Are You Abusing Your Cat?

By Ike Lowe

Do you do it out of ignorance?
Please allow me to educate you. This article could very well upset you but I urge you to read it in its entirety because your cat's life hangs in the balance.
The first thing you must understand is that the physiology of cats is very different from humans. Humans are omnivores - meaning that our bodies are well designed to digest fruits, vegetables and meats. Our bodies have long digestive systems therefore our bodies can extract nutrients from fruits, vegetables and meats and benefit from them.
Cats are obligate carnivores their bodies have a short, acidic digestive tract. Their bodies are well suited for digesting raw meat but they have difficulty digesting fruits, vegetables and processed carbohydrates. Prolong use of fruits, vegetables and processed carbohydrates will cause your cat to develop food related illnesses such as; diabetes and irritable bowel disease also known as IBD.
The commercial cat food companies sell large amounts of the cheaply produced, bagged dry cat foods. Cat caregivers purchase this food out of convenience and after viewing misleading ads produced by the commercial cat food companies. Their ads make you think that such things as; fruits, vegetables and large amounts of processed carbohydrates are beneficial to your cat.
When you enter a supermarket or other places that sell cat food and you see bags of cat food with fruits and vegetables on them, this gives you the false impression that since fruits and vegetables are good for humans, then they must be good for your cat. But this is a wrong and dangerous belief.
This is the same as taking a human that's been a vegetarian for many years and changing his diet to a strict meat-based diet. This would wreck havoc on his digestive system. It will cause constipation coupled with deterioration in his health and a premature death.
You do the exact same thing to your cat, an obligate carnivore, when you feed him/her foods their bodies were never designed to digest. Feeding those fruits, vegetables and processed carbohydrates is wrecking havoc on their digestive system and as a result, they are dying prematurely.
Although the commercial cat food companies are responsible for perpetrating these false beliefs on an unsuspecting public, you have the responsibility of ensuring that your cat's food is nutritional.
The commercial cat food companies do it for money. They are part of a multi-billion dollar, mostly unregulated pet food industry. You do it out of love for your cat. I know you really do believe that by feeding your cat what the commercial cat companies tell you is nutritional - is right but that is not true. Do you really know what goes into a bag of dry cat food?
Your cat could be a cannibal without you knowing it. Yes, dead dogs and cats have been known to find their way into pet foods. It is not uncommon for pet food companies to use the four D's (dead, dying, diseased, disabled) animals.
The four D's can include road-kill (dead animals found on the side of the roadways), euthanized animal from Veterinarian clinics, dying circus animals and ill farm animals that are not fit for human consumption and other animals that are riddled with cancerous tumors. You will find these ingredients listed on the bag as meat meal, animal digest, animal by-product or meat by-product.
It's as if the commercial cat food companies thought that the aforementioned toxic ingredients are not enough because to exacerbate the situation, they add known toxic preservatives.
In order to extend the shelf life of their foods, they use such deadly preservatives as; Ethoxyquin, BHA and BHT. All these preservatives have been linked to kidney and liver failure in cats.
How can any food that sits in a hot warehouse for twelve to eighteen months be considered nutritional?
It's time for you to break the strangle-hold the pet food companies have on you and your cats. You need to take control of their diets and stop feeding them foods that are harmful. This is not a difficult process. The one thing you must be cognizance of is the fact that cats are carnivores. They should be fed a meat-based diet and by doing so, you and your cat will have many years together.
About the Author: Ike Lowe, Researcher and Cat Nutrition Expert is avid about and writes extensively on proper cat nutrition. His unsurpassed nutritional knowledge boldly comes alive in his riveting must read book. "21 Nutritious Cat Food Alternatives the Commercial Pet Food Industry Hopes You Never Discover" He goes for the juggler of the commercial cat food industry exposing the horrible truth about the toxic ingredients causing premature cat deaths. Get the facts on proper cat nutrition and prevent your cat from a premature and painful death. click here
This is a win win for you and your cat.
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How Safe Are Dog and Cat Vitamin Supplements?

By Dr. R.J. Peters
If your pet needs to take vitamins, or other dietary supplements, how can you be sure they are safe and effective?

It's the same question asked of human supplements, and just because they are approved by government agencies doesn't necessarily mean they are safe for a particular individual.

The same is true for pet products, but there are certain major differences when considering safety factors.

1. Probably the greatest concern arises from the fact that pet supplements have not been tested adequately. Very little data can be found in this area.

2. Only three nutrients are mentioned in the scientific papers at this time, namely, lutein, garlic and evening primrose oil, and then only in regard to dogs, cats and horses.

3. Studies to date have shown that certain supplements that are safe for humans are not always safe for animals. For example, garlic has not been proven safe for all animals.

4. So far, it has been difficult to study these products, because there are no systems in place to evaluate them. There needs to be a way to quantify dosages, active ingredients, and what's known as "adverse events," or, side effects.

5. There is little to no regulation in the animal dietary supplement manufacturing industry.

6. It's much more difficult to evaluate the more subjective aspects of a particular product. In other words, we can't ask a dog if he feels more energetic than he used to, or if he thinks he's sleeping better now.

7. There have been no studies of sufficiently large numbers of animals to identify any patterns of change or improvement in any area, except perhaps for obvious changes, such as coat condition (shinier, smoother, less shedding) or observable behaviors, such as irritability. Still, such changes cannot be claimed as significant without larger, controlled study groups to evaluate.

While there have been few, and inadequate, studies of pet supplementation by government agencies, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), there have been many studies conducted by independent researchers. However, these have been criticized as biased or unscientific by the scientific community, and many of the same concerns as listed above apply.

What can you do to ensure your pet receives supplements that are safe and effective? At this time, the burden falls to the pet owner to do the homework. Consult with pet nutritionists, many of whom are veterinarians who have focused on these concerns and have their own clinical studies on which to base opinions.
To learn about one such independent study and the products that were developed from it, please visit

Dr. RJ Peters also recommends exploring books and other materials on the subject. To get you started, visit

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Learn About Cat Beds And What Cat Bed Is Best

By: Martin Marks

Ecology is the science of relationships between organisms and their environments. When looking for cats, people have to consider a variety of aspects, such as the natural habitat or the environment. To make sure the environment at home is the safest for cats, owners have to make available certain things such as first aid kit for cats and play items for their recreational purpose.

Several people assume that since domestic and wild cats get enough water and food, cats may survive in cold climate because of their thick coats. Although, studies say that in harsh climate, shelter is preferred the most over any other needs. Without shelter, wild and domestic cats develop risk of possible dangers such as frozen paws and ears. Severe climate may harm their respiratory system too. Particularly, in the rains, fur of cats get wet and may cost them their lives.

Types of Shelter:

Styrofoam Cooler Shelter:

A general Styrofoam cooler may provide shelter to cats. This type of shelter is available at grocery stores and in departmental stores as well. It is also available at restaurants that obtain shipments of meat and fish filled in Styrofoam containers.

Plastic Bin Shelter:

Such type of shelter needs two plastic bins of Rubber made type, and they need to have lids of which one has to be big enough so that the lid and smaller bin fit inside it properly. Other than this, some straw for bedding along with a Styrofoam insulation of 4 by 8 foot is required.

Temporary shelter:

An abandoned or homeless cat may survive in a shelter made of commonly available items. A strong container or a heavyweight-shipping crate built with plastic and having resistance to bad climate is the ideal one.

Insulation and Bedding:

There are other ways for providing shelter to domestic cats. An insulating stuff inside the shelter house of cats gives their body the required heat and warmth. It is better to use straw for this purpose. Owners may avoid using towels, blankets or newspapers that suck the body heat of cats. In addition, owners need to change the insulating material for keeping it dry.

In cold climate, cat owners may use a Mylar blanket to line the floor or the interior walls of the shelter. Mylar imitates the body heat of cats. Mylar blankets are available at cheap prices. One more type of blanket that is available in pet stores is the Flexi-Mat Purr Pad.

Other Options to Buy Shelters:

Cat owners who have no time, skill or liking to build shelter for their cats, there is an alternative. Recently, pet stores offer cat shelters insulated with wood of superior quality. Cat owners willing to buy it may go through the web site of the store, for checking the price list or visit the nearest store.

Cats - Adaptability

Cats accommodate themselves in many places. May be an apartment, a mansion, camper or a houseboat, they get used to the environment easily. However, basic shelter requirements of cats include a litter box and provision of warmth. Owners can make available all the necessary items for cats, indoors.

About the Author
Go to Cat and Kitten Zone to get your free ebook about Cats and Kittens at Cats. Cat and Kitten Zone also has information on Kittens, Cat Supplies and a Cat and Kitten Forum where you can connect with others who love cats and kittens. You can Find Cat and Kitten Zone at

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Keeping Your Cat Fit With a Cat Exercise Wheel

By Trevor Kassulke

Obesity is a problem with many cats these days. This is especially a problem for cats who stay indoors all the time and don't have a chance to exercise that often. If a cat has the opportunity to eat as much as it wants whenever it wants to this also can add to the problem. The best way to deal with obesity is to prevent it in the first place. One way to do this is to get your cat to exercise more often through the use of cat toys. One cat toy that is particularly useful for this is the cat exercise wheel.

This Wheel is just what it sounds like. It looks like an extra large version of the exercise wheels used by hamsters and other small animals. They are usually made of metal and measure between 36 and 48 inches in diameter. The one side of the wheel is open so the cat can get into the Cat Exercise Wheel and the other side is either solid or spokes depending on the manufacturer. The wheels with spokes also have a clear plastic piece you can put on that side if you are worried the cat would get hurt by the spokes.

The Wheel was created originally for use by Bengal cats, but any cat can use this type of exercise wheel. Most cats seem to like running on the wheel, but some are a bit unsure of it at first and might need to be coached on how to use it. There are a variety of videos on the internet of cats using a Cat Exercise Wheel if you are interested in seeing how these work and whether or not the cats appear to enjoy them.

If your cat is already obese, it could still benefit from the use of a Cat Exercise Wheel. Usually it is recommended that an owner try to help an obese cat slowly lose about 20 percent of it's weight through diet and exercise changes. A Cat Exercise Wheel is a great way to get your cat to exercise without having to constantly have to coax them with a cat toy. Just be careful not to try to force the cat to lose too much weight too quickly, as this can put the cat at risk for liver disease and other health problems. Slow weight loss is also the most likely to last, as is the case with people.

How to Stop Cat Scratching Problems

By Moses Wright

For many, understanding the reasons behind why cats need to scratch has remained an elusive mystery. From the wild cats of the jungle to the domesticated feline companion, scratching has been a means for survival. This predisposed instinct has unfortunately led to the untimely demise of our sofas, window screens, curtains and walls. In order to decide what the best methods for alleviating this problem are, you must first understand why it is done.

In the wilds of the mighty jungle, it was necessary for cats to be mighty hunters in order to survive. Cats instinctively used their claws as a means for support for climbing trees, giving them the opportunity to pounce on their unsuspecting prey. Razor sharp claws were required for hunting as well as fending off other predators. Today, the domesticated cat does not have to depend on their skills as a hunter as their food bowls are always full. However, the instincts to keep their nails hunter ready are still there.

Not only is the act of scratching a way to sharpen claws, it is also a way to trim them as well. In addition, cat scratching is significant in that it is used for the purposes of marking territory. When cats scratch a surface or object, they are also releasing a chemical that is marking their scent, letting other area cats, whether in the same household or general location know that this is their territory. Scratching is also a great way for cats to work out any muscle tension they may have or as a means to release excess energy.

The most common and frequently used method for deterring cats from scratching and damaging our possessions is to have them de-clawed. However, this method does require your cat to undergo anesthesia which comes with some minor risks. Before you make the decision to de-claw, there are other alternatives available for consideration.

Scratching posts are an excellent choice for giving your cat his own personal area to scratch. They are available at pet stores and online. They can come as part of a fancy cat condo or as single models in many colors and styles. A scratching post can also be cost effective as it is a simple project you can create yourself. All that is required is a two foot tall section of a four by four combined with a two foot by two foot section of durable plywood and a small piece of carpeting.

Another inexpensive item available for cat scratching is scratching mats. Regardless of which you choose it is important that you place it as close to your cat's favorite scratching area at first. After your cat has become accustomed to using the post instead of your furniture or walls, gradually move it away from those areas.

Another option for discouraging your cat from scratching where you don't him too is by using a pet repellant spray. All that is required is a quick spray on the area you wish your cat to stay away from. This product, most commonly referred to as Bitter Apple spray, is an unpleasant tasting liquid that gets on their paws after scratching and they do not like the taste.

Although this method is effective, it is wise to test a small area of carpet or upholstery to ensure the repellant does not alter the material in any way. Some additional helpful hints include wrapping the areas in aluminum foil or placing tape on the area, sticky side up. Cats definitely do not like anything sticking to their paws.

As a final result, many people have tried using nail caps. Just as a manicurist would place faux nails on your fingers, these caps are placed on a previously filed down nail using a pet friendly adhesive. Of course, just as faux nails do, these caps also tend to fall off.

If you have tried every alternative and your cat still can not break this habit, surgery may be the only answer. Weighing the positives and negatives to each of the methods, along with consulting a veterinarian will help you make the right decision for both you and your cat.

Moses Wright is a cat lover and likes to help new cat owners learn more about their cat breed. You can find more resources on cat illnesses symptoms and treatments and cat behavior at his site.

Cat Furniture - The Indispensable Element in a Cat Lover's Home

By Anne Moss

Cat furniture? The very term may be puzzling for some people. Why on earth would you need a sofa, a chair or a table for a cat?

However, among cat lovers, it has a become common enough phrase. In fact, the concept of cat furniture has gained in popularity, with more people shopping for a cat tree, a cat bed and even cat condos. Not to mention scratching posts, now considered a mandatory item in the cat owner's household.

Why More Cat Furniture?

A major shift in responsible cat care has taken place over the past two decades: more cats than ever spend their entire life living indoors only. These felines never leave the comfort of their homes, unless traveling to the veterinary clinic in a secure cat carrier. And "comfort of their homes" is more than just a figure of speech in this case.

Raising cats indoors-only has brought on changes relating to cat nutrition, vet care, entertainment and more. By the same token, owners of cats invest more than ever in various items of cat furniture, to create purrfect environments for what they consider to be their "furbabies".

So, why cat furniture for the indoors-only cat household? Let's review the two main advantages of cat furniture.

Cat furniture Can Add space

When we look at a room and try to estimate its size, we tend to look at its width and length, thus measuring its floor space.

Things look different from a feline perspective: you can actually make a room larger, if you take into account the room's height and make good use of vertical space.

The taller units of cat furniture can do just that, adding more surfaces on various levels, in effect creating space where none existed before.

Cat Furniture Can Trigger Exercise

Living indoors is safe and comfortable. It also means a lack of the intense stimuli of outdoors life; and the absence of the intense physical activity associated with having to hunt for food.

Moreover, with owners being away from home for long hours, many cats simply get bored. The result? a cat that sleeps more, gets less exercise and is prone to becoming overweight.

This is where a sturdy, complex set of cat furniture, perhaps decorated with some hanging cat toys, can help. Jumping up, running across beams, climbing, or simply stretching, can all help to keep a cat more active and thus healthier.

Even More Benefits

It doesn't end with exercise and added space. Cat furniture can help in creating a unique environment for your cat, where she may feel safer. Being out of reach of small children, or simply having a nest up on her cat tree, can all add to a cat's sense of security.

Cat furniture can even be an aesthetic addition to your household. A practical and decorative statement which says loud and clear: cats are part of our family.

This article is copyrighted to the writer. You may re-publish it on your website as long as the resource box at the bottom remains intact and with active links. Any other use of this article, in full or in part, is forbidden.

Shop online for cat furniture at's Cat Furniture section, or get the latest recommendations on the Cat Shopping Blog - Furniture Category.

How Do I Know If My Cat Has a Feline Urinary Tract Infection?

By Janet Markowitz
Does this describe your cat's behavior: frequent urination, no urine at all, urine with a foul odor, or blood in the urine? These are common, even life threatening, symptoms and signs of cat urinary tract infection. Immediately take your kitty to the vet if you have noticed any of these signs. The difference between life and death for your pet depends on your ability to recognize the symptoms early and get treatment.

It is important to know your cat's normal urinating patterns. If your cat is using the litter box more or less often than usual, this is a sign that there could be an infection. There is a test you can do at home to check for a feline UTI. You can do a simple pH test before the cat feels the pain. You'll save time, money, and be helping to determine if your kitty needs veterinarian care. Kitty won't have to experience the sometimes traumatic visit to the vet.

Begin checking your cat's pH by placing either a little aquarium gravel or some non-absorbent kitty litter into a clean litter box. Only enough for kitty to scratch around is necessary and will keep kitty content.

Next, confine your pet with this litter box in a quiet room, so kitty feels secure. You should do this close to your cat's elimination schedule. For more accurate results, check the sample as soon as the cat urinates.

As soon as kitty has used the litter box, dip a urine pH strip into the specimen. Gently shake off excess, then read and compare the test strip to the chart that accompanied the strips. A level of 6.6 to 6.8 means you pet is healthy. If the results are higher or lower, consult your veterinarian immediately.

BEWARE: This type of test if greatly affected by when your cat last ate. For this reason, retesting might be necessary. For best results, check you cat's pH soon after it has eaten. A later test may read high. If the test strip reads normal, then you have no worries. If there is a difference, take kitty to the vet quickly.

This is a simple, cost effective, and kitty sensitive way to check for feline urinary tract infection. Though this process is simple, the possibility of infection is a serious matter to handle quickly for the safety of your feline companion.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.
Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

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Cat Health Insurance For Your Cat's Health Needs

By Lara Lee
Before you opt for your cat's health insurance, you need to consider certain things. Going for your cat's health insurance can save you a lot of money. In case if your cat falls ill and requires some major treatment or encounters some fatal accident.
While choosing a plan, you need to take into account many factors. These include your financial circumstances, your living environment, if you have other pets as well then which veterinary service you require etc. To begin with, if you already have a vet, you need to know which pet health insurance companies he accepts. This is because most of them go with specific companies.
Other than this, you need to see as to what procedure a particular plan involves. You may want the services of the specialists be covered by your plan. You would also like to compare the cost along with the coverage it offers; it should be a good deal and worth the cost. You need to opt for the coverage that you seek for and also evaluate if it is worth the money you are going to spend.
Moreover, you also need to know if prescription medicines are covered in the plan which mostly are not; companies seek extra charges for this. You should keep in mind that your coverage may only include the expenditure of the prescription only, and not the charges of the equivalent office appointment to your vet.
One can never be sure as to which insurance plan is the most cost effective. It is necessary to opt for the health insurance of your cat regardless of what you have to pay in return. It will at least provide you with peace of mind for the rest of the year pertaining to the health issues of our cat.
The best thing to do is to have good research and evaluate various cat health insurance options. This will help you to act vigilantly. If your cat's health is perfect, may be you do not have to get an insurance at this point. If she is old or unhealthy then it is advisable to get one straight away.Click here to read everything you needs to know about pet insurance.
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Arctic Cat Parts - Keep Popular Cat Snowmobiles in Top Shape

By Donald Brooks
Artic Cat parts are available at brick and mortar dealers and online warehouses. The Artic Cat snowmobile has long been a popular snow sled that has millions of devoted fans throughout the world. With its catchy feline model names such as, Black Panther, Thundercat, FireCat, SaberCat and Jaguar, Artic Cat snowmobiles have captured the imagination of snow sled enthusiasts for almost fifty years. With such treasured investments, snowmobilers will be well advised to purchase genuine Artic Cat parts.

New, OEM Artic Cat parts will produce the best performance and increased horsepower for your premium snowmobiles. These high performance snow sleds offer exciting and fun filled ways to discover, and appreciate the great outdoors. Many snowmobilers have traversed through frozen lakes, snow packed trails and deep powder, combining thrills with a newfound discovery of wintery landscapes. Keeping these sleds operational with authentic Artic Cat parts is vital to a safe and enjoyable ride.

Artic Cat parts and snowmobiles remain on the cutting edge of snowmobile technology, featuring unique laydown engines, twin-spar chassis and the environmentally friendly 4-stroke parallel twin engine. When on the trail, it is a good idea to pack extra Artic Cat parts in case of breakdowns that can be remedied with a quick part replacement. Snowmobile experts recommend a repair kit stocked with the necessary tools, extra spark plugs, belts and assorted bolts and screws.

New Artic Cat parts and snowmobiles for the upcoming year are expected to be turbocharged offering an extra kick of horsepower approaching levels past 177. These super premium machines are expected to lead the way in the next generation of snowmobile design. With its environmental concerns and advances in racing technology, Artic cat parts, snowmobiles and ATVs are sure to continue to dominate the winter sports market.
To start looking for the right arctic cat parts for your sled stop by Snowmobile Home. You can still find great deals on used arctic cat parts before the winter season!

Donald Brooks lives in Minnesota and is a winter sports enthusiast. He writes articles about Snowmobiling and other winter sports for various internet publications.

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Why Does My Cat Pee Everywhere?

By Ian White
Whether your cat is old or young, male or female, anxious or mellow, he or she can get the idea that peeing anywhere but the litterbox is a good thing. Many frustrated humans in the past and present have tried nearly everything to figure out why the cat does this - and, of course, to solve the problem.

Here are the first things that you should do when your cat insists on stinking up your house. You'll have to be patient while you work your way through this list, but soon your kitty will be back to doing his or her business in an appropriate place.

Your cat needs a full health checkup. In many cases, cats pee right in front of you when they're sick. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common health problems, which your vet can treat. Even if that's not what's wrong with your kitty, your vet can track down, and solve, the problem.
Cats who are older or who have health problems (joint pains, for example), can't get in and out of the litterbox like they could when they were younger. Make the litterbox more accessible so that your kitty can get in and out.
The litterbox itself might be a problem. If you have more than one cat, you might need to put out additional litterboxes. The type of litter and how much of it you use can be problems. You should also change the cat litter and thoroughly scrub the litterbox. The plastic tends to absorb urine smells, which can turn off housecats.
Sometimes cats will act out by peeing all over your favorite things. This can be a sign that they're unhappy about something. Try giving your cat more (positive) attention. Extra playtime with his favorite toy can cure the behavioral issue. You can also ask your vet about a product that will help soothe your kitty: Feliway is one example.
Tomcats often spray anything that they wish to mark as their own territory. Sterilization can improve this problem.
Elderly kitties can suffer from feline dementia. They honestly don't realize that they're doing something wrong when they pee all over your clean laundry. Buy housebreaking pads - the disposable kind that people use with puppies - and put them down where your kitty pees the most often. This won't convince her to use the litterbox, but cleanup will be much easier compared to what you're doing now.

You should do a few things when your kitty decides to mark something in your house.

Never hit the cat or rub her nose in the mess. Cats aren't like human children: they don't understand that what they do is wrong. You can deter behavior as the cat is doing it, but trying to teach the cat after the fact doesn't work very well. Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in the act and spritz her with tap water from a spray bottle.
Completely clean the marked territory. Even if you can't smell the cat pee, the cat will. That's her sign to continue peeing there. Visit the pet store for a product that removes all of the pet odors.
Give your cat plenty of positive attention. Despite the stereotypes that surround felines, cats do bond with their humans. They want our attention and will go to great lengths to get it from us.

Don't worry: you'll track down and solve the problem soon enough. In the meantime, be as patient as possible. Your solution will come and you can resume the carefree relationship

Copyright © 2008, Ian White
Author Ian White is founder of housecarers Housesitting directory

Cats are happier in their own environment. Pet friendly alternative to catteries or cat boarding.

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Tips on Giving Your Cat Food For Urinary Tract Health

By Ann Matthews
It's unbelievable what you'll find in commercial cat food these days. In fact, I think it's ridiculous to call it food at all. Commercial cat food consists mostly of synthetic fillers and grains because they are cheap. As a result of eating such low-quality food, your cat can develop urinary problems because the pH level of his urine is altered and the mineral content in his urine increases. If you want to give your cat food for urinary tract health, steer clear of commercial cat food.

Of all commercial cat food, dry food is the worst. It is grainy and can alter the pH of your cat's urine, making it easier for bacteria to flourish in the urinary tract. It can also cause the formation of bladder stones because of its high magnesium content. If you want to keep your cat healthy, give him urinary tract health cat food.

You might be wondering what cat food for urinary tract health is. If you want to help your cat have a healthy urinary tract, give him raw, unprocessed food and homemade food. These foods contain no preservatives or artificial ingredients such as flavoring and coloring. You will also want to make sure he gets enough water to drink in order to flush out all of the harmful bacteria and keep his urine from thickening.

What else can you give your cat besides urinary tract health cat food? Cranberry juice and Vitamin C are very helpful in preventing and treating urinary tract problems. Cranberry juice prevents bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder and it acidifies the urine. Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory and it strengthens bladder lining.

You may also want to sprinkle a homeopathic remedy into cat food for urinary tract health. Homeopathic remedies are very effective in treating and preventing urinary problems in cats. They are 100% safe and natural and help your cat maintain a healthy bladder, urinary tract, and urine flow.

When it comes to urinary tract health cat food that is free of artificial ingredients should be given to your cat on a regular basis. Don't just wait until your cat starts to show symptoms of a problem to help him lead a healthier lifestyle. Make all natural, unprocessed food the centerpiece of his regular diet if you want to prevent problems in the future. The same goes for homeopathic remedies, which are effective as treatment but most effective as a preventive step.

Your goal? Take this information and use it to help you plan a healthy diet and lifestyle for your kitty. The hands down best way to treat and prevent urinary problems in cats is by giving them cat food for urinary tract health along with a homeopathic remedy. Make these steps a regular part of your cat's routine to help him achieve optimal urinary tract health.
If you want to make sure you are giving your pets the best health care available, please take time to read more about the many natural alternatives at my site:

BIO: Ann Matthews is a long time pet health enthusiast with Pet Alive who has a real passion for the well-being of all pets

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Cat Health Tips - How Do the Experts Provide Vaccinations to Their Cats

By Paul Kramer
Many serious, even potentially fatal, illnesses can be prevented by vaccination. Some inoculations are compulsory while some are optional, but it is essential that you check with your veterinarian for the best course of preventive medicine.
It is essential that you visit the veterinarian and get a complete check up for your new cat, including the vaccinations and preventive medical procedures described by your veterinarian.
All cats are susceptible to, and must be immunized against, several serious vital and bacterial diseases. These are feline infectious enteritis (FIE), also known as panleukopenia, an often fatal infection of the intestines, causing loss of appetite, fever, vomiting and diarrhea; feline calicivirus (FCV), an infection that causes respiratory tract disease similar to a human cold; andfeline rhinotracheitis (FVR), also known as cat flu.
It is highly recommended that the initial vaccinations for these be given at 8 and 12 weeks of age, preferably using the modified live vaccine, available in either injection form or nose drops.
Exceptions to the above schedule are when you have an orphan kitten who is not building up immunities from his mother's milk, or if you have a large colony of cats and want them to be protected earlier.
After your kitten has been vaccinated twice against FIE, FCV, FVR and Chlamydia, a highly contagious bacterial disease, he will not require another booster of these vaccines until he is a year old.
It is compulsory for all cats to be immunized against a number of diseases. If you are acquiring a cat, be sure to check that, as with the Ocicat, all vaccinations are in order. Although there are some vaccinations that are compulsory for all cats, it is important that you talk to your veterinarian about any others your cat may require, depending on his breed, whether he is an indoor or an outdoor cat and the environment to which he is exposed.Want Tips On Maintaining Your Cat Health? All You Have To Do Is Click Now!
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Keep Your Cat Safe From Accidents With Cat Diapers

By Ilse Hagen

Many people treat their pets like their very own babies. They dress their pets, play with them, groom and feed their pets only the best pet food. A cat is one of the cutest pets that you can ever have. They can provide you with years and years of loving companionship without demanding time and maintenance like dogs would. This is why it's a crushing experience when your cat experiences a health problem. Urinary and bowel problems are some of the common health disorders that felines go through. Fortunately, you can use cat diapers while you are in the middle of seeking treatment for your cat. If your cat has recently undergone surgery and still has not regained complete control over her bowels or bladder, then a diaper might also come in handy.
Kitties as babies
Cat diapers may sound like a bizarre idea but they are actually real, and very necessary. Basically, they resemble normal diapers except for a few features that make them feline-friendly. For instance, a feline diaper has a hole that is especially cut out for the tail. A feline diaper also features non-stick fasteners so you don't have to worry about ripping out your cat's fur when you put on and take off the diaper. If you have a cat that is on the pudgy side then you might also want to get a diaper that has a stretchable or adjustable waist band. You may also choose to shell out a few extra bucks if you want other features like a deodorizing feature, etc.
Make life easier for you and your cat
Buying cat diapers for your bladder control-challenged pet can certainly make life easier for you and her. Without a diaper, you will risk the possibility that your cat may pee or poo in your polished floors or lush carpets.Important information
Complete information on cat diapers is available at PickyGuide, the authority in free consumer advice. Access top-ranked, best-reviewed, and most competitively priced diapers in PickyGuide's recommended products section.
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Origin and History of the House Cat

By Doris J Canova
Formerly, it was carelessly thought that our house cats were simply the progeny of tamed pairs of the European wildcats; but anatomy has denied the probability of this and historical investigation shows that they came from another source. Historical evidence, which includes innumerable mummies, shows that the cat was domesticated by the Egyptians before the time of the oldest monuments of their civilization.
Moreover, the characteristic specific markings of the caffrc cat (still wild as well as tame in the Nile Valley) reappear unmistakably in our common house cats in spite of the fact that interbreeding with other species has intervened. A well-marked variety of this cat, known as the Mediterranean cat, was and is found in ancient times as well as now in Syria and eastward. It is established that many centuries before the Christian era the Egyptians, Cretans, Phoenicians and other men of the Levant were constantly voyaging all over the Mediterranean Sea. They were busy founding trading-posts on both its shores, where finally arose and spread the extensive civilizations of Greece and Rome on the north, and of Carthage on the south.
With these colonists undoubtedly went their friendly and useful mousers. That they then were crossed somewhat with the native wildcat seems to be shown by the appearance of the peculiar form we call "tabby" cats. In brief, this is the history of the common European house cat and also those of America and most of the civilized world because of immigration. However, in the remote and isolated East exists races of domesticated cats of more local origin. Prof. G. Martorelli, of Milan, Italy, made a special study of this whole subject and he has concluded that the ordinary domestic cat of India has descended from the Indian desert cat.
From it, he says, are derived their common spotted breed, while the fulvous breed seen in India has been produced by a cross with the native jungle cat. Both these have interbred with the imported western cats in recent years. The Persian or ''Angora" long-haired breeds may probably have come from the Pallas' cat of central Asia; and the curious Siamese cat is regarded as derived from the golden cat. Whether accidentally or by the design of breeders, intermingling of these various species and races has produced the bewildering variety of forms now seen.
NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.
Best House Cat Care Visit our website for products your cat may enjoy
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Are You Feeding Your Cat Safe Cat Food?

By Christine Pinkston
You probably think that since your cat's food has not been recalled that it is safe for your cat to eat. This is not necessarily true. Many store bought cat foods are so bad for your cat that they are actually hurting him.
The majority of store bought cat foods have no nutritional value in them at all. What's worse is that they may actually contain poison. You don't want your cat to eat poison? Well one of the many meat sources for cat food is dogs and cats that have been put down at the pound. The problem with this is (other then the obvious that your cat is not a cannibal) is that the poison they use to put the animals down does not cook out when they cook the meat.
Not only do they use poisoned animals, but any flea collars they might have on or collars with metal id tags that are on the animal get ground up as well. They also use any road kill that can't be buried as a meat source. When they process meat at processing plant any parts of the cow that are not edible for humans goes in a big barrel. This includes any parts of meat with puss, cancer, or other disease's.
So that leaves us with dead, dying, or diseased animals for the meat source and the meat by products are even worse. It's no wonder that most cats don't even live half of their natural life expectancy.The more I looked into the ingredients of store bought cat food the more appalled I became, to the point that I did not even want to touch my cats food to feed it to him.
In order to give your cat a safe diet that will allow him to get the nutrition he needs to grow strong and healthy a combination of homemade cat food and safe commercial cat food is recommended.
Cat Food Secrets will give you a safe, easy way to combine homemade food and commercial food, show you what commercial food is good for your cat, and help you to help your cat live his life to the fullest potential. Don't let your cat be a victim to commercial cat food learn more about Safe Cat Food.
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In Pain - Hug a Cat

By Hester-Lynne Murdoch
The Purr
It is no longer a new concept to use cats as therapy animals in retirement homes, nursing homes or convalescent hospitals, research had proven that it makes a real difference in the lives, and reduces blood pressure especially in older people. The benefit of the human-feline bond has been documented in many ways, not least the pleasure of holding a purring cat, some purr so strongly that their entire bodies vibrate. Purring is one of the most special unique qualities of a cat.
What if we go a step further and say that this is only the beginning, a cat can be of benefit to a human as a compact movable therapy unit? Intrigued; read on...
Cat owners and handlers know that purring isn't just a sound of contentment. Cats most definitely purr when they are stressed, afraid and in pain, in short when they are experiencing any trauma. Even a cat near death or dying will purr, why? - Recent research has brought to light a new significance to this seeming anomaly.
The following Questions were asked:
• The ability to purr has survived through the entire development of the cat, countless generations, throughout the inception of different cat species developed and evolving in totally isolated areas over the entire world; for this to happen there has to be some very important reason for the purr, there has to be a survival mechanism to explain its continued existence. • Accepting that the purr evolved solely as a show of contentment goes against all we have come to understand about the basic rules of evolution and natural selection. • There would have to be a very good reason for an injured animal that needs all its reserve energy to survive to initiate a function that uses energy and does no good. The only explanation would have to be ... it is beneficial to the animal's survival. • Could it be possible that evolution and natural selection has blessed the cat with a natural healing mechanism? Researchers at Fauna Communications in the USA believe so. • Could the purr in any way be linked to the fact that vibration stimulation relieves suffering of persons and animals that have acute and chronic pain? Could the fact that vibration stimulation generates new tissue growth, increases wound tissue strength, improves local circulation and oxygenation, reduces swelling be linked to the purr?
The Healing Power of the Purr
Cat researchers now believe that self-healing is the purpose of the purr. In human and animal medical treatment low frequencies, at low intensity has been proven to be therapeutic.
In 1994 Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi, in this work found that frequencies of 25 and 50 hertz improve bone strength by 20%, stimulate both the healing of fractures, and increases the speed at which the fractures heal. In a study done at the Cincinnati Zoo, by Fauna Communications, who recorded many cats' purrs; it was discovered that cat purrs create frequencies that fall directly in the range that is optimal for bone growth.
I think that this research will make it plain why cats purr, here are the results:
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation treatment of Human and animals
Problem 1: Bone growth and Fractures, (Optimal Frequencies for best treatment): 25 Hz or 50 Hz;(Cats Purr Frequencies): The exact dominant and fundamental frequency of a cats purr.
Problem 2: Repair of tendons, (Optimal Frequencies for best treatment): 120 Hz; (Cats Purr Frequencies): All cats have frequencies of this range. Some even have 2 to 3 harmonics within this range.
Problem 3: Stimulation of joint mobility, (Optimal Frequencies for best treatment): 18 Hz to 35 Hz, (Cats Purr Frequencies): All cats have frequencies of this range and here again 2 to 3 harmonics within this range.
Problem 4: Generation of muscle strength, (Optimal Frequencies for best treatment): 2 Hz to 100 Hz, (Cats Purr Frequencies): All cats have at least 4 sets of strong harmonics in this range.
Problem 5: Therapeutic pain relief, (Optimal Frequencies for best treatment): 50 Hz to 150 Hz, (Cats Purr Frequencies): All cats have at least 5 sets of strong harmonics in this range.
With this information available it is not difficult to comprehend that a cat's purr is a genetically designed self healing device. It gives a cat an internal natural way to decrease healing time, and increase strength whilst sedentary. Meaning; muscles strengthen, while bones heal without any movement to endanger the knitting of bone, with the bonus of having a pain treatment while this is happening. This would explain why nature has developed an adoption like this and it has remained constant in all cats regardless of how remote or different they may be.
In Summery: Purring the Pain Away Vibrations between a the frequencies 20-150 Hz are therapeutic for bone growth/fracture healing, pain relief, reduction of swelling, wound healing, muscle growth, strength and repair, tendon repair, mobility of joints and the relief of breathlessness. Direct contact with a purring cat is definitely beneficial to your own health. As with any frequency wave forms, oscillations move between the animal and the human and can do wonders to a person with many different types of bone, muscle and pain problems.... In short put a kitty on your lap.
Shelley Adams, Dr. John Currey, Dr. Clinton Rubin,Dr. Terry Cook, Dr. Margerie Lindeke, Jacqui Roddick, Fauna Communications Research Institute (2001); The Felid Purr: A bio-mechanical healing mechanism; 12 International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration,Bristol UK, 2006;Buch F, Jonsson B, Mallmin H, Kalebo P. The quantification of bone tissue regeneration after electromagnetic stimulation,Orthopeaedic and Trauma Surgery, 1993; Chen LP, Han ZB, Yang XZ. The effects of frequency of mechanical vibration on experimental fracture healing. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi (Chinese Journal of Surgery), 1994; Remmers JE, Gautier H. Neural and mechanical mechanisms of feline purring. Respiration 1972.For this article and more please visit my blog The Cats Whiskers
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Cat Insurance Explained

By Oliver Turner
In order to protect your pet cat from sudden illness or accidents there are many pet insurance plans to give benefit to you as well as your pet. It pays a lump sum amount for your pets veterinary treatment needed in case of any accident, infection or any sort of serious disease and sometimes even on the death of the pet, under certain conditions.
Veterinary pet insurance company VPI is one of the insurance companies that provide affordable pet insurance for your pet cat. Their comprehensive coverage includes VPI Superior plan and Vaccination and Routine Care. If you want minimum coverage, then they have VPI Standard Plan for you.
The first one-VPI Superior plan and Vaccination and Routine Care-is meant to defend your pet cat from injuries, illness and other emergencies. It also includes doctors, prescriptions, diagnostic tests, x-rays, laboratory fees, and other related things. The Vaccination and Routine Care is actually a part of the first type that gets some more benefits like vaccination, heartworm protection, annual exam, prescription flea control, spay and neuter with many other things. Only VPI Superior plan will cost you over $200 but if you take Vaccination and Routine Care along then it will cost you $99 for every policy term year.
There is another type of pet plan insurance offered by VPI policies called VPI Cancer Rider, which provides protection from cancer to cats as it is seen that cats are very likely to get cancer.
Before you go for any sort of pet medical insurance you should consider and scrutinize the insurance policy very carefully, rather than getting attracted by the cheap price. Different pet insurance company has different covers and you have to be careful in choosing the right one for your pet.Find more about Pet Insurance from Experts on More useful content on LeanderNet -
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Tips To Start Your Cat Toilet Training

by Mike Selvon
You may have heard stories about cats that use a toilet to relieve themselves. Many people want to know how to potty train their cats to go on the toilet simply because they are sick and tired of handling and changing the litter box, and lugging home large sacks of expensive litter.
The process of cat toilet training can take anywhere from 3 or 4 weeks to 3 or 4 months, depending on the receptiveness of your cat. With patience, you too can banish the cat box forever.
To start potty training your kitty, go slowly. The transition from litter box to toilet should be accomplished in a series of stages. If at any time he has a setback and uses a rug instead of the potty, then you may be going too quickly. Just back up a stage or two and try again.
You have to gradually train your kitty to use the toilet properly. Start your cat toilet training off by placing the litter box next to the toilet bowl. Gradually, after a few days or a week, when you know he's used to the new arrangement, add newspapers or a phone book under the box to raise it a few inches at a time. Continue adding height until the bottom of the litter box is even with the top of the toilet seat.
Now, move the litter box over so that it is sitting directly over the toilet seat. Let your cat adjust to this for a few days. The next step in potty learning is a big one. Take away the box entirely.
Toilet training for cats is big business and many companies sell "kitty potty training" kits or a toilet training system online and at pet retailers, or you can purchase a metal mixing bowl or aluminum roasting pan for this next step. Place either container (measure the inside of the rim to make sure your bowl or pan is big enough) inside the toilet bowl and lower the seat.
Fill it with a few inches of scoop-able litter. You may need to tape it in place to prevent it from sliding around.
Begin reducing the litter in the container every few days. Go as fast as your cat will feel comfortable with. Make sure to flush the waste immediately to minimize both the smell and the possibility that your cat tries to cover it up and ends up tracking unpleasantness into the rest of the house.
By now, you should be down to a teaspoonful of litter in the bottom of the container. Start adding a little bit of water to the container. Increase the water level every few days. Remember that if your kitty isn't adjusting well, back up a step and try again more slowly.
Once the water in the bowl or pan is a couple of inches deep and your cat is comfortable with everything, take the container away, leaving the bare toilet. The task of potty training is now complete.
Cat toilet training timeframes are different for each cat. If your kitty is reluctant at any stage of training, then go back a step or two. Don't sweat it. Just slow down and just follow these potty training tips. You have to be patient.
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Discover more information about cat toilet training from Mike Selvon portal. We appreciate your feedback at our potty training advice blog.
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Is Your Cat Sick? - How To Tell If Your Cat Is Ill

It is very important for you to be close to your cat. Know what their normal everyday habits are. Pay attention to how much they eat and how often.
It is important to know these things, because if you don't know them you will not be able to realize if something is wrong and they are acting differently.
If you have a cat that is normally overactive and even somewhat hyper and then one day they just lie around and do nothing there is a good chance that there is something bothering your pet.
Do You Know The Symptoms?Knowing the symptoms of certain feline illness is also a deciding factor of getting your cat help in time or losing them to a possible disease.
For example knowing that weight loss, frequent vomiting, and increased thirst and urination are all symptoms of feline diabetes would enable you to get them the help they need before it is too late.
Your cat can not tell you that something is wrong. They can't walk up to you and say “I am just not feeling right today.” It is your responsibility to take care of them and to know when they are not feeling like they should be.
Pay attention to your cat's liter box, if you ever see that your cat is having problems relieving themselves, than you know there is something wrong.
Checking The Litter BoxIf you see that your cat is in the litter box more or less often these are also signs of possible illness. When it is painful for your cat to use his box he will become irritated and his personality will change for the worse. All of these are subtle little changes and it takes a watchful eye to pick up on them.
A cat's coat, nose or eyes are also telling symptoms of problems. A cat’s fur is just a reflection of what is going on, on the inside. Their fur should be healthy looking and thick. If you notice that your cat is losing a lot of hair at once or suddenly has bald spots then you need to take them to the VET immediately as these can be signs of almost every problem a cat can have.
If your cat has more eye or nose draining than normal there is something wrong also. If the cat looks like he has been crying have the vet check out his sinus. It is just a mild problem as opposed to kidney failure which also shows through the leaking eyes and runny nose symptoms.
When brushing your cat make a special point out of feeling along the cat's limbs. Any new bumps or lumps could indicate cancer. If there are changes like these then it is better to let your vet determine how serious they are and what risk it inflicts on your cat.
It is very important that you are not too embarrassed to talk to your vet. Never feel like you are over reacting, your vet is there to help you and your pet. They understand that it is better to be safe than sorry. If you live by that motto, than your cat should live a long healthy life.
No matter how old your cat is they are still like newborn babies. If you had any reason at all to think your new baby was sick you wouldn't hesitate to take it to the doctor at every little cough or sneeze.
By thinking like this you create the difference between whether a sick cat recovers or dies. Taking the time to connect with your cat, and paying attention to it will not only build a strong unbreakable bond between the two of you, it could also save a life.
By: John Sommer
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Find out how you can easily tell when your cat is sick by visiting where you will find little tricks that will help you get your">sick cat the proper treatment before the condition evolves.

Basic House Cat Information

If you own a housecat, there is certain house cat information you are going to want to be aware of. Starting from cat breeding information to cat pregnancy information, by making yourself more educated on this house cat information you will not only feel more comfortable owning a cat but as well ensure that you cat lives as long and healthy a life as possible.
The Basics
There is a bit of basic house cat information that you should learn first. For one, domestic cats have intrigued humans for thousands of years, and are used as symbols of beauty, grace, mystery and power, and are favored as pets all around the world today. The domestic cat is actually second only to the dog in terms of popularity as a house pet, which is the main reason that house cat information is so useful to know.
Grooming is very important, regardless of the breed of cat you are dealing with. Whether purebred or a mixed breed, one of the key rules to good grooming lies in the length of a cat’s coat. This is because a cat with a shorter coat will generally not require as much grooming as a cat with a longer coat.
There are dense-coated shorthaired cats such as the American shorthairs which require a monthly grooming session, and longer haired breeds such as the Tabby cat which require much more frequent grooming.
You should comb their fur while they are in the bathtub if it is longer and tends to get knotted and tangled easily, because this will keep it from getting matted as it dries. Make sure that you are using a proper shampoo, and you should never use a human shampoo on your cat.
Also, if your cat is younger this will be much easier because then you can get them used to bathing and other grooming techniques by performing these tasks as they grow up and they will not dread them.
There are also a few other issues that need to be taken seriously when it comes to house cat information, namely diet and exercise.
No matter what breed of cat you have, it is important that you learn how to take proper care of them so that you can get them in an optimal state of health and maintain it. Especially if your cat has certain health problems you are going to need to ensure that you are taking the best possible care of them.
By: Ajith Guptha
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Author Sites: Homemade Cat Foods , Homemade Dog Foods and Cat Care Tips

Make A Scratch Post For Your Cat

Cats are generally lovable animals until the time when they ruin your sofa and your carpet, no thanks to their scratching talent. How does one get rid of this irritating hobby called cat scratching?
Well, there is no remedy for your cats scratching mannerisms. In fact, cat experts discourage human from interfering with their scratching because it is already second nature to cats.
Scratching is inherent in cats as they were made to scratch. The rear paws of a cat were made for scratching. As your cat grows, their claws also grow. Cats have to remove the sheath on their claws by scratching, so they can expose their new claws.
Remember that maxim "if you can't lick them, then join them"? This is especially true for cats. If you do not want further damage to your furniture, draperies or carpets, then encourage your cats to scratch - but not on your things. Instead, buy him his own scratching post.
Buying a scratching post for your cat will give them an outlet for their scratching urge. It will not only save your precious furniture but will also keep your cats happy.
Why do cats use a scratching post
A scratching post is used for: 1. Scratching to remove an outer layer of the cat's nails. 2. Cats also need to exercise and move their muscles by climbing on the post 3. The post is not only used for scratching but also for stretching because while trying to scratch himself, the cat will stretch his whole body towards the post. 4. Marking the post for territorial purposes. 5. Just for the fun of it.
Outdoor cats usually use wooden fences or objects for scratching, so a good scratching post would be one made of wood. A cat owner can get firewood or a log and convert it into a scratching post. Others who are still training their cats make do with the less expensive cardboard posts.
Since the primary use of the post is for the cats to sharpen their claws, the scratching post must be upright and steady. It should also be tall enough, or a half size more than the cat, to make sure your cat can stretch his whole body on the post. Much care should be placed in choosing the right post because if the cat feels it is not steady enough for him, then he might not use it and will revert to scratching your furniture.
By: Jay Schindler
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Learn about horse facts and penguin facts at the Animals Facts site.

Cat: The 10 Dog-mandments: 100percentile

Well, other than checking one’s proficiency in language, reasoning skills and quantitative aptitude, CAT tests the aspirant’s managerial capabilities in handling pressure, managing time, strategizing, decision-making and managing change. The MBA course will not inject these qualities into you; it will only polish those that you already possess. In fact as one IIM graduate so succinctly said, cracking the CAT is 90% attitude and 10% aptitudeSo, how does one go about doing well in or to use the much more common term – “cracking” the CAT?
DOG-mandments to bell the CAT!Because dogs can tame cats, here are some dog-mandments to dispel pessimism.
1. B+veWe are not talking of your blood group but your approach towards the test and life! Read this story.There was a hunter who owned a special bird dog, which could walk on water. One day, the hunter invited a friend to go hunting with him so that he could show off his prized possession. After some time, they shot a bird, which fell into the river. The man ordered his dog to run and fetch the bird. The dog ran on water to fetch the bird.The man was expecting a compliment about the amazing dog, but in vain. Curious, he asked his silent friend if he had noticed anything unusual about the dog. The friend replied, “Yes, I did see something unusual about your dog. Your dog can’t even swim!”
This friend belongs to the category of “your-dog-can’t-even-swim” people. These are the people who will keep telling you, “CAT is not for you”. They may not be able to tell the difference between “KATE” and “CAT”, but will definitely dampen your spirits. These are the people who cannot pull you out of your present situation. They can only push you down. Never listen to people who have the tendency to be negative or pessimistic. They will take away your most wonderful dreams and wishes. Learn to recognize them; do not waste your time with them.
2. Keep Practicing“Practice is more important than the games, and I will practice when I’m hurt, when 95 percent of the players in this league would sit out. I expect all of you to do the same thing. You will follow my lead,” said Michael Jordan to his Chicago Bulls teammates. This, when he had come out of retirement, with a dodgy knee to lead his team to another NBA final!That’s the rule! Keep on working on all areas till the end, revise your vocabulary, browse the rules of grammar, read religiously, keep on doing mental maths, work out new ways of answering questions, keep working on your strong as well as grey areas and keep doing all these till the end.Michael Jordan said something even more memorable: “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.”
3. Is Your Attitude Worth Catching?Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down. ………………Anonymous
At the end of the day, it’s your career, your life. You got to have strong self-belief, and the examination in question is open to people from all backgrounds. So, it all boils down to your ability to manage confidence and tell yourself everyday, “I can”. Competition is here to stay and the best person will reach the top.“It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” Somerset Maugham
4. Think about your performance“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it.” -Henry FordCAT may or may not change colour, but be mentally prepared for it. The various patterns you get to see in the practice tests are meant to make you trust your fundamentals rather than worry about the pattern. One thing is clear, that change or no change, this is one CAT you must tame. So, why worry?
5. PrioritizeTime has come for the serious CAT-taker to know what is most important at this time. Put maximum effort and time in revising, analysing and taking tests. When you revisit this phase of your life after 10 years, this period will appear to the strongest building block of your career.
6. AnalyzeAnalysis of past CAT papers will give an insight into the psyche of CAT, the kind of questions, proportion of easy and tough questions, the twists etc. If you analyse theses papers, you will concur with me that CAT is not really technically tough.
7. StrategizeThe right strategy is to find the shortest distance between two points. What clicks for you in the three sections? Start your paper with the section in which you have the best command. It will boost your confidence!
8. Passion and energyHave the passion and the energy to succeed. It is a force that is a part of us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It should never subside. Physical energy comes from the strength of the body, fuelled by our intake of nourishment. It is, therefore, important that we feed our engine premium fuel (good, nutritious food), not low grade fuel (junk food).
9. RelaxThere are exams, other than CAT, which will lead you to great opportunities and colleges that offer fantastic education and placements alike. So, for SNAP, JMET, XAT and the like, you get extra 20 to 40 days of preparation. By that time, exam nervousness will also evaporate, as you would have appeared for many tests by then.
10. Finally…Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine your career and your life, if you land in your dream college. Now imagine the same situation, if you do not get the college you want. This comparison should give you the strength, determination and passion required to exceed your potential.That’s the ultimate aim. Exceed your potential and stretch your abilities in the last few days.May you succeed in achieving goals that you once thought were impossible!
Source: 100percentile offers online exam preparation tools and Online IITJEE Test Series , MBA , CAT and AIPMT , PMT curriculums. Experts and toppers are available to give guidance and answer questions in forums for all IITJEE, AIPMT and all medical & MBA aspirants.
By: Exam Preparation India
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Why Does A Cat Purr?

The answer seems obvious enough. A purring cat is a contented cat. This surely must be true. But it is not. Repeated observation has revealed that cats in great pain, injured, in labor and even dying often purr loud and long. These can hardly be called contented cats. It is true, of course, that contented cats do also purr, but contentment is by no means the sole condition for purring. A more precise explanation, which fits all cases, is that purring signals a friendly social mood, and it can be given as a signal to, say, a vet from an injured cat indicating the need for friendship, or as a signal to an owner, saying thank you for friendship given.
Purring first occurs when kittens are only a week old and its primary use is when they are being suckled by their mother. It acts then as a signal to her that all is well and that the milk supply is successfully reaching its destination. She can lie there, listening to the grateful purrs, and know without looking up that nothing has gone amiss. She in turn purrs to her kittens as they feed, telling them that she too is in a relaxed, co-operative mood. The use of purring among adult cats (and between adult cats and humans) is almost certainly secondary and is derived from this primal parent-offspring context.
An important distinction between small cats, like our domestic species, and the big cats, like lions and tigers, is that the latter cannot purr properly. The tiger will greet you with a friendly 'one-way purr'...a sort of juddering splutter...but it cannot produce the two-way purr of the domestic cat, which makes its whirring noise not only with each outward breath (like a tiger) but also with each inward breath. The exhalation/inhalation rythm of feline purring can be performed with the mouth firmly shut and may be continued for hours on end. In this respect small cats are one up on their giant relatives, but big cats have another feature which compensates for it. They can roar, which is something small cats can never do.
By: Lamar Deane
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Lamar Deane offers free tips and information How to Choose The Right Pet For You

If Your Cat Have Bad Breath, Fix It

Cat owners know for a fact that bad cat breath can be downright awful. It isn't that much different from bad human breath, as both are caused by bacteria found in the mouth that breaks protein down and releases the sulfur compounds out into the air. Sulfur smells really bad on its own, which is why breath containing it smells bad as well. The bacterium that causes bad breath with cats is normally associated with a buildup of tartar around the teeth. Tartar is yellow in color, known as a coating of bacteria, food, and minerals.
To cure your cat from bad breath, you'll need to remove the buildup of tartar. There are several cat foods out there that are designed to reduce the buildup of tartar, many containing enzymes that will literally dissolve it. You can also give your cat treats as well, as many of them will help eliminate and prevent tartar. If the buildup of tartar is bad, you may need to have your cat's teeth professionally cleaned. Once the tartar has been removed, the bad breath will go away.
You may be able to clean the tartar off your cat's teeth at home. There are several toothpastes available for pets, available in several different flavors. You'll need to get a mechanical toothbrush, as the motion is very important for removing tartar buildup. Toothpastes that contain enzymes will dissolve tartar, helping to cure bad breath. If you start early with brushing your cat's teeth, you can virtually eliminate any type of tartar buildup that will ultimately lead to bad breath.
Some bacteria that lead to tartar can be found in your cat's diet. When you feed him, you should always make sure that the food he consumes doesn't contain a lot of bacteria. If you shop healthy and feed him only healthy foods, it can help his bad breath a great deal. When you give your pet a treat, make sure that the treat is designed to help with tartar. After your cat has finished eating, you can brush his teeth or rinse his mouth out. This way, you'll get the bacteria out of his mouth before it has time to build up on his teeth.
Sometimes, cats may have a bad odor in their mouth that doesn't come from tartar or bad breath in general. In these rare cases, it can be either liver or kidney disease. If you notice bad breath and it isn't tartar, you should take your cat to the vet. Even though it may be something to do with tartar, it's better to be safe than sorry. Your veterinarian can pinpoint the problem, let you know what the cause is - and how you should go about fixing it.
By: Jay Schindler
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To read about tiger facts and cat facts, visit the Animals Facts site.

Porcelain Cat Figurines

Porcelain cat figurines range from those that are very popular today and valued such as Lladro and Lomonosov and Lenox to those that were valued in the past such as Lefton. Some of the most valued of porcelain cat figurines are those that were used as carnival presents long ago in the 1950s and 60s. These vintage porcelain cat figurines can be found on auction sites.
The Jim Shore collection of porcelain cat figurines is one that a lot of people are collecting. These are more whimsical than other cat figures that try to depict the cat as it really look. The Jim Shore collection paints the in various shades and makes them very artistic.
One of the older makers of porcelain cat figurines, Lefton, made many other figures out of porcelain china. They were very popular in the 1950s and 1960s but then gradually lost favor with the public and went out of business. Today, Lefton is a collectible. You can tell if you have Lefton porcelain cat figurines if you look at the bottom and there is a red or green tag.
Lladro is one of the most pricey of all of the porcelain cat figurines today. Expect to pay several hundred dollars for porcelain cat figurines from this company. Next comes Lenox. For years, Lenox has been making exquisite china. Lenox makes porcelain cat figurines that are very prized among collectors.
You can also look for regular porcelain cat figurines from other companies that are not as well known as the others and expect to pay a lot less money. Cat figurines, unlike cat statues, are often smaller than 6 inches in height and are kept in a curio cabinet if the owner is smart. This will prevent them from getting dusty or damaged.
The Franklin Mint came out with a collection of cat figurines a few years ago that is not retired. A few of the cat figurines were made from porcelain and are very well prized among collectors. If you know someone who collects cat figures or is just starting this collection, you can look for the Franklin Mint cat figurine collection on some of the online auction sites.
Cat figurines come in all sorts of materials in addition to porcelain. The porcelain cat figurines are very well prized among collectors because of the fine attention the artist can make to detail. Some of them look very much like the real cats. The porcelain cat collection by Lomonosov is ideal for collectors because the cat figures are not very expensive as they are under $50 and they look like actual cats. The crystal cats, however, do not resemble actual cats. Those who want a figure that actually looks like a real cat will prefer the porcelain cat figurines that are available, especially those by Lomonosov.
Make sure, when buying these figurines, that they are wholly intact and are not chipped or broken in any way. Porcelain cat figurines that are chipped or have been repaired are usually without any value.
By: Paul J Easton
Article Directory: has largest amount of collections of Cat Figurines plus links to many other site which other the biggest range and lowest prices.

Cat Spray: An Appeal To Be Fair To Yourself And Your Cat - How To Stop Cat Spraying Problems

Nothing smells worse than cat spray. Together with cat pee outside the litter box, cat spraying is one of the leading causes of cats being given away, abandoned or put down. Marriages have come under enormous strain, when one spouse puts down their foot to stop the cat's spraying problem or give up the cat. Tenants have been forced by landlords to either move out or get rid of the spraying cat.
This is very sad, because cat spraying problems can be solved or greatly reduced in many cases. First, though, we need to tell the difference between cat spray and cat urine. Spray is actually a bit of urine mixed with pheromones secreted by glands in your cat. The positions your cat takes for spraying is also different from peeing - they stand straight up and lift their bottoms high up in the air to spray instead of squatting to urinate.
Both male and female cats spray. Unneutered males are the most likely to have this problem, neutered female the least likely. Although spraying is considered a problem by people, it is a perfectly natural behavior for cats.
Do be aware that your cat may suddenly start spraying when he is sick. For example, inflammations of the bladder are known to cause cats to spray. If your cat is neutered and he suddenly develops this behavior, you should take him for a check-up at the vet before doing anything else.
On major reason for cats spraying is to attract mates. Female cats in heat spray to advertise that they are ready. Male cats spray to mark their territory - they are saying "Keep out! Females here are mine!". This is one reason why you should always neuter your cats. Unneutered tomcats are very likely to spray. Once he develops this behavior, it is very difficult to stop even after you neuter him. Many vets are willing to neuter your male cat as long as he is at least 6 months old. Some prefer to wait until he is 9 months old while others are willing to do it even earlier. You should also spay female cats when they reach 6 months of age, before their first heat.
When you bring a new pet or new family member home, this can also cause your cat to spray. Whether you explain it as stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior, it does not really matter. The point is to make kitty feel safe and secure again. Once you successfully make him feel that he is still Numero Uno, he will stop spraying. While your vet can help you to investigate why your cat is spraying, you know kitty best. You are the best person to figure out why he is spraying. Asking your vet to play private investigator can take quite a long time - he will take a step-by-step methodical approach to the problem. Cases have been published in journals for veterinarians where it took years to resolve the problem. If you really love your cat, you are still the best person to make him stop spraying.
Once your cat has sprayed a particular location, he is likely to go back and spray it again. One way to stop this is to thoroughly clean the area he sprayed. Normal soap and water will not do the job. Just because you cannot smell anything does not mean your cat cannot smell anything. The best solution is to use a blacklight (UV lamp) in the dark to find the spots and clean it with an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle.
Cat spray is a very smelly problem which has caused many cats to be abandoned by their owners. However, this is a problem which can be solved. If you love your cat, you have an obligation to him and to yourself to stop him from spraying.
By: Katherin Towers
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Does your cat spray? Click here to learn more about cat behavior problems and how to stop your cat spraying.

Different Ways To Name Your Cat

When T.S. Elliot wrote in a poem (The naming of cats) the lines "(when) I tell you, a cat must have three different names', he must have owned a cat. Many cat owners would have to agree that finding a cat's name is both a serious and a fun thing to do and that a cat's name barely lasts a whole year before they find a new, better and apt name for their pets.

Most cats start out with simple and uncreative names. A black cat given to you by a friend is unsurprisingly called Blacky, much like what you will expect from a fluffy cat named (surprise, surprise) Fluffy. These names (along with the likes of Smokey and Tiger) are given by previous owners who really do not want to be attached to the cat because they are giving it to some other friend. They sort of expect you to change the names of these cats as you take them to your house.

When you give a different name to a cat, you are welcoming him to your family. Most names come from favorite things, like characters from a book, movie or television show. Other names crop up from famous (and infamous) celebrities such as Britney, Saddam or Osama.

Aside from giving your cat a name that first popped into your mind, there's one fun way that a certain website mentioned. It's acrophonology - it is the analysis of a name through the qualities of the letters. Before giving your cat or any pet just any moniker, it won't hurt to give acrophonology a try, right? You can even find online analysis of your cat's name. Sites that offer this kind of service often deliver a brief summary of the hidden meanings that are within your cat's name. Sure sounds fun and quite rewarding, right?

Other ideas can come up from cartoons, mythology, ancient historical figures and even from common names of people. There are plenty of names out there and if you can't think of any, just type 'cat names' in your favorite search engine and you'll find great names that you might have not thought of.

These names though, however good they are, tend to change after certain circumstances. Imagine a cat you named Fatso because he was fat when he was a kitten. All of a sudden, after 1 year he went from a kitten who always slept to a cat that prowls the night. This will build up his body and the once fat kitten is no more. So what about his name of Fatso? It sounds ridiculous introducing him to your friends as Fatso when he is not fat at all, so you are bound to change her name after that.

Another secret with cats names is that you have to be creative. Sometimes you don't even have to think of a word as cats provide them to you with their actions.

Other cats names change after certain incidents. These incidents include accidents such as your cat breaking a big bottle of strawberry jam (so you named her Strawberry) or like when she cries too much and you can't sleep for several nights (so she is named Banshee).

The value of your cats name does not only extend to that term of endearment that you would like your lovely feline companion to be regarded with, but your cats name is also important when it's time for you to train it. If you are planning to make your pet one of the most well-trained, making your cats name easy to say and quite unique will make it easier for you to say it when you have to issue a command. One tip is use your cats name in positive commands such as "come". When your cat gets accustomed to hearing its name in only positive commands it will learn to love its name.

Truly, naming your cat can be a very rewarding and fun endeavor. It doesn't have to be a mind-boggling feat. If you really are quite passionate with your feline friend, chances are giving it a name would be a cinch.

By: Jay Schindler

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Find tips about panda facts and turtle facts at the Animals Facts website.

Feline Health Tips - Helping Your Overweight Cat Lose A Few Pounds

Feline obesity is a threat to the health and lifespan of your cat. This article will help you work with your cat to lose the needed weight with minimal struggle.
Feline health is, in many ways, common sense. Since cats are mammals like us, many of the same basic premises apply.
When a cat is overweight, he or she is at risk for heart problems, diabetes, and the exact same complications obese humans experience. Good feline health practices for reducing obesity are the same tactics used for people who need to shed a few excess pounds.
Essentially your cat needs to take in fewer calories and get a little more exercise. That's all there is to it unless there is some genetic setback causing the feline obesity.
You might think it's hard to get your cat on a diet and exercise program, but in truth it's quite easy. Where you lead, your feline friend will follow.
The first step is to ask your vet what your cat's target weight should be. Your veterinarian should be able to give you a good range to shoot for with a basic physical exam.
Fewer Calories In Your Cat's Diet
Once you have a target weight goal, you'll need to start by adjusting your cat's caloric intake. Your vet can recommend a good food with fewer calories.
Also you can adjust the current feeding schedule. If you're leaving food in the bowl all day long, start feeding your cat twice a day instead.
Take the bowls up after your cat eats in the morning and set them out again for the evening meal. Again, once the cat has had a good meal, take the food up again until the next morning.
Clearly if you have multiple cats it might not be as easy to manage your obese feline's diet. If you don't want to put all cats on a reduced schedule just find a food with fewer calories and eliminate treats until the target weight is reached.
And certainly stop giving your cat people food! Especially in cases of feline obesity it is counterproductive to share people food with your cat.
Feline Exercise Program
Chance are your cat is already somewhat active. Even cats who "sleep all day" have at least one activity period during the day.
Felines are polyphasic, meaning they have multiple periods of sleep and activity during the day. You may simply be unaware of when your cat is running and playing.
Your job is to get your cat involved in a period of exercise and brisk physical activity for about ten minutes each day. And you can do this by simply playing with him or her.
Drag a string, throw a catnip ball, or do something else to intrigue your cat into motion. Keep him/her running, jumping, and swatting for ten minutes or longer without stopping.
You can use catnip to stimulate your cat if needed. Many felines get a rush from this herb and will become more active for several minutes after rolling in or eating it.
It takes a little focus on your part to correct a feline obesity problem. But you owe it to your cat to put forth the effort on this because after all, you are the parental figure in this relationship.
By: Timothy Aaron Whiston
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For more easy, practical tips on keeping your cats in an optimal state of feline health be sure to visit the author's cat health care site now.

100percentile: Cat 2008: All About Cat 2008 Entrance Exam

Getting ready for CAT 2008 and aiming at a high percentile? Planning to write CAT entrance examinations or beginning your CAT Preparation for CAT 2009 ?
Know more about this here..
Common Admission Test - popularly known as CAT, is one of the toughest management entrance examinations in India, conducted by the elite Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) for admission to 2-year full time Post Graduate Programs in Management. Apart from IIMs, there are other premier B-Schools in the country accepting CAT scores for admission to their respective management programs.
CAT is an aptitude test which examines a student’s managerial skills through questions based on Math’s and English. The level of questions is generally of 10th or 11th standard which include areas viz. Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Ability.
CAT is usually held on the third Sunday of November every year for which the notification is published during the second week of July. For the year 2008, CAT entrance has been scheduled to be held on November 16. Click Here to Read the full Article ,
By: Exam Preparation India
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100percentile offers online exam preparation tools and Online IITJEE Test Series , MBA , CAT and AIPMT , PMT curriculums. Experts and toppers are available to give guidance and answer questions in forums for all IITJEE, AIPMT and all medical & MBA aspirants