Living With 3 Cats And Loving It!

By Diane Hood
I proudly admit that I am currently owned by 3 felines; my pet cats are the loves of my life.

Their names are Red, Hazel and Jada and they each have totally unique appearances and personalities. I never intended to be the owner of a 3-cat feline family, that's just how things worked out and I don't regret it for a minute. I love my cats unconditionally and will care for them until they or I pass on into the next world.

To repeat, it wasn't my intent to own multiple pets. At least I don't think so. It evolved naturally enough with my being able to to offer assistance to a friend who owned a feline rescue shelter and my propensity to become attached to any animal in my care. Some of these animals had been abused, abandoned or just given back to the shelter once their adoptive owners realized that cats and kittens aside from being cute, need care, patience and training. We soon realized that we were rescuing and taking back more animals than we were placing. Unfortunately, this is a problem that many privately owned and operated animal rescue shelters face and they usually operate as non-profits.

Once I bonded with a cat, especially a kitten, it was hard for me to give it up; so I had to limit myself to assisting with the cleaning and general maintenance of the shelter and to only provide my home for the boarding of felines when absolutely necessary. I would aIso like to point that I was only able to work at my friends' shelter because it is a "no-kill" shelter and no animal is ever put down unless it is recommended by the vet to put an end to the animal's misery, pain and suffering.

The importance of spaying and neutering pets becomes very clear once one has worked in this type of environment. So much pain and suffering on the part of these innocent animals could be avoided if we humans would only act responsibly in caring for our animal friends by controlling their population. We have selfish, irresponsible humans calling the shelter daily asking us to take in kittens they can no longer keep, but show no interest whatsoever in our discount spay and neuter services. Nor do they offer to make a donation to the shelter. What is really frightening is that these same selfish, immature individuals are also parents.

I feel that it is alright for me to have 3 pet cats because I am a responsible cat owner. My pets are all spayed and neutered, are taken to the vet, vaccinated and examined as required. I have voluntarily devoted my time, my home and my love to these creatures and I vow to do all that I can to see that their lives are as full, healthy and happy as I can possible make them. Were I able to afford it, I would purchase some real estate in a rural location and open my own shelter. It's definitely at the top of my list of things to do after I win the Powerball lottery (hey, ya just never know...).

Anyway, please spay and neuter your pet if you cannot guarantee homes for their offspring.

My pet cats and I thank you for reading.

About the author:
My main interests are pets and animal rights, bloggng and internet marketing.

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