In fact, you will be doing much better for your cat by providing them with a natural cat diet, because the best diets for cats are natural ones, coming as close to possible as the diet that they would eat in the world.
The reason that obesity rates are up among pets, especially in the United States, is because just as we are with ourselves, we are overfeeding our pets and as a result they are becoming overweight.
When you are planning your natural cat diet, know that cats are naturally carnivorous and have high protein requirements. The classic natural cat diet should be composed of about 60% protein, which should consist of organic ground beef, raw or cooked organic chicken, eggs once a week if desired as well as some cooked fish or other meats such as turkey, rabbit, or organ meats.
The grain content of the diet should be about 20%, and approximately 20% of the cat’s diet should be composed of vegetables which can be anything from lightly steamed broccoli, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, corn, or any other vegetables that you find your cat enjoys.
Instead of feeding them highly processed and artificial foods, composed of unnatural ingredients, such as soy meal, artificial colorings and flavorings and harmful preservatives, by giving them a natural cat diet you will be doing them a world of good and will quickly see just how much of an improvement is being made in terms of their health.
There is much more that you should be doing if you want to make sure that your cat is in optimal health, and more than anything this refers to exercise. Of course you generally can’t just tie a leash to your cat and take them outside for a walk as you would with a dog for instance, but there are other things you can do to make sure that your cat is getting a decent amount of exercise.
Cats are like children, they love to play. Buy toys for them or a cat treadmill, so that they can play around house.
By: Immotna Marketing
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