Persian cat: Chocolate and Lilac color

by Jesica Jennings

Chocolate or lilac Persians?

Can it be possible? I, as an owner, breeding Persians and exots, pose myself such a problem quite recently. Of, course they exist, if to see from genetic point of view. These colors are included into standard, there is their description, but... Where are they? By all accounts from abroad, they have such animals but for some reason they are more often met in pedigrees of British cats as experimental partners for leading new color into the breed, but not like exhibition stars. It had to spent lots of time to answer the question: "What is the real situation with Lilac and Chocolate in the Persian group?"

The paradox came to light at once: there is enough big number of Points with Chocolate and Lilac masques and practically full absence of equally colored individuals. Probably, the fashion played its role in it. After all, from the genetic point of view Lilac-Point color is more difficult in receiving than, for example, Chocolate Solid (solid-monochromatic, "firm" colour). Now, thanks to fashion's jokes, selectionists are forced to word for word take out Chocolate and Lilac either from Solid-carriers CRC (carriers of Color-Point gene) or to work simpliciter with color lines, making copulations Solids (moreover it is desirable of stronger type) with Colors and further interbreeding on the Color parents. Such copulations are made for a long time, but purposeful selection are begun recently in this direction.

Only several breeding nurseries work today in this direction:

This is JUKI in Poland. It is world-famous nursery. But again they have Chocolate and Lilac not like purpose of selection, but like a side effect of Color-Points' breeding of modern type.

This is Smaragd in Estonia, which specializes in Persian and Exotic cats of Lilac color and uses in the work cats from JUKI and Finnish nurseries.

Lilac cat of strong type, reached high victories by FIFE system. Pedigree program of the nursery is various and includes copulations with Chocolate sires.

This is Tair Polling in Ukraine, using also bloods of JUKI, but specializing, vice versa, only in Chocolates and Tabbys. You can see first kittens from this oldest Kharkov nursery in Moscow.

This is club Irbis (FIFE) in Krasnodar, working at the Colors' bloods and carriers of Chocolate. Today the nursery Rarity of one sire, cat of Lilac color. Now you can see the first Lilac prosterity of show-quality.

The nursery Kelisa in Sochi is the nursery of Chocolate Persians. Prosterity of the same type, thought-out pedigree program. The nursery plans the receiving of Lilac Exots and the perfection of the type.

Several animals of Chocolate color appeared in Russia and Ukraine, but you can't see the result of breeding yet. Or these cats still too young, or the pedigree program is not thought out, giving a soon result. Chocolate Exot of Kharkov bloods lives in Saint Petersburg (owner is Orlova S.), also the city on Neva can boast of Chocolate Color-Point, imported from Poland, one more Exot from Kharkov is purchased by the nursery Dimarsh (Moscow).

Ther are animals of modern type in Perm and Voronezh, but because of their remoteness from the capital or passivity of the owners we have a few information about them.

The nursery Alexander-Fred (Moscow) has three Chocolate Persian cats ( of different blood lines), one Chocolate Exot, Chocolate Cream cat, and also several cats-carriers of chocolate gene. The nursery plans the receiving of Chocolate and Lilac Bicolor cats. The nursery leads common pedigree program with Kelisa (Sochi).

Several enthusiasts in Moscow started the breeding of Chocolate and Lilac Persians, but probably they either didn't have enough means to purchase interesting sires or purposefully decided to go all the way of coming-into-being of animals' type, who originally received chocolate color by the way of interbreeding.

It is necessary to understand genetic appropriatenesses of these colors to know the rules of breeding and receiving of Lilacs and Chocolates.

Black color of the hair equally with red is considered to be the basic color. Pigment melanin in black color - eumelanin, in red - pheomelanin. All the rest various colors (except white) are only derivatives of these two. Black color of the hair is formed under the influence of gene B - black, which is defined full chromogenesis. The pigment equally assignes to the axis of hair from the root till the tip. Gene B - black of black color is prepotent, and behind it the row of recessive genes can be hiden:

Gene brightener D (delutor - i.e. diluent), that gives an opportunity to receive from the given sire kittens of blue color. This gene is charged with distribution of pigments, their more thin location along the axis of hair, making the tone of the hair more light;

Gene b of chocolate color ( special location of pigments along the axis of the hair) , giving an opportunity to receive from the giving animal kittens of chocolate color and, in combination with gene-brightener D, lilac color. Consideration must be given to the fact that gene b is recessive. I.e. to receive kittens of chocolate color, both of parents must be carrier of this gene, and to receive the posterity of lilac color, both of parents must have at the same time genes D and b;

Gene of siamese color is interesting by opportunity to receive the posterity with siamese marks, including blue, chocolate and lilac colors (in the presence of genes of clarification and chocolate color at the same time).

Presence of given genes can define, studied the pedigree of sire or in practice, choosing partners with known genetics. But to receive the color, close to ideal, it is necessary to keep to the rule - to pair similar with similar. The main requirement for the quality of lilac and chocolate color is their tender, warm tone. These colors go well together, but as possible partners it is allowed to choose cats of Red, Cream colors, who give their Lilac and Chocolate progeny pinkish tint of hair and bright eye color. To Lilac and Chocolate Tabbys can be recommended Golden Tabbys as possible partners or improvers of type.

Peculiarity of today's situation in Chocolate breeding of Persian is that the task to get rid of Siamese gene became the purpose of the selectionists. At the first stage of the work it comes to the leading this gene into the recessive state. In future, numerous copulations of Chocolates and Lilacs 'inside them' will allow to clear up the color gene of the population.

It would seem that there is nothing simplier to pair Lilac-Point with Red cat, and then interbreed littermates between each other. But the question of the type stands the most sharply in Persians than in other breeds. That's why such way is inconvinient - doing the step forward, it has to do two steps back. What we have to do? Very often animals of black color, especially in extreme breeds are the carriers of the strongest, modern type, that's why they are used as improvers in the breeding of animals of different colors such as Points, Smokes, Bicolors and even Chinchillas. That's why it is appropriate to attract exactly them (or Tortoiseshell cats, received from black, high-class sires) to the chocolate program.

Extract from the standard of Persian colors WCF (edition by 1995)

Color: All colors of brown are accepted, without rust, white hairs or picture. Without grey undercoat, color must be equal.
Lobe of the nose: Color of milky chocolate
Pads: Color of cinnamon or chocolate
Eye color: Copper or deep-orange

Color: Color of hair is pale lilac with light pink shimmer, without white hairs or picture. Without grey undercoat, color must be equal.
Lobe of the nose: Lilac
Pads: Lilac-pink
Eye color: Copper or deep-orange

Today the interest to the rare Persian colors increases. That's why I hope that very soon we can often see the rarest and the most mysterious Chocolates and Lilacs on the shows!

About the author
If you want to see more information about Persian cats, please visit this site Persian cat Club

Catnip: Is it safe for my cat?

by Kelly Wolfe

First off, I want to let you know that catnip is not a drug; it’s a perennial herb and a member of the mint family. Cats have a natural attraction to this plant that can result in a mood altering affect. Your cat can become highly active and silly, completely mellow, or she may have no change at all. Your cat may sniff, roll in, or eat catnip.

Eat It!
For indoor cats that don’t get out to eat the proper amount of grass, giving her a tablespoon of catnip a day to eat is a healthy way to ensure she is getting the greens she needs. Eating catnip helps your cat’s digestive system. It also can get your cat frisky and in the mood to play resulting in some much needed exercise.

The Right Kind of Catnip
When purchasing catnip, here are a couple things you need to keep in mind. First, you want to make sure the catnip you are buying contains leaves and flowers, not just stems. Catnip stems have no effect on your cat and some companies even put fillers in their catnip. The second is to make sure the catnip is certified to be pesticide free. You don’t want to give your cat an unknown chemical that may make her sick.

Catnip is safe for your cat and is even an essential part of a healthy digestive system. Cats love it and you will love watching what they do when they are around it.
About the author
Kelly Wolfe Women of the West, Inc. Email:

Hairball Symptoms Cat Lovers Must Know

by Matthew Paolini

If you're a cat lover like me, few things are more important than the continued good health of your favorite tabby. It goes without saying that part of being a cat lover is taking a proactive approach to your cat's well-being. That means finding and building a good relationship with a local veterinarian in case of a medical emergency. It also means learning enough about common health issues to be able to identify them and take the necessary action to ensure your cat's good health.

One of the most common medical conditions in cats is the hairball. Hairballs are the unintended consequence of a cat's preoccupation with grooming. Because cats clean themselves quite frequently by licking their fur, they invariably ingest some of their own hair. While most of the hair a cat swallows passes through the digestive tract unimpeded, hair can collect in the stomach, where, much like a ball of string, it becomes entwined.

The simple act of vomiting is a natural reaction that almost always allows a cat to take care of hairballs on its own. If a hairball becomes large enough, however, your cat may not be able to pass or vomit it. A serious or even life-threating blockage of the digestive tract may be the result. If you notice symptoms like unproductive drive heaves, a change in your cat's eating habits or a swollen abdomen, take your cat to see the vet as soon as possible.

About one-fourth of all digestive blockages in cats are caused by hairballs that can't be passed. Fortunately, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to your cat's good health. A prophylactic chat with your veterinarian is definitely in order if your cat is prone to an abnormally high number of hairballs. Your vet may suggest a high fiber diet or prescribe a flavored medication that contains a lubricant to keep hair moving freely through your cat's digestive tract. Taken regularly, meds like these can prevent hairballs from ever forming at all.

A good relationship with a qualified veterinarian is important should your cat ever require professional care for hairballs or other ailments. Regular visits to the vet, even when there's no emergency, can add many years to the life of your favorite feline. Finding a good vet in your area is often as easy as asking a fellow cat owner for a recommendation. If you've recently moved or don't know another cat owner, check your online yellow pages for a list of qualified vets in your neighborhood.

About the author
Matt Paolini is a cat lover and Managing Editor of, the Internet's leading family-safe yellow pages directory. Locate a veterinarian in your neighborhood using's online yellow pages.

The Advantages of Pet Crate Training

by andrei smith

Have you ever considered buying a crate for your pet? If not, take a time reading this article. Here you will find out the tremendous benefits that pet crate can give to your pet.
1. Your pet now can have a comfortable and safe place that he can call his home. Dogs have naturally “den” instinct. They have strong tendency to seek out for a shelter.
2. You can assure that your pet behaves well when you leave him alone. Without dog crate, he will try to hide under your folded clothes, in bed sheets or some other choice location.
3. Your dog can have the security and privacy while relaxing in his crate after a strenuous activity.
4. This will teach him a schedule and help avoid any accidents. After a successful training, your pet will know when to go outside of the cage to do elimination.
5. Your dog will have fewer behavioral problems like unnecessary barking and chewing. Thus, you will have peaceful environment
6. Traveling with your pet is easy and safely. Being inside the crate, your pet will not able to play inside you car while you are driving.
7. It serves as a mobile indoor dog house which can be moved from one location to another whenever you want.
8. Your dog keeps away from much of the fear and disorder caused by your reaction to destructive behavior.
9. Crate training helps teach your dog to have bladder and bowel control. He learns to hold it and go at right scheduled times, instead of going whenever he feels like it.
10. You pet will become more confident and keeps way from other commotion.
11. It keeps away your cute puppies from potentially hazardous household items.
12. If right crate training was done, it will result in a happy, clean dog that will grow to be a well-adjusted member of the family.
About the author
The author is a pet lover connected to a company that offers a complete line of dog crates , dog houses and other dog containment systems at affordable prices.

Cat health insurance: get exclusive care for your cat

by Robert Scott

Regardless of your intensive care, all pets including cat, fall ill or are injured. Like a human being, your pet also needs medical treatment; in fact, they need more heed than a human being needs, as they cannot express their pain through words. Since charges of medical treatments are very high, a minor injury or illness of your pet can affect your entire budget. At present, there are n numbers of insurance companies, which offer effective reliable insurance policies for your pet. However, all pets are unpredictable but when it comes to a cat, predicting a single step of this naughty creature becomes impossible. If you own a cat and are worried about her health, then cat health insurance is the best solution for you; in fact, with this policy you can cover your cat’s health expenses for a lifetime. This policy helps you in ensuring that your cat will get the best care and medical assistance during illness or injury.

Cat health insurance is something that can really lighten your financial burden, as it reimburses all medical and hygiene expenses of your cat. Owning a cat is the great pleasure; in fact, whenever we see that sweet creature jumping here and there, we just forget all our worries and find a new world of joy in her innocent activities. However, she needs extra care, as there are many uncertainties and risks that are associated with her. You can give her every possible thing just by purchasing an insurance policy for her; this policy will definitely provide your cat with exclusive medical and routine health care. Getting your cat insured is your own personal decision but it is always advisable to secure your cat with cat health insurance.

Cost and type of insurance policy completely depends upon the breed of your cat, as some breeds are more vulnerable to health problems. For insuring such breeds, insurance companies charge a higher rate; in fact, it is reasonable, as the pet gets better financial benefits with such policies. There are many times when your cat eats something venomous and falls ill; this is the situation where your cat needs cat health insurance. This policy will help you in compensating all medical expenses; however, this cannot compensate her pain but can give your darling cat a lifetime security. Despite of the seriousness of illness, it enables you to afford the best care and treatment for your cat.

Since all cat health insurance policies cover head-to-tail injury and illness expenses, you can choose any policy according to your requirements and budget. If you are worried about monthly premium, then you can be rest assured that it will never affect your monthly budget. To avoid expensive premiums you can also go for a cheap insurance policy, as such policies cover every aspect of your cat’s health without putting any extra burden on your pocket. But before you go for cat health insurance, always make sure that it covers every health and hygiene expense of your cat or not.

About the author
Robert Scott is a veterinary doctor and through ages having been dealing in pet insurance. If you want to know more about pet insurance,Dog insurance,Pet insurance Online Cat health insurance . you can visit