anything that causes your cat to associate an unpleasant experience with the box needs to be addressed right away. If you catch these problems early on, they are much easier to handle.

About the author: Kurt Schmitt helps you solve cat litter box problems and other cat care issues at Cat Lovers Only
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Do You Know How Vulnerable A Cat's Life Is?

By : Charley Huang
Cats are often in danger, especially the ones that have privileges to access whatever’s outside the confinement of a house. Vehicles poses the greatest threat to pets, especially cats, as most injuries caused by vehicles at a high speed can cause death, sometimes instantly, or sometimes, after a period of time where the cat would’ve somehow dragged itself home. In other cases, injuries will be too serious to be saved, or will leave it crippled or damaged in other forms.

If your cat suddenly died out of the blue, with no signs of external injuries, it means that the cause of death is an internal injury, which is fatal. You may assume that it was poisoned, of course, intentional or unintentional, for the anti-freeze that leaks from parked cars or other vehicles is not uncommon to cause such an incident.

In another scenario, believe it or not, kids may be the cause of a cat’s injury. Hard to imagine as it may seem, kids that pick on animals to bully upon might somewhat cause more damage than they think. Toy guns or air rifles are usually used for sadistic people who enjoy seeing others in pain. Otherwise, adults who dislike having other people’s cats on their property may take action on these poor felines as well, causing great harm. Be sure to always keep an eye on your cat when you let it out of the house.

This may not seem serious, but uncastrated male cats are in grave danger of being outdoors compared to other cats. They tend to wander off far from their homes and also would get into fights with other cats or dogs, and even wild animals like snakes. These injuries they suffer can prove to be serious, sometimes even fatal, especially if it has been in a struggle with a larger, more ferocious animal.

Cats also like to walk on walls, or roofs of houses, and they could also fall from these high places. Trees and balconies are also a threat to a cat’s favorite hobby. Although, as we all know, they have the ability of landing on all four of their feet after they fall, they are still prone to injuries to their legs, as the shock of landing may be great, and can cause damage to their internal organs as well.

Indoor cats basically face fewer injuries by being in the house where there are less threats and dangers, as opposed to a cat roaming the outdoors. This is the main reason why a responsible should always keep his cat in doors, or if you must let your cat out, do supervise it or keep an eye out on it and do not let it wander far from home. Ensure that the surroundings is free from larger animals that might do your cat harm.

For more information on Cat Diseases or visit, a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks

4 Things to Think About Before Declawing your Cat

Declawing is a major surgery known as onychectomy, performed under anesthesia, that removes the tip of each digit (from the first knuckle out) of the cat's forepaws. There is a slight chance of death in the surgery, and a declawed cat may have an increased risk of infection and life-long discomfort in its paws. This surgery is not recommended for an adult animal and is considered an act of animal cruelty in some countries (see below).

People generally have cats declawed to prevent them from hunting and from damaging furniture. Rarely, vicious cats are declawed. In the United States, some landlords require that tenants' cats be declawed.

Veterinarians are generally critical of the procedure and some refuse to perform it because the absence of claws in a cat:

1. Deprives it of its main defense abilities, including escaping from predators by climbing trees;
2. Impairs its stretching and exercise habits, leading to muscle atrophy;
3. Compromises its ability to balance on thin surfaces such as railings and fence tops, leading to injury from falls;
4. Can cause insecurity and a subsequent tendency to bite.

This operation is rare outside of North America. In Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, declawing is forbidden by the laws against cruelty to animals. In many other European countries, it is forbidden under the terms of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, unless "a veterinarian considers [such] non-curative procedures necessary either for veterinary medical reasons or for the benefit of (the) animal". In Britain, animal shelters find it difficult to place imported cats that have been declawed and subsequently most are euthanized.

An alternative to declawing is the application of blunt, vinyl nail caps that are affixed to the claws with nontoxic glue, requiring periodic replacement when the cat sheds its claw sheaths (about every four to six weeks). However, the cat will still experience difficulties because the capped nails are not as effective as claws

About the Author:

Hagar lagarto is a long time Pet lover with many articles and websites on the subject.You can get much more info at