The Bengal Cat: a Domestic, Not So Wild Cat

Submitted by Iro
If you've ever dreamed of owning your own exotic wild cat, then adopting a Bengal can fulfill your wish without the inherent dangers of a real wild cat.
If you are looking for a cat that is truly unique in its look, take a peek at the Bengal Cat. A fairly new breed that originated in the United States, breeding an Asian Leopard cat with a domestic cat developed the Bengal. With its physical resemblance to its wild ancestor, the Bengal cat has all of the exotic beauty of a leopard combined with the pleasant gentleness and domesticity of your typical house cat. Originally, Bengal cat breeders wanted a way to preserve the exotic look of the Asian Leopard while developing a truly trustworthy domesticated cat, and when first exhibited in shows in 1985, the public's reaction was indeed overwhelming as they stared in awestruck wonderment at this absolutely gorgeous cat. Their spotted and marbled coats are truly a feast for the eyes.
This is absolutely the best way for people who love the look of exotic wild cats to own their very own domesticated version without the danger inherent in actually owning one of the wild exotic cats like a tiger, lion, or leopard. However, if you are considering cross breeding to create your own Bengal, importation of the Asian Leopard Cat is limited and guided by strict controls, so you are better off to just adopt one for an already certified breeder of Bengals. The first attempt at developing the Bengal cat was made back in 1871 when a Leopard cat was cross-bred with a domestic shorthair. However, the first breeding with the intention of creating a pet leopard was done in 1941 in Japan. In the United States, the effort to breed a Bengal did not take place until the 1970s, but this finally resulted in the Bengal that exists today.
These beautiful cats have fur that is a rich diversity of color and can have either leopard spotted or marbled coats with a background color of brown or white. Also, there is no other breed of cat in existence that has the pearl or gold dusting effect, making the Bengal cat look as though it has been dipped in crystal or gold dust. This glittering effect shimmers in the sunlight and is extremely beautiful to behold. Bengals also have tails that appear ringed with a black tail tip and spotted tummy. Its coat has the wonderful feel of silk or satin, and even the Bengal's voice is different from any other domestic cat as they can coo or chirp. And you would have no trouble giving your Bengal a bath, as they love to play in the water as well as somersault and jump.
Article Source: the Author For more specific information on Bengal Cats, click here Bengal Cats, for more cat breed care and information on all types of felines visit our main site The Feline Cart

The Havana Brown: a Smoking Great Cat

Submitted by Iro
The Havana Brown cat may have gotten its name from a cigar, but its color and nature is more likened to sweet chocolate candy.
Although brown cats have been around for centuries, the Havana Brown Cat first appeared in Britain in the nineteenth century and was considered to be a part of the Southeast Asian branch of the Royal Cats of Siam. But all of the North American Havana Browns in can be traced back to two cats in Norwood, both of them imports. It was this particular breeding that produced the first Havana Brown to achieve Grand Championship status. These cats are just the feline to have if you are looking for an affectionate, sociable, intelligent companion. They have all of the sweetness and color of a bar of chocolate. Plus, Havana Browns purr so loudly that you could swear they are vibrating.
The Havana Brown cat is a medium-sized cat that is elegant and graceful, though also muscular, and it simply exudes a sense of power. However, picking one up for the first time may surprise you. For such a lithesome looking cat, it actually weighs more than you might expect, with the females running from six to eight pounds and the males weighing from eight to ten pounds. Their whiskers are also brown, but as they age, will eventually turn white.
Like the Rex breed of cat in Britain that obtained the Rex part of their names from a curiously shorthaired breed of rabbit, some historians believe that the Havana Brown was also named after a rabbit of the same color. However, do not tell a Havana Brown fan that. They prefer to think that the name came about because the brown color of the breed resembles the color of a fine Havana cigar. Regardless of where the name originated, that glistening mahogany-toned brown color is the perfect thing to set off their green, oval shaped eyes that are expressive and positioned lower on the cat's head than most other cats.
The Havana Brown is a highly intelligent animal that is often more dog-like than cat. They can easily be halter and leash trained, know their name, and also the meaning of the word 'No'. They are also perfectly at home riding around with you in your car, truck, or motor home and have no qualms about sitting next to you in a seat on an airplane. Do not be surprised if your Havana Brown reaches out with a paw and touches you to get your attention. Another thing they love to do is to run like mad, and then suddenly flop onto the floor right in your path, waiting for an expectant tummy rub. They adapt easily to just about any home environment as long as the attention and love is there. But like any animal, they should not be left home alone for too long as it can get very lonely for them. Naturally, you should keep your Havana Brown inside the house for its own safety and protection from predators and disease.
Article Source: the Author For more specific information on Havana Brown Cats, click here Havana Brown Cats, for more cat breed care and information on all types of felines visit our main site The Feline Cart

The Norwegian Forest Cat: a Feast for the Eyes

Submitted by Iro
Norwegian Forest Cats are one of the most beautiful cats you can own, a virtual feast for the eyes.
Take a gorgeous cat that has a long, flowing coat of silky fur that you just love to touch but requires little to no grooming, and you have a Norwegian Forest Cat. These beautiful cats have bright emerald green eyes with a band of gold and possess a face with one of the sweetest expressions you will see on a cat. It all combines into such a lovely package that you just can't stop looking at them.
Used by the Vikings to protect their grain stores on both the sea and on land, these cats have explored the world over and it is believed that many of the progeny were left behind on the shores of North America. Another interesting feature of the Norwegian Forest Cat is that their look varies greatly between winter and summer. During the spring, they shed their luxurious undercoat with its downy warmth. But they keep the long outer guard hairs that don't tangle like the fur of most longhaired cats, and acts as a deflector against snow and rain, so that the difference in their coat from season to season can be quite extreme. They also have inner-ear hair ranging from three to four inches in length and curves out and around their ears. Not to be forgotten is their magnificent tail which, when fanned out to its fullest, can be as much as twelve inches or more.
Their color ranges from purest white to the darkest black with nearly every combination of coat pattern and color combination. The light colored cats had much thicker coats with lots of undercoat to keep them warm in the winter, while the darker colored coat, which absorbs the heat better, tends to be slightly thinner but just as glamorous.
The Norwegian Forest Cat's Norse name is skogkatt, which means forest cat. They are believed to have come out of the Scandinavian forests some four thousand years ago. These cats are considered to be one of the best people-oriented cats, but as in any animal, their personality will differ depending upon the kind of home in which they live and the type of handling they received from their owners. If handled and petted from the time they are kittens, they will respond accordingly. If you wish your Norwegian Forest Cat to get along with children, dogs, or other cats, it is best to expose them at an early age so that they are used to it.
Article Source: the Author For more specific information on Norwegian Forest Cats, click here Norwegian Forest Cats, for more cat breed care and information on all types of felines visit our main site The Feline Cart

The Ocicat Cat Doesn't Really Come from Ocelots

Submitted by Iro
Funny, smart, and known to ride around on your shoulders, Ocicats have a similar look to their wild cousins the Ocelot, but actually originate from a mixture of Siamese and Abyssinians, with a little American Shorthair thrown in for good measure.
The Ocicat came about totally by accident back in 1964, when Virginia Daly of Berkeley, MI, bred a Ruddy Abyssinian to a Seal Point Siamese in an attempt to get an Aby-pointed Siamese. The resulting first generations were phenotypically Abyssinian. It wasn't until one of those first generation cats was again crossed with a Siamese that the desired result of an Aby-pointed Siamese was produced, but the litter also bore another surprise, a spotted cat. Daly's daughter dubbed that cat, which was named Tonga, an Ocicat, because of its resemblance to the wild Ocelot. Subsequent breedings, with American Shorthairs added to the mix to enhance size and boning, led to placement of spots and introduced the silver color, which forms the Ocicat that you see today.
The Ocicat is distinctively different in its spotting pattern from other breeds of spotted cats. It has thumbprint-shaped spots that are inside a bulls-eye pattern. Compare that to an Egyptian Mau, for instance, which has several bands of color that fall together to form a thumbprint shaped spot.
Like other domestic breeds of cats that resemble their wilder cousins, the Ocicat looks wild and it has all of the characteristics typically found in exotic jungle cats, but their temperament is truly that of a pussycat. While dog-like in its devotion to the people who own it, the Ocicat is not a cat that is clinging or demanding, but they do love to shadow their humans closely. They don't know the meaning of the word stranger, but simply look upon them as yet another lap to curl up in for a quick catnap. Another endearing quality is that Ocicats love to ride around on your shoulders and will quite literally allow you to ferry them all over the house. Ocicats also love new playmates and are often a source of comical antics, but when they tire out, they search for the nearest person's lap for a nice long round of purring.
These are very smart animals capable of opening latches and doors, playing fetch and in at least one case, an Ocicat was known to wave 'bye-bye' to its owners. That is truly a picture that would be worth a thousand words. An Ocicat is a superb hunter, lying about in a lion-like pose, seemingly unaware until the prey comes into view. Then like lightening, they will do whatever necessary, even leaping higher than you would think they could to catch the object of their attention, then simply go back to their reclining position giving the impression that they somehow never even moved.
As with any purebred animal, responsible breeding helps to keep the Ocicat healthy and free of genetic defects. They enjoy a long life, and have been known to live for as long as eighteen years.
Article Source: the Author For more specific information on Ocicats, click here Ocicats, for more cat breed care and information on all types of felines visit our main site The Feline Cart

The Snowshoe Cat: a Rare Breed

Submitted by Iro
The white mitted version of a Siamese, which denotes half of their ancestry, Snowshoe cats have distinctive white markings and a bandit's mask that will steal your heart.
The Snowshoe is another breed of cat that came late on the scene, originally cross-bred between a Siamese and American Shorthairs during the 1960s in the United States. While they come in all of the familiar colors of the Siamese, chocolate, blue, seal and lilac, they can also be mitted and bicolor. However, unlike Siamese, these cats, which look so much like their Siamese ancestors, have very distinctive white mitted paws, something you've never seen in a true Siamese. The first kittens of this breed came about when two Siamese cats owned by Dorothy Hinds Daugherty of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, gave birth to three kittens that had absolutely striking white feet. It was this trait that gave the cats their name Snowshoes. They have become increasingly popular in the United States as well as the world over.
These adorable animals have been labeled with a plethora of adjectives, all of them good, and make wonderfully delightful, social companions. Because they haven't been bred to meet any extreme demands, nor been plagued with inbreeding, which is often done to produce certain traits in animals, they remain healthy with no inherent health problems that can spring up later, aside from the typical diseases that you would normally guard your cat against.
Vigorous, intelligent cats, should you decide to adopt a Snowshoe cat, if there isn't someone home most of the time with them, you should probably adopt two, or have another pet with them, so that they have someone to play with throughout the day. Snowshoes don't like being left alone for long periods of time. But don't mistake being highly active and alert for being high strung, because Snowshoes are not. They get along wonderfully well with other animals so you wouldn't have to worry about bringing them into your home if you already have a pet or two.
One of the things that make a Snowshoe cat even more different from your ordinary feline is that they love running water. Turn on a faucet when most other cats are standing nearby and you are likely to see them scampering off in a big hurry to get away from the water. They have a soft, melodic voice and can be talkers. They just love to be around people and are perfect people companions. Like most cats, you should keep your Snowshoe Cat indoors to keep it safe from urban dangers and to help keep it free of parasites such as fleas, ticks and other pests that can literally sap the life out of your beloved pet. It only makes sense that as pet owners, we should take the utmost care to keep our cats and other pets safe from unnecessary dangers.
Snowshoes not only have distinctive white paws, but also have white markings on their stomach, chest, and face, and bright blue eyes that set off their adorable Lone Ranger mask that will steal your heart away.
Article Source: the Author For more specific information on Snowshoe Cats, click here Snowshoe Cats, for more cat breed care and information on all types of felines visit our main site The Feline Cart

The Sphynx, Not an Egyptian Cat

Submitted by Iro
Sphynx cats are bald, but surprisingly they are not totally hairless, so that people who otherwise would be allergic to cats have a much easier time tolerating them.
If you were playing a word game and someone mentioned the word Sphynx, you would most likely think of pyramids, pharaohs, the Nile, Egypt, and slender, elegant cats. But believe it or not, you wouldn't actually be talking about the Sphynx cat, as they didn't come from Egypt but originated in a place thousands of miles away from that country. The Sphynx is basically a bald cat, and the first one to show up was actually born to an otherwise normal furred litter in Toronto, Canada, back in 1966. The Sphynx is completely Mother Nature's creation; humans just went one step further to insure that there are more of them around.
This kitten, appropriately named Prune, his mother, and a few other cats that had the bald mutations became the forebears of the Sphynx breed. However, most of today's Sphynx cats originated from two females rescued from the streets of Toronto, who were then sent to a Dr. Hugo Hernandez in Holland back in 1980. Not having a Sphynx male to use for stud in Holland, Hernandez used a white Devon Rex male and the offspring were sold in both Holland and France.
Some people may be totally turned off by a bald cat. Just remember the old adage, "Bald is Beautiful." This applies to cats as well as men. There are some distinct advantages to owning a hairless Sphynx. For one thing, since they don't shake off their dander as furred cats do, it remains on their skin and has to be washed off. This means that they are not hypoallergenic, so people who have allergies and could not tolerate a furred cat have no allergic reactions to the Sphynx. But a Sphynx is not always completely bald. Some of these cats have a fine down, making the animal feel like a warm fuzzy peach, and light hair can often be found on the toes, tail, and nose.
People say that the texture of their skin is similar to a heated chamois, a hot water bottle, or even similar to suede. They come in a variety of colors, which shows up in the small amount of hair they do have as well as in the pigmentation of their skin. Naturally, if you are cold, a hairless cat will be, too. So don't be surprised to find yours curled up beside you or your other pets for warmth. They also like to get under the covers in your bed.
A robust cat with few genetic or health problems, the Sphynx are social, loving, and devoted pets who love to play with children, are a delight to watch, and make a great attentive companion.
Article Source: the Author For more specific information on Sphynx Cats, click here Sphynx Cats, for more cat breed care and information on all types of felines visit our main site The Feline Cart

Cat Health Insurance: Care For Your Feline Friends With Extra Care ..

Cats are an inseparable part and parcel of our life. The creature is highly liked for its soft and abiding nature and can give the human life a new meaning. In fact, a new study says that terminally ill patients are healed faster with the help of pets. The mere presence of pets instills a sense of calm and provides compassion to the patients in the most painful phase of their life. Besides this, in our mundane lives too, we don’t seem to live without them. Yet it is a fact, that cats and other pets do fall ill due to some reason or other. Cat health insurance is the answer to most of your problems related to the health of your pet. With the help of this policy, you can provide your provide your cat with the best possible health care.
Getting a cat health insurance policy done for your cat, you are lessened of your worries related to taking care of your pets. You can cover all the expenses related to the cats as a daily routine and also go for the medical treatment in case your cat is unwell. Cats are the joy of our life. Since the creature is delicate and needs extra care, one should be free to get as much amount as is possible for its routine care and upkeep. An insurance policy is right thing to go for, since this is quite apt to provide your cat with exclusive medical and health care. Cat health insurance is a package designed for the pet lovers who wish to give that extra comfort for their pets. So go ahead with this policy, if you really care for your pet and wish its well being forever.
Pet insurance has existed in the western countries for long time now. The concept is similar to human health insurance policy and offers a safety net for your pets. It’s better to properly investigate about the nature of the insurance policy, before going ahead with it. Many of them don’t cover the expenses fro the treatment of chronic conditions, past injuries, flea control, dental and sterilization. Cat health insurance gives the pet owner a freedom to seek any kind of medical care from any veterinary clinic. In the pet insurance policy, mostly, 50% to 75% of the medical expenses are covered during a cat’s lifetime. Usually, this type of policy includes any sudden or possible expenses needed for the cat care and treatment. Besides, the cat insurance also depends upon the breed of cat you own and the insurance companies in this case, charge a higher rate.
The pet insurance package is usually large enough to cover sudden medical emergencies and the owners are able to save their pets from possible death due to the lack of medical care. Cat health insurance helps an owner to lower the costs of all medical expenses. Make a comparative study of the insurance providers before arriving for that final decision. A company should be selected for its years of proven expertise in the pet insurance cases and all the details should be properly understood. A reason why one should go for the pet insurance policy is the fact that it is after all such an affordable price to pay to for the quality medical care of your cat. As stitch on time saves the nine, the insurance policy also provides you with quality medical care on a timely basis.
By: Robert Scott
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Robert Scott is a veterinary doctor and through ages having been dealing in pet insurance. If you want to know more about Pet insurance,pet insurance online,cat health insurance,cat insurance,veterinary pet insurance. You can visit

Tonkinese Cats: the Dog Cat

Submitted by Iro
Tonkinese Cats play fetch, adore people, and are all the fun of a dog without the inconvenience of having to walk them in the middle of the night.
Are there qualities that are inherently common to dogs that you wish you could have in your cat? Believe it or not, there are certain breeds of cats that are so people oriented, like dogs are, that they are referred to as dog cats. They are Tonkinese Cats. But the beautiful bonus to owning a Tonkinese Cat over a dog is you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to let is out to go potty. Aren't litter boxes the greatest? And personality? You can't beat a Tonk when looking for a fun loving, sociably involved cat. They even love to play fetch.
According to documentation, Tonkinese cats have existed since at least the 1800s. However, if it were left up to Burmese and Siamese cat breeders, they would have been bred into extinction. Documentation aside, the first known Tonkinese was a cat named Wong Mau in the 1930s, the ancestress to the Burmese, which was bred with a Siamese. But most breeders of Burmese and Siamese cats were very careful to breed out the Tonkinese characteristics, resulting in the two breeds that exist today. Fortunately, in the 1970s, some breeders once again began cross breeding the two cats in order to bring about the existence of the Tonkinese that we have today. It could be said that the breeders who tried to wipe out this species feel that there is no reason to have the Tonkinese cats in existence; fortunately there are people who don't agree.
Tonkinese cats are intelligent and possess an avid curiosity like their Siamese relatives, but are considerably more laid back, like their Burmese side. They are known for their independence, have strong personalities, and can be as stubborn as all get out. They will never be considered lazy or slug-about, but these cats are just so happy and lovable that you certainly couldn't stay mad at them for long. They don't like being alone so it is best to have two or even another dog or cat to keep them company if no one is home for long periods of the day, say at school or work. They get along equally well with adults and children alike. It is also best to keep them indoor at all times, otherwise they might contract disease or even more likely be stolen.
They have gorgeous, open, and almond shaped eyes that vary in color from blue to green/gold, but Tonkinese are also the only pedigree cat that can have aqua eyes. They also have three distinctive coat patterns: solid, mink, and pointed.
Tonks hate closed doors; they prefer to know absolutely everything that is going on, and they love being high up, often jumping up on your shoulder for a quick ride and a cuddle. You should genuinely consider getting a cat tree for your Tonk as they love to run up and down them, and it is a great way for them to burn off excess energy.
Article Source: the Author For more specific information on Tonkinese Cats, click here Tonkinese Cats, for more cat breed care and information on all types of felines visit our main site The Feline Cart

Choosing the Cat Food

Different aspects are to be taken into account when it comes to providing the proper food to your pet; the Dog Food and the Cat Food should be chosen carefully in order to maintain the normal state of health thus making the pets more resistant to different diseases.
Different aspects are to be taken into account when it comes to providing the proper food to your pet; the Dog Food and the Cat Food should be chosen carefully in order to maintain the normal state of health thus making the pets more resistant to different diseases. The first step to be considered is reading the label of every food you buy for your cat or dog. The ingredients labels are to be read in order to provide the cat with a healthy diet. This type of label is able to guarantee a special analysis of all the constituents that are to be found in a particular food; the minimum fat and the amount of proteins will also be determined. The owner may also choose a special sort of food by reading its moisture or maximum fiber. The label will also state whether the food is for puppies or adult specimens; all life stages are likely to be included and this information will also state whether that particular food has undergone several feeding studies or not.
The cat’s food bowl should be placed away from any noise or foot traffic; the water bowl should be placed in the same spot too. The location should be easy to reach and comfortable and the owner must think before choosing the most suitable place. This location is not to be changed unless necessary because the cat will become familiar with her Cat Food being in that particular place. A plastic mat or even newspapers that are put under the bowls are likely to make the cleanup easier. The owner must pay attention that fresh water is to be found all the time because this feature is quite critical to the cat’s state of health.
A proper routine should be established in order for the cat to become accustomed to being fed at particular moments of the day. The cat’s name should be used while feeding because the owner has to help the pet reinforce his own name thus associating it with a pleasant activity. If the owner chooses to feed his cat with dry cat food, he will have to put a daily supply at a particular moment of the day. The morning is to be preferred, especially if the owner is a working person. There is another advantage that should be taken into account when it comes to dry cat food; this type of food may actually help the cat in order to maintain the gums and teeth quite healthy. The feeding instructions that are to be found on each label should be followed in order to provide the cat or dog with the necessary nutrients.
The owner must be aware that he must not feed his pet with another animal’s food; every cat is likely to have unique needs when it comes to its nutrition and these nutrients are found only in the Cat Food. The cat must not be fed with chicken, pork or fish bones because these bones can lodge and splinter in the cat’s throat. They can even pierce the pet’s stomach or its intestines. The cat should not be fed with milk because milk can cause diarrhea. The cat does not need any milk in order to develop a strong bone system. Onion and chocolate are to be avoided in a cat’s diet because they are very toxic. Therefore, these foods should be stored in places that are out of the cat’s reach. The owner may even ask the veterinarian in order to find out more about the foods that can be very harmful when given to a cat.
Every owner should avoid the constant temptation of spoiling his pet; dogs and cats are not to be fed with table scraps because this habit can lead to a finicky eater who becomes accustomed to refusing his food in order to receive the high-calorie tidbits. The weight control should be performed on a regular basis because every weights gain can signal a certain negative change when it comes to the cat’s wellbeing. In order for you to keep your cat in a good state of health, you should control its weight because many cats are likely to become obese or overweight especially in the later years. A healthy cat should not have a hanging stomach. Extra weight is likely to be signaled especially in the cat’s stomach. The rib check should also be performed because if you do not feel the cat’s ribs when touching it, your cat is likely to be overweight.
The presence of a double chin is another reason for becoming worried about your cat being obese or overweight. Every extra weight will place an additional strain on each of the internal organs; the cat’s health may worsen thus leading to the aggravation of the already existing health problems. Prevention is always to be considered when it comes to keeping your cat from gaining extra weight. Calorie requirements are to be followed and these requirements will depend on the true needs of your cat. The veterinarian can help you in order to establish these requirements and his advice is to be considered as a true guideline when it comes to choosing your cat’s diet. Any dietary change should be made in a gradual manner because every dramatic change may cause severe problems. Every cat will need time in order to get accustomed to a new type of food; but snacks, table food and foods that are rich in calories are to be avoided. The owner can also choose to feed his cat with food that is formulated for older adults because this food has reduced amounts of calories.

Article Source: the Author Dog Food should be chosen in order to improve the natural state of health but the Cat Food should do the same.

Why your cat has inappropriate urination issues and how electronic cat litter boxes can help

Submitted by Clint
Taking out cat urine smell can be very strenuous and annoying. However, the main issue is the fact that people forget to find out what is causing their cats’ elimination problems.
Taking out cat urine smell can be very strenuous and annoying. However, the main issue is the fact that people forget to find out what is causing their cats’ elimination problems and actually fail to give their cats appropriate litter boxes. If you get to the real bottom of the problem, you can see that the answer to the burning issue of how to clean cat urine may well lie in a lack of authentic interest of the cat owner in the reasons of inappropriate urination. Part of these reasons could be treated conveniently and fast with a choice of one of the electronic cat litter boxes, which will definitely act as a relief gadget, both for your cat and for you.
First, cats urinating anywhere else but not the place you originally had in mind for them could be an issue with the litter box you have bought or built. If you’re having this issue, you will definitely want to choose one of the electronic cat litter boxes available to make both your life and your cat’s easier. With electronic cat litter boxes, the problem of how to clean cat urine in the most efficient manner is quickly dealt with successfully.
Essentially, electronic cat litter boxes do the entire job themselves. Of course, you do have to empty the contents periodically, but the most unpleasant aspects of how to clean cat urine are handled by the litter box. The reasons for your kitty peeing in the totally inappropriate places are in many situations health related. For instance, if your feline friend has only just pulled through from poor health or some sort of surgical procedure, it could bracket together the litter box and some type of ache. Subsequently, it will try to stay anywhere but near the litter box.
Moreover, if the litter box stays in an area the cat finds disagreeable, it will be avoided by your pet. The majority of cats choose to urinate at ease, unperturbed – that is why they are not keen on being somewhere where people stare at them or where there is clatter and clamor. Such environment details are certainly disturbing. In addition, your issue of how to clean cat urine efficiently will get more sophisticated if you put the litter box near the places where your cat has its meals or takes its many naps.
On the other hand, you might deal with one of those cats that choose to mark their territory. How do they mark it? Well, you have guessed it, they do it by urinating on the area they consider their property. In such a case, the issue is not the litter box you have chosen. However, you can prevent such feline conduct by sterilization of your cat, although this does not work with all cats. Finally, you need to have a veterinary check if the cat does not suffer from some urinary tract infection. Cats tend to choose various inappropriate locations for peeing if they suffer from such a condition.

Article Source: the Author While electronic cat litter boxes deal with many of the problems of how to clean cat urine with the most successful results, you also have to get interested in some of the many problems that your cat could have with the location of the litter box.

Cats, Domestic Cats, And House Cats History Revealed

Cats, also referred as Felis catus, house cats and domestic cats are small, cute carnivorous mammals. For cat lovers around the world, who wish to know more about these adorable pets, below is a physiology of cats. To start with, studies reveal that around 69 billion of cats are present in the U.S. homes.
They are the second most favored pets after dogs. They can be interbred and have to be registered as pedigree pets. Human beings value cats very much for their superior companionship and capabilities to hunt rodents.
Researchers suggest that association of cats with human dates back some 9500 years ago. They believed that ancient Egyptians were first to domesticate cats, as they considered cats as religious animals. However, recent study shows that, people in other continents also domesticated cats around the same time.
Cats are expert predators and can hunt more than 1000 types of species. However, cats are easily teachable to obey commands. Some cats learn without training such as they can bolt the lock and work on simple mechanisms.
Their vocalizations vary and they use different body languages to communicate. The common vocalizations include meowing, hissing, grunting and growling.
Size And Skeleton Of Cats:
An adult domestic cat weighs about 4.5 -6.8 kilograms. Female feline weighs anywhere between 6 - 10 pounds, about 2.7 - 4.8 kilograms. The height of the cat is about 8 to 10 inches, which means they are around 20-25 centimeters in height.
The length of cat from its nose tip to the tail base averages between 18- 20 inches (46-51 centimeters) long. The size of the cats also depends on their skeleton size. The skeleton of the cat is very prominent. Their spines (backbone) have more bones because it supports the tail.
Their vertebral columns are not rigid as in human being. However, they are extremely flexible. This peculiar feature of flexibility helps them to bend their backs, twist, and twirl their bodies, so that they can squeeze through minimum gaps.
Secondly, a cat does not possess collarbone (Clavicle). If it had a collarbone, then it may not have been able to slip away through the narrow spaces. The skeleton of the cat is symmetrical and starts from the head region to entire body. The general structure of the cat's skeleton includes of three subunits.
The first skeletal subunit includes appendicular skeleton, which contains bones of fore limbs and hind limbs. The second subunit includes axial skeleton, which contains cranium, ribs, spine, and sternum. Third skeletal subunit is the visceral skeleton, which constitutes parts of other bodily organs such as ossicles (middle ear) and paws.
Functions Of Cat's Skeleton:
Cat's skeleton mainly carries out four functions. First, it supports and shields the body. Secondly, the bones work as levers to execute the muscular action. The skeleton also functions as the storehouse for phosphorous, calcium and other vital elements.
Lastly, cat's skeleton also serves as storage space for RBC (red blood cell), WBC (white blood cells) and fats.
By: Martin Marks
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We Have A Litter Box , What More Does My Cat Need?

Cats have seen dramatic shifts in their status throughout history. The ancient Egyptians believed that cats could prevent people from dying, so cats were revered above all other animals. Today, the status of cats in American society has been elevated to new heights, and many people demonstrate this with their loyal devotion and significant investments in their feline friends. If you love your cat as a member of your family, you may be someone who wants to get your cat a little something extra for the house. If you like to spoil your cat with gifts and treats, you may be looking for the latest model in cat furniture to enhance your cat’s living space. If you are interested in more than just a toy and a food dish for your cat, you can show your pet your appreciation for him by getting him modern cat furniture that fits his lifestyle and yours.
There are lots of models and features for you to choose from, how do you know where to start?
Scratching Posts
All cats need to scratch. This is their normal, healthy way of exercising their claw muscles, stretching for muscle tone and removing their old, outer nail sheaths. A scratching post can be an ideal way to accomplish this. Something to call solely his, a scratching post is appealing to your cat and can be very helpful in protecting your other furniture while coming in a variety of designs. You can have your choice in design that is most needed for your cat. There is the traditional post that stands like a miniature Roman column, but there are other varieties as well. Is your cat prone to scratching the floor after a nice doze in the sun? Then also consider a flat scratching lounge, since cats like both vertical and horizontal scratching surfaces. With corrugated cardboard sides and bottom, your cat can nap and scratch all in one place. Are you more interested in protecting your couch, drapes, and other furniture from your cat’s claws? Try transparent adhesives on the legs of your furniture. The upholstery will be protected and your cat can continue to scratch where he chooses.
Cat Trees
Weren’t tree houses always fun for you growing up? A secluded place where you could relax and have a bit of privacy is always a welcome spot. If your cat could talk, she would tell you that she would like to have the same thing, a quiet place to climb and relax. Trees and climbers provide cats with multiple levels they can climb and have the best seats in the house, not to mention scratch if need be. Cats with a bit more energy than others will especially enjoy these pieces of furniture because of its dual functionality: a place to climb and a place to perch. Curious cats can go on an adventure that doesn’t begin on the dining room table.
Cat Beds
Who doesn’t love to curl up in bed on a cold night after a long day? Cat beds are the perfect place for your cat to relax and cozy up with a soft piece of furniture. This is a welcome retreat for your cat that comes in funky colors and designs to best appeal to your personality or your cat’s. Cat beds come in an array of styles from simply a comfy pad or mat, to a bed with soft sides for your cat to sink into, or even an igloo. A cat igloo allows your cat to have a cocoon of warmth and pleasure to sleep in. Similar to a cat bed but includes a roof to enclose it, these models are often made of wool which has been suggested to help with arthritis in humans. If it helps us, then it can also be helpful for your older cat as well.
Cat Treats and Toys
Nothing makes you feel more relaxed than a good dinner and a tasty treat for in between meals. If you want your cat to have the same simple pleasures, and maybe get some extra nutrition into his diet, a tuna flavored cat treat supplement may be just the thing to show your cat how much you appreciate him.
Like a child with boxes and closets full of toys, cats have their favorite toys too that help pass the time throughout the day. Variety is the key for different moods on different days as well. Whether it is made to be filled with catnip or it squeaks to get your cat’s attention, cat toys are an essential part of a cat’s life. Interactive cat toys are the hottest cat toys on the market, and provide you and your cat with opportunities to bond. Everyone needs to carve out some time every day for play and recreation.
By: Kristin Kronstain
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My Three Cats is a one stop shop for all your online cats needs and wants. You can enhance your living area with cat furniture to give him his own space in the house or allow your cat to play outside in a protected environment. There are furniture designs for the most active and most lazy cats. Whether you are interested in tools for cat grooming, cat dishes, or cat toys, My Three Cats has just what you need for your cat.

House Cats - Should You Keep Your Pet Indoors?

By : Rebecca Prescott
Whether our feline pets should be house cats or allowed to wander outside is a subject people usually have a pre-formed opinion on. For some people, cats are allowed free reign, and can go outside night and day. For others, they are kept strictly indoors all the time. Still other pet owners let them out during the day or under supervision, and keep them in at night.
The question is, who is right? And what's in the best interests of your cat? To answer this, it's a good idea to distinguish between our domestic pets and their wild ancestors. Whilst wild cats lived and hunted outside, cats have been domesticated since ancient times. Not only that, many have been bred to create certain characteristics of color and style. Consequently, they are very different animals. Our domestication and interaction with them, as loving owners who feed, look after, cuddle, and pet them, has had an impact on their psychology, personality, and behaviour. Add to this mix the fact that the outside environment natural to them is now gone. In its' place is a world with automobiles, pet thieves, toxic chemicals, dense population, and other dangers.
In short, not only are our cats different, but the world we share with them is. As a result, it is generally recommended that cats be kept indoors at all times. House cats tend to live longer, they are less susceptible to catching diseases which could be deadly to them, and they avoid the dangers of getting into fights with neighboring felines over territory.
However, because cats often want to go out, many owners think they are depriving their cats of adventure. And perhaps they are, though cats that are provided with a lot of toys and cat trees, can still live happy lives. Many owners also get a second kitten as companionship, so their pets have someone to chase and play with, and so they aren't alone all day when their humans are at work. Ultimately, it comes down to weighing up the dangers with the benefits.
This is a topic that is hard to generalize, as we each live in such unique locations. Some will be in high rise apartments, or near busy roads, or simply in dangerous neighborhoods. In these situations, the choice becomes very clear - keep your cat in the house at all times. And play games with your cat when you get home. They love chasing hands under the doona, or pieces of string attached to a stick (to keep your own hands safe)! And if your house or apartment has some great windows, house cats can still bask in the sun and enjoy fresh air.
If you are fortunate enough to have a backyard, you could consider setting up an enclosed run or pen so your cat can go outside but still be safe. Some people have even erected them on the perimeters of buildings or through gardens so that they can really explore the world outside but not escape.
Some breeds are said to be better suited to being indoor cats. For example, tonkinese are considered to have poor road sense. Having said that, I let my tonkinese cat, as well as my 3 mixed breeds, out to play when I am at home during the day. I don't live on a busy street however, and I don't let them out the front. Plus, I keep an ear out for any sounds of fighting. They always come in before it gets dark, too. I think because they have each other to play with there, they are less likely to look for trouble out of boredom.
Whether your pet is a house-only cat is a matter of individual choice. The benefits to their health and lifespan have to be weighed against possible disadvantages like disease. Plus, your own individual circumstances should be factored in. One thing to keep in mind is that cats do roam at night. This is when a lot of fights happen, and is one of the reasons it is recommended they stay indoors then. One thing is for certain though - with a loving owner who makes sure their pets' needs for affection and play are still met, a house cat is still a happy cat.
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Magazines are a great source of qualified information on our feline pets. We review cat fancy magazine here.

Caring For Your Cat With Playtime

comes to cat care, playtime is just as important to the overall wellbeing of felines as a trip to the vet. There is no need to spend a lot of money on cat toys. Most of the time, your cat will find many things in your house to play with.
The toy can be as simple as the plastic ring from the milk jug or a crumpled receipt from that day's groceries. Cats will throw their toys in the air, bat them around on the floor, pounce on them, hug them close with their front paws and kick at them with their back paws, having a blast shredding the toy to pieces.
Whether you spent a lot of money on the toy or not won't make a difference. Why buy an expensive toy when you have so many free options readily available?
Cats love to climb and rest in places where they can see a lay of the land. When one couple decided to renovate their home office, they discovered they had to throw out their cat's favorite perch, an old bookcase near a sunny window.
Since the office had to be redesigned, they built the desks and bookshelves in such a way they led to an additional shelf above each window in the office. Now the cat would have both a sunny spot to snooze and keep an eye on the front and back yards - and the cat gets some well-needed exercise jumping from shelf to shelf.
While you don't have to go to such an extreme as home renovation that caters to felines, you can make things more interesting by stacking boxes and tables for your cat to climb on.
Cats love boxes. Much like children, a cat can occupy itself for hours on end playing with a box. You can cut holes in it, line it with carpeting or old towels, and your new kitten will love it. Take a few boxes, tape them together, and build your cat a fort.
Boxes are cheap and you can get them in all different sizes. When they wear out, you can throw them in the garbage and give the kitten a new one. Add carpeting to the outside for the cat care need of scratching.
Catnip toys are easy to make too. All you need is a little bit of cloth or furry material to sew into a pouch. Fill it with catnip and stitch some Velcro on to hold it closed. You can make it into a size and shape that appeals to your cat.
Some cats like big toys, others like smaller ones that they can carry easily. Try a couple of different sizes. For cat care enthusiasts, don't worry; catnip is perfectly safe for your cat to enjoy.
Ever see a cat play fetch? Cats will do that. Some cats will start playing fetch without any prompting from you. You might be tossing their toy for them and find that they enjoy bringing it back to you to throw again.
Do you have a cat that likes to play rough? Get yourself a leather work glove and let your cat wrestle with your hand. With a glove, cats can bite and use their claws in a little bit of friendly roughhousing without tearing you up in the process.
Teach your cat care for human hands while allowing him to play, as cats will also learn not to use their claws unless you have the glove on.
If you have one of those laser pointers in your computer bag or briefcase, see what happens when you shine the red dot on the floor. The light from the laser almost looks three-dimensional, and your cat will enjoy chasing it. Just make sure that you don't shine the laser directly into your cat's eyes.
Sticks with strings are always a favorite. All you need is a thin stick and a string with an object tied to the end. This could be a small plastic ball with a bell inside or a cluster of feathers.
Your cat can chase the object while you jerk the stick to make the "prey" bounce and jump. Toys don't have to be fancy or expensive at all and aren't a reflection of your level of cat care. The only investment required is your time.
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Mike Selvon owns a number of niche portal. Please visit our cats portal for more great tips on cat care, and leave a comment at our cats blog.

Ideas for a Creative Cat Litter Box

By : Mayoor Patel
comes to arranging facilities for your cat, you have quite a few options on what to use for a cat litter box. From the predictable to the hilarious, you can come up with some interesting alternatives. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started.
It is not unusual for people to use what they have around the house as a toilet for their cats. One memorable series of mystery books features a main character that finds himself the property of two crime solving Siamese cats. Early on in the series, the character finds and prepares an old turkey roasting pot as a "commode" for his two sidekicks. While expediency seemed to be the inspiration for grabbing the roasting pan, the fact of the matter is that it turned out to be a very practical solution. Turkey roasters come with a handle on two sides, which makes it ideal for transporting to an area where you can clean it easily. Another factor involved is that a turkey roaster fits very nicely in the floorboard of the back seat of many cars. The resulting snug fit of the turkey roaster in that small space means that your cats can travel along in style and use the facilities with abandon as you head toward your weekend or summer vacation destination.
Along with a turkey roaster, you may find other receptacles around the house that would make an ideal cat litter box. For instance, have you thought about trying an oblong flower box? You can easily decorate the outside if you like, plus the lip on the flower box will make it easy to pick up and move when necessary. You can line the box with plastic, which you can then tie up and use to discard the litter and the waste in one simple step. Another possibility is to create your own disposable litter box by using a decent sized cardboard box cut to the right dimensions and lined at the bottom with extra sheets of cardboard. This option is simple to make and when it is time to change the litter, you simply throw everything away and start over.
Coming up with innovative ways to prepare a cat litter box for your pets is not hard to do. Look around your house today. You may have something that is perfect for the job, and will also add a touch of fun to something that also needs to be practical.
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Mayoor Patel is the writer for the website Please visit for information on all things concerned with Cat Litter Box

Ensure The Best Medical Care For Your Pet With Cat Insurance

Owning a pet can be one of the most beautiful and satisfying experiences that life can offer. Any pet, be it a dog or a cat, are one of best stress relievers and any pet owner will vouch for this fact. In return for the pet's unconditional love and affection, most pet owners would like to provide the very best care possible to their pets, and this includes the right kind of food, grooming, exercise and all necessary vaccinations. Also, most pet owners usually plan their monthly budget by keeping aside a fixed amount for their pet's care and needs. However, the problem arises when a sudden, unexpected mishap occurs, like a severe illness or perhaps an accident. Veterinary treatment these days has become extensive and expensive and it may not be possible for many pet owners to afford such treatment for their pets when the need arises. Hence, it is best to be prepared to face every situation with the least amount of financial worry and this can be done through suitable pet insurance plans like dog or cat insurance.
Now, every category of pets has their own unique behavior, nature, characteristics and needs and a pet owner should opt for an insurance plan accordingly. For instance, cats are individualistic pets and have a mind of their own and their needs and behavior much differs from that of a dog. So as a cat owner, one must look for a cat insurance that is specific to this category of feline creatures. Some diseases are specific to cats while there are certain conditions to which a cat will be more prone than other animals. Hence, a cat insurance should be selected such conditions in mind, so that your pet gets the maximum benefits possible from any particular insurance plan. Comparing various plans from different pet insurance companies may be a good idea to select a plan that is most feasible and offers maximum financial benefit to the owner in forms of coverage and premium payments.
The cat's age, breed, gender and medical health are some of the crucial points which an owner must consider before finalizing any cat insurance plan. Also, many plans cover the costs of accidents as well as unusual incidents like advertisement costs for a lost pet or third party damages to be paid for damage caused by your pet cat. So, carefully consider the possible situations for which you might have to undertake substantial financial expenses and accordingly select the right insurance plan.
Insurance policies have become a part and parcel of one's life and life insurance, car insurance, etc. have become the norm. So, if one is concerned about insuring all other valuable assets then why not his or her pet? Cat insurance is also such coverage for your valuable pet that brings you a high level of emotional satisfaction and happiness besides being an investment in a companion. An insured pet means a happy and healthy pet and a satisfied and financially secured pet owner.
By: Robert Scott
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Robert Scott is a veterinary doctor and through ages having been dealing in pet insurance. If you want to know more about Pet insurance, pet insurance Online, cat insurance, dog insurance, veterinary pet insurance. You can visit

Siamese Cat Breed Guide And Health Issues

Surprisingly, it is not well known that the Siamese breed of cat has been around since before the sixteen hundreds and originated from Thailand which at the time was known as Siam. These elegant cats were introduced to cat fanciers of Great Britain in the eighteen hundreds when the British Ambassador returned home with this lovely breed in tow. It wasn't however until the nineteen fifties that the Siamese became a very popular breed, although today they do not instill that same popularity.
Almost everyone knows what a Siamese looks like as they are renowned. This is partially due to their popularity in the mystery film genre. People think that it is their inquisitive personality that makes them a complement to the role of a detective's sidekick.
Appearance - The obvious features of the breed are its long oblong body, slim legs, elegant tail, a wedged head, large years and its famous almond blue eyes. The Siamese breed is a shorthaired cat and is available in several different colors and patterns such as Seal Point, Chocolate Point, Blue Point, or Lilac Point. Should there be different coloring, it is actually seen as a totally distinct breed; the Colorpoint Shorthair Breed.
Behavior and Characteristics - The Siamese is an affectionate cat who loves to have fun and expect the owners to be around most of the time. Siamese who tend to get into trouble are usually cats who are left too much to their own devices and have nothing interesting to do or they can be thinking of running away.
But if you are busy with your career yet still want a Siamese, an solution could be to have another kitten as well. It will give your Siamese companionship for fun and games and reduce loneliness. But don't worry; they will be patiently waiting to meet their masters when the masters step foot into the house.
The Siamese is a very loyal cat to the family and is even willing to try and aid you in household chores or keep you company or even rest by your side as you unwind from a hectic day. Siamese cats are very outgoing and will meet and greet anyone who comes to the door. The older generation seem to have a fondness for the elegant and affectionate Siamese breed. The Siamese is alert and keen and can pick up many new tricks such as leaning to move forward when called or even to fetch.
But bear in mind that Siamese can be slightly melancholy at times and decide not to obey commands at times. Siamese cats are true to their playful nature and will invent their own games to keep themselves amused. Games that they adore consist of hide-and-seek as well as antics such as sudden, playful pounces on unwary family members.
If you love cats that are generous with their love and loyalty is a characteristic that you are looking out for, then the Siamese cat may be what you are looking for.
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Moses Wright is a cat lover and likes to help new cat owners learn more about their cat breed. You can find more resources on Cat illnesses Symptoms and Feline Cat Care Tips at his site.

Cat Behavior Problems Solved

By : Carl Ringwall
owner's relationship with their feline, the day will come when the cat misbehaves. It's a fact of pet life; sooner or later, your cat will do something that, to him, seems like normal cat behavior and to you seems like a bad feline offense. When that happens, it's important to remember that no matter now inappropriate or inconvenient the behavior, most feline acts are quite normal -- for your cat. Simply understanding the normal behavior of cats can help you live with (and even appreciate) your cat's eccentricities.
What kinds of behavior problems exist in our pet cats? The most common, by far, is urination and defecation outside the litter box. Chances are good that every cat will have an "accident" at least once in her life; after all, cats naturally seek unsoiled areas in which to do their business. Whether or not a single event will develop into a repeated problem is unclear, but by far your safest bet is to try to prevent this from happening in the first place. As a general rule, you need at least one litter box for each cat in your home (single cats benefit from having at least two boxes). Another formula to use is the one-box-per-cat-plus-one-box rule: So if you live with three cats, up to four boxes should be used. Having enough boxes ensures that each cat will always be able to find a box that is clean, convenient, safe and private.
Another cause of out-of-box accidents is urine spraying, which is usually a territorial behavior. It is best treated by reducing the environmental or social stress that caused it. If your cat does miss the box one day, a potential headache may be averted by seeking help right away.
The social behavior of cats is also often doesn't jive with our expectations. Many cat owners make an incorrect assumption that cats are happiest in numbers. In fact, given the choice, many cats will either live alone or will develop relationships only with a select group of others. Introducing an unfamiliar second or third cat into a household often leads to long-term conflicts. Cats are creatures of habit, like most animals, and introducing another cat to the group can often upset the social balance. Cat owners are understandably upset when their pets hiss and bat at one another. Understanding that one cat's irritability does not imply "hatred" toward another can help owners live more peaceably with cat behavior. When conflicts occasionally result in fighting or loud chases, the problem can often be helped by a professional.
The rules of feline social behavior also extend to human family members. It is normal, again, for cats to occasionally assert themselves. Some cats, for example, simply do not enjoy long petting sessions, and may bite the hand extended to them; others will tolerate and invite endless stroking. Such personality differences cannot be changed, and the most harmonious households are those that accept them. But if irritability or aggression is serious and has the potential to harm family members, it is advisable to seek professional instruction and help.
Less serious, but equally bothersome behaviors include middle-of-the-night crying and playfulness, jumping on kitchen counters, and clawing the expensive furniture. Cats have their nightly work to do, after all, and few will miss an opportunity to do something that they consider fun. For cat lovers, such misbehaviors often double as endearing personality traits. It may be reassuring to know, however, that help is available if lack of sleep, paw prints on the counter or puddles on the floor become a problem.
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Get Easy Solutions For Cat Behavior Problems

Persian cat: Chocolate and Lilac color Chocolate or lilac Persians?

By : Jessica Jennings
Chocolate or lilac Persians?
Can it be possible? I, as an owner, breeding Persians and exots, pose myself such a problem quite recently. Of, course they exist, if to see from genetic point of view. These colors are included into standard, there is their description, but... Where are they? By all accounts from abroad, they have such animals but for some reason they are more often met in pedigrees of British cats as experimental partners for leading new color into the breed, but not like exhibition stars. It had to spent lots of time to answer the question: "What is the real situation with Lilac and Chocolate in the Persian group?"
The paradox came to light at once: there is enough big number of Points with Chocolate and Lilac masques and practically full absence of equally colored individuals. Probably, the fashion played its role in it. After all, from the genetic point of view Lilac-Point color is more difficult in receiving than, for example, Chocolate Solid (solid-monochromatic, "firm" colour). Now, thanks to fashion's jokes, selectionists are forced to word for word take out Chocolate and Lilac either from Solid-carriers CRC (carriers of Color-Point gene) or to work simpliciter with color lines, making copulations Solids (moreover it is desirable of stronger type) with Colors and further interbreeding on the Color parents. Such copulations are made for a long time, but purposeful selection are begun recently in this direction.
Only several breeding nurseries work today in this direction:This is JUKI in Poland. It is world-famous nursery. But again they have Chocolate and Lilac not like purpose of selection, but like a side effect of Color-Points' breeding of modern type.
This is Smaragd in Estonia, which specializes in Persian and Exotic cats of Lilac color and uses in the work cats from JUKI and Finnish nurseries.
Lilac cat of strong type, reached high victories by FIFE system. Pedigree program of the nursery is various and includes copulations with Chocolate sires.
This is Tair Polling in Ukraine, using also bloods of JUKI, but specializing, vice versa, only in Chocolates and Tabbys. You can see first kittens from this oldest Kharkov nursery in Moscow.
This is club Irbis (FIFE) in Krasnodar, working at the Colors' bloods and carriers of Chocolate. Today the nursery Rarity of one sire, cat of Lilac color. Now you can see the first Lilac prosterity of show-quality.
The nursery Kelisa in Sochi is the nursery of Chocolate Persians. Prosterity of the same type, thought-out pedigree program. The nursery plans the receiving of Lilac Exots and the perfection of the type.
Several animals of Chocolate color appeared in Russia and Ukraine, but you can't see the result of breeding yet. Or these cats still too young, or the pedigree program is not thought out, giving a soon result. Chocolate Exot of Kharkov bloods lives in Saint Petersburg (owner is Orlova S.), also the city on Neva can boast of Chocolate Color-Point, imported from Poland, one more Exot from Kharkov is purchased by the nursery Dimarsh (Moscow).
Ther are animals of modern type in Perm and Voronezh, but because of their remoteness from the capital or passivity of the owners we have a few information about them.
The nursery Alexander-Fred (Moscow) has three Chocolate Persian cats ( of different blood lines), one Chocolate Exot, Chocolate Cream cat, and also several cats-carriers of chocolate gene. The nursery plans the receiving of Chocolate and Lilac Bicolor cats. The nursery leads common pedigree program with Kelisa (Sochi).
Several enthusiasts in Moscow started the breeding of Chocolate and Lilac Persians, but probably they either didn't have enough means to purchase interesting sires or purposefully decided to go all the way of coming-into-being of animals' type, who originally received chocolate color by the way of interbreeding.
It is necessary to understand genetic appropriatenesses of these colors to know the rules of breeding and receiving of Lilacs and Chocolates.
Black color of the hair equally with red is considered to be the basic color. Pigment melanin in black color - eumelanin, in red - pheomelanin. All the rest various colors (except white) are only derivatives of these two. Black color of the hair is formed under the influence of gene B - black, which is defined full chromogenesis. The pigment equally assignes to the axis of hair from the root till the tip.
Gene B - black of black color is prepotent, and behind it the row of recessive genes can be hiden:Gene brightener D (delutor - i.e. diluent), that gives an opportunity to receive from the given sire kittens of blue color. This gene is charged with distribution of pigments, their more thin location along the axis of hair, making the tone of the hair more light;
Gene b of chocolate color ( special location of pigments along the axis of the hair) , giving an opportunity to receive from the giving animal kittens of chocolate color and, in combination with gene-brightener D, lilac color. Consideration must be given to the fact that gene b is recessive. I.e. to receive kittens of chocolate color, both of parents must be carrier of this gene, and to receive the posterity of lilac color, both of parents must have at the same time genes D and b;
Gene of siamese color is interesting by opportunity to receive the posterity with siamese marks, including blue, chocolate and lilac colors (in the presence of genes of clarification and chocolate color at the same time).
Presence of given genes can define, studied the pedigree of sire or in practice, choosing partners with known genetics. But to receive the color, close to ideal, it is necessary to keep to the rule - to pair similar with similar. The main requirement for the quality of lilac and chocolate color is their tender, warm tone. These colors go well together, but as possible partners it is allowed to choose cats of Red, Cream colors, who give their Lilac and Chocolate progeny pinkish tint of hair and bright eye color. To Lilac and Chocolate Tabbys can be recommended Golden Tabbys as possible partners or improvers of type.
Peculiarity of today's situation in Chocolate breeding of Persian is that the task to get rid of Siamese gene became the purpose of the selectionists. At the first stage of the work it comes to the leading this gene into the recessive state. In future, numerous copulations of Chocolates and Lilacs 'inside them' will allow to clear up the color gene of the population.
It would seem that there is nothing simplier to pair Lilac-Point with Red cat, and then interbreed littermates between each other. But the question of the type stands the most sharply in Persians than in other breeds. That's why such way is inconvinient - doing the step forward, it has to do two steps back. What we have to do? Very often animals of black color, especially in extreme breeds are the carriers of the strongest, modern type, that's why they are used as improvers in the breeding of animals of different colors such as Points, Smokes, Bicolors and even Chinchillas. That's why it is appropriate to attract exactly them (or Tortoiseshell cats, received from black, high-class sires) to the chocolate program.
Extract from the standard of Persian colors WCF (edition by 1995):PER b CHOCOLATE:Color: All colors of brown are accepted, without rust, white hairs or picture. Without grey undercoat, color must be equal.Lobe of the nose: Color of milky chocolatePads: Color of cinnamon or chocolateEye color: Copper or deep-orangePER c LILAC:Color: Color of hair is pale lilac with light pink shimmer, without white hairs or picture. Without grey undercoat, color must be equal.Lobe of the nose: LilacPads: Lilac-pinkEye color: Copper or deep-orange
Today the interest to the rare Persian colors increases. That's why I hope that very soon we can often see the rarest and the most mysterious Chocolates and Lilacs on the shows!
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If you want to see more information about Persian cats, please visit this site Persian cat Club. Also you can find our Persian cats pictures.

Top Methods To Train Your Cat

When most people think about animal obedience work, cats are not usually the first candidates to spring to mind.
We usually associate cats with words like distant, autonomus, and laid back ; they like doing what they want, pretty much as and when they feel like it.
You might be excused for thinking that way, this is not really the right training material!
However ; many are deriving a great deal of pleasure from training their cats in basic and advanced obedience work and tricks (from sit, stay, come to jumping through hoops, twirling, and high-fiving) - and they are completly convinced cats love it, too!
The benefits of training your cat
Only because cats lead solitary, individual lives does not mean that they necessarily want to do so.
In fact, cats are fabulous affectionate and loving by nature ; they just need you to demonstrate your leadership and initiate the rapport-building process.
Cats are often undervalue when you want to train them, simply because most of the owners has very little need to attempt any sort of training at all. Unlike with dogs (whose ability to learn is very well documented) there is no need to train cats in the basics of pet protocol like house training and bathing.
So few people do not know of their cat's abilities in this area.
Training your cat is a fantastic way to enrich cat's life:
- It develops a strong conection between you and your cat- Because training emphasize your authority (your cat has to do what you want to get what he wants), it helps to curb dominant behavior- It keeps your cat's mind active and stimulated- It's fantastic reciprocal play, and teaches good social skills- Eager and highly-strung cats get quiet and alleviate by the effect of quotidian training
how do I train my cat?
There are two popular methods of training a cat: target training and clicker training.
- Target training is where you attract your cat's attention and then obtain desired behaviors through the use of a designated tool. For example, during the beg command, a particular target training tool called a training wand is used to attract the cat's attention upwards, and to encourage the cat to rise up on his haunches and beg.
- Clicker training is a form of operant conditioning (which is where the animal is taught to form a conscious association between a specific behavior and a result.) A small mechanical noise-maker (the cliker) is used by the owner to make a short, distinct noise. The clicker is clicked at the precise moment that the cat performs a desired behavior; for example, during sit, the clicker is clicked at the very instant that the cat's bottom touches the ground. Right after the click, the cat is fed a small and tasty treat. With repetition, the cat gassociates the click with the food, and recognizes his ability to earn treats by performing the desired action on command. The clicker is a particularly valued training tool because it allows the trainer to pinpoint the exact behavior that is being rewarded: without the clicker, it is too easy for the cat to form associations between the treat and a completely unrelated behavior .
Practical tips for training your cat
- Remember you must be patient. Your cat like any other animal has his own abilities and preferences. He will learn some tricks quickly, but may have problems learning others. Make allowances for his personality, and do not lose your temper if it does not go exactly where you want.
- If you are free-feeding your cat (leaving food out at all times for him to eat as and when he feels like it), stop doing this. Enforcing a feeding schedule has two main benefits: it increases the reward-value of food treats as training devices, and also introduces a semblance of routine into your cat's life (which, believe it or not, most cats actually prefer.)
- Train smart. If you are using food treats (which is highly recommended to achieve the desired results) then schedule training sessions for just before mealtimes: your cat is natural desire for food at his regular mealtime will sharpen his focus and increase his desire to obey you (so he can get a treat.)- Take baby steps. When training your cat, it is best to build up a solid foundation of the basics before attempting to expand his repertoire.
- Cats have pretty short attention spans, and low boredom thresholds. Keep lessons short and interesting; and always try to end on a positive note.
An example of successful cat training in action
Training your cat to sit on command
Sit is a great basic command for your cat to know, because it serves as the foundation for a number of other, more advanced tricks and commands .
- Make your training wand extra-effective by smearing the tip in a little tuna oil, and use it to attract your cat's attention (wave it around, trail it past his face, etc.)
- Once he is come over to you, place the wand just over his head, so that it̢۪s slightly behind the crown of his head.
- He will tilt his head back to keep his eyes on it. When he does this, he will naturally sit down (since otherwise, his neck can not bend back far enough to allow him to keep watching the training wand.)
- As he sits down, say the word Sit, which will be the verbal cue for this command (your cat will grow to associate the command with the act of sitting, and eventually will learn to sit down whenever you ask him to.)
- As soon as his bottom touches the ground, click the clicker. It is important that you time this precisely.
- Directly after clicking, give him a small food treat. Make sure it is cut up very small; if it takes him more than two seconds to eat it, he will forget why you gave it to him.
- Repeat this process a few more times, and over the next few weeks, keep doing so until he is comfortable with what is expected of him. When he is able to sit down on command, you can phase the clicker out ; but still give treats sporadically .Further training
For step-by-step advice on how to train your cat in a huge variety of other obedience commands and tricks check out the Complete Cat Training book ; it is full of training how-to, as well as a huge amount of detailed information on solving problem behaviors, cat psychology, and how to develop a more rewarding relationship with your cat.
By: alain_mattos
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To visit the Complete Cat Training website, Click Here!

Wondering How To Take Care Of Health Of Your Cute Cat ?

There are some simple things you can get yourself aware of while taking care of your catty's health. Realize that health problems with pets are a common thing.It doesn't matter what breed of cat you have but cat health problems are inevitable and will be there. Some may be hereditary, while others can easily be prevented.
Worms such as tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms etc. infect cats and can be fatal. Your cat can become weaker day by day if this is ignored, hence get him tested by a veterinary doctor. Hairballs also cause cats a lot of problems. Usually , cats swallow the loose hair that comes from their coats and this will gather into a ball and become lodged in the digestive tract instead of passing through in your cat's stool. Although most cats can dislodge hairballs without any problems but sometimes, a hairball can pass through to a cat's intestine, creating a blockage which can be threatening. Cats can also suffer from constipation because of hairballs and hence it is best to get it solved as soon as possible by visiting your vet.
When a cat suddenly stops going to his litter box or when the cat's urine starts to smell really strong, it may be due to Urinary tract infection which is also a common health problem with cats.Urinary tract infection is more common with male cats that haven't been neutered, although females can suffer from this problem as well. Your vet can treat the problem with medicine, and make recommendations to help avoid this problem in the future.
Cat eye health care is also an important part of the responsibility of owning a cat. Note that your cat's eyes should be clear and when you see the outer part of the eyeball it should be white. Keep your cat's eyes free of mucus by gently cleaning his or her eyes.Apply a neutralizing ointment before bathing the cat or before flea treatments.Keep hair out of your cat's eyes, this is particularly true for long haired breeds such as Persians.
Cat allergies are also serious skin problems. Allergic symptoms can include itchy skin.Cats can be allergic to many things including food, fleas, pollens, plastics, and insect bites. Blood, skin, and food trial testing help to diagnose allergies.
Although some health problems can't be avoided, most of them can. You can also keep your cat indoors as well, which will protect him from a majority of health problems.
By: Andy Rogers
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Cat health care is a serious issue that each cat lover must take interest in. Besides, cat behavior is also an awesome topic. Every cat lover must keep himself updated with the cat health and cat behavior problems and solve all his catty's problems.

Cat Fights

Feral or unferal, your kitty may get tangled up in one of these if they are in particular an outdoor cat. Indoor cats if by themselves are obviously not as prone to this risk, unless they find themselves outside, or a stray visitor inside.. but two or more indoor cats can have their "bad" days as well.
If you allow your cat to roam outside in the big wild outdoors, I seriously recommend you take kitty to your veternarian from a young age and start getting him vaccinated! And make sure this is done every year no questions! This is necessary if you don't want your kitty to get infected by nasties like Feline Aids (FIV) which is transmitted through blood while fighting. This also protects your kitty among a lot of other different diseases out there like Feline Leukemia (FLV). It is also highly advisable to get him (or her) neutered. Unspayed males will fight feirsly for a female if she is in heat, which can leave both cats in tatters and spayed males can find themselves in the middle of something they don't understand if an unspayed males get the wrong idea...
Cats fighting outside at night time can be quite of a shock, as sometimes they can sound close to a child shreking or yelling, and it is definately the last thing you want to hear when your trying to sleep at night! My ultimate way of getting rid of cats engaged in a fight is to turn the hose on them, as noises won't startle them hardly as they are concentrating too much on the other cat!
For indoor cats, obviously water all over the carpet is unwanted so I find usually placing a large object between the two which will cut of eye contact with both cats, if they are engaged in a fight, don't get in their way as cat bites can not only hurt, but are more likely to become infected than dog bites. Use a chair and turn upside down and use the back of the chair and gently slide the chair between the cats, this will startle them and stop them from fighting. Give the cats 'time out' by placing one in a closed room for a short period of time.
A good tell-tale sign if a cat is frightened, the hair will stand up all over the body and when the cat threatens or is ready to attack, you will see the hair stand up in a narrow band along the spine and tail to make him look bigger, and this is also a good time to get out that hose or chair!
With the average lifespan of an outdoor only cat if they are feral or unferal, is only about three years! Which is why if you love your kitty and want him to have a healthy live, keep him indoors and he can live a whopping 16 years longer!
Not only will you benefit from keeping your kitty living longer indoors, it will save you expensive veternarian bills for infected scratches, broken teeth, torn ears, and so on by these nasty one-on-ones.
By: Jess Talbot
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To find out more about your kitty, his health, find toys for him to play with and discover how to get rid of cat urine odor from carpets visit

Avoid The Game Of Cat And Mouse When Trying To Make Money Online

Thousands of people are earning successful incomes on the internet and many more join these ranks every day. It may not be the goal of everyone to make millions online but simply to earn enough extra cash to supplement their budgets to make the financial noose around the collar a bit looser. Some people are happy enough if they manage to earn a little more than they were in their jobs and now work from home in comfort earning the same amount of money but without the commuting that goes with it.
Can anyone make money on the internet?
As long as you are over the age of 18 and have a little internet savvy then it certainly is possible to start making money online as long as you make the right choices. It also means being acutely aware of separating the chaff apart from solid business opportunities otherwise it can mean losing tons of cash before you make a red cent. There are a bunch of lions and tigers on the internet that will not hesitate to sap the money out of your bank account and will not have an ounce of conscience about it afterwards. Scam artists abound and useless business opportunities with fancy window dressing can quickly suck you into a frustrating game of cat and mouse. You are the mouse in this case trying to avoid these business opportunities which only result in you losing your money to these dishonest work from home programs.
The Best Way to start on your path to internet wealth
The advice can vary from person to person and it is best to take it from someone that has been to the wall and back. This means reading some blogs and guides about making money online. If the blog is well updated and goes back a while you can probably trust the advice and links it provides to find some sensible business opportunities and work from home programs. Blogs that are updated one every blue moon mean that the owner does not have an interest of guiding someone in any real sense of the word. When choosing your business opportunity that same goes meaning there should be good back up, tools and support that come with the program package. Sometimes subscription programs are far more viable because this a way the owner has a vested interest at helping subscribers achieve some sort of success. Once off programs or business opportunities may have no support afterwards although there are a few which can be extremely informative.
The easiest ways to start off for newbie’s to earn money online
People are labeled newbie’s on the internet fondly as those who do not have huge amounts of savvy or no ideas on how to build or run their own websites let alone add a piece of html code to one. This does not mean that there are no good programs out there that you can join to make a great amount of money on the net. Just be careful in your choices. It may be more sensible for you if you do not have website building experience to choose programs with ready built up websites that are maintained for you. All you need then do is pay the monthly subscription which may include hosting fees and other extras. As soon as you get going this should be covered by the profits you make.
Some webmasters have even gone out of their way to guarantee you’re earning success in these programs because they keep a vested interest; meaning they may earn pennies on the dollars you earn so that your success means they also continue to earn money as well. No doubt they also do everything possible to help their members but programs like this are very few and far between.
What ever business opportunity you join will require some sort of marketing so check what features there are offered by this ready built work from home website programs first. The whole key to earning money online is simple advertising marketing and after sales service just like any conventional business. This will never change though the convenience has using the internet for easier communications.
By: Richard Internet Money
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Legitimate Work From Home Programs*** Richard has been researching the internet for quality work from home programs and business Opportunities to keep people informed and able to avoid scams since early 2003. You can use this honest advice and choose your home based business with confidence. *** More Tips To Make Money Online

Taking Care Of Your Cat, Long Term

Not only is a cat a pet, it can also be a friend. If you want the feline to be with you for the long term, it pays to know proper cat care.
Before getting one from the pet store or animal shelter, be sure to have a bed, dish bowl and litter box ready. Cats will wander around both within and outside your house, so you should ensure that your cat has a collar with your contact information so that your neighbors will know where to return your cat should they come across it.
Another thing you can do is put a microchip under their skin. A pet ID tag can not only help you recover your lost cat, it can also work as a deterrent for fleas due to the chemical repellant it has on it.
You must only buy high quality cat food for your pet. These should be rich in protein that may come from meat, fish or poultry. These are available either in canned or Kibble and most nutritionists agree that a combination of both is ideal so they do not develop food addictions.
You should never give a cat chocolate because it contains theobromine, a chemical that could kill them.
Aside from food, you can also give your cat food supplements such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Taurine which is an essential amino acid.
Remember to schedule annual visits to the vet for your cat. This should be done in order to keep your pet current on vaccinations and to maintain his good health. You should remember that as a cat ages, visits to the veterinarian should be scheduled every six months.
If there is a problem or suspect that something is wrong, drive down to the vet even if you don’t have an appointment. Keep in mind that for handling cats, this is a specialized professional.
Keep their nails short to avoid scratching to hard and injuring themselves and you. Since they love to scratch and this may cause damage to your furniture, make sure to also have a scratch pad nearby positioned by their bed or the furniture.
House cats should always be kept indoors. When you go out, remember to lock all of your windows and doors.
Quality care throughout your cat's life can help him live for over ten years.
By: Steve E P
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Steve Peters is a caring and loving cat owner and owns a number of pet related websites. To learn more about taking care of cat you should grab our extensive ten part must have course, filled to the brim with cat care tips and secrets from

Get The Latest Modern Cat Furniture

Where ever you prefer to shop for your cat, you can find the perfect type of modern cat furniture to meet her needs. Pet furniture styles have transitioned from being basic models that simply serve a function to trendy furniture that make your cat comfortable and also looks attractive alongside your home decor. For example, did you know that scratching posts come in a variety of styles? Though the simple column design is still available, there are also new methods for protecting your furniture from your cat’s claws. While shopping for your cat, you can choose from an array of condos to towers and cat trees, stylish kitty litter boxes to scratching posts, all in funky shapes and designs. Cat lovers can find a variety of cat furniture and cat treats to spoil their feline friends.
Sometimes you just don’t know where to start. There are so many designs, how do you know what your cat will like? Here are some suggestions that other people have found useful when shopping for their cats.
What can I buy for my cat?
It’s no longer true that a dog is man’s only best friend. Your best friend may just be a cat and you want to treat it just as you would a best friend. Well, a best friend who wears a collar! Whether they are worn for identification or for safety, a collar can be both a functional and attractive accessory for your cat. You can choose from numerous vibrant colors and designs to best represent your cat’s personality whether that is in jewels, crystals, or nylon.
Does your cat love to climb? Consider a cat tree for his perching pleasure. Your cat can move to different levels of the tree and choose to watch your every movement or simply bask in the late afternoon sun. Does your cat love to be with you though not necessarily interested in going for a traditional walk like a dog? Consider a stroller so you can bring your cat with you on walks or anywhere. Does your cat scratch everything in sight and ignores the scratching post you bought? Try a scratching lounge. It’s a bed for your cat that also serves as a place to do some scratching. Or you can look into buying transparent adhesives that protect your furniture and aren’t eye catching to your guests. These things may not be a necessity for owning a cat, but they are certainly handy to have and well loved by cats. If you are interested in enhancing your cat’s quality of life, these things can come in very handy.
Since we have realized over time that it is not safe to let your cat outside to roam around, indoors has become the preferred “habitat”. Indoor cats still need sun and fresh air for health reasons. You can choose from a selection of outdoor, fully enclosed cat furniture to allow them to be outside without you worrying about other animals interfering with them or the risk of wandering off. They can get exercise in a protected environment.
Many cat furniture designs are created for multiple pets. You can get a double decker stroller for your cats, so they’re not crammed in a small space together. Your cat can also access sunny spots indoors by providing them with cat trees featuring comfortable perches. These allow cats to enjoy their own domain and personal space. All models are designed with the cats’ comfort and cleanliness in mind.
Perhaps you are interested in your cat’s nutrition and health and are willing to also invest in their physical well being. Maybe you should consider a pet fountain for your cat. Not only is this a practical approach for keeping filtered water available for your pet, but the sound of water moving entices your cat to come drink more often. Drinking more water will help your cat stay hydrated and healthy without drastic changes to his diet. Simple nutritional supplements can also help your cat to be healthier. Nutrition doesn’t necessarily always have to mean vitamins either. There are numerous formulas available to decrease your cat’s anxiety, help with joint pain, and provide hair ball relief.
Through the course of history, humans have changed their furniture styles, why not do the same for cat furniture? As a cat’s needs have been studied and analyzed, designs for furniture has developed to accommodate those needs. Your life and your cat’s life can be made easier with the development of new furniture features and there are new creations on the market all the time.
By: Kristin Kronstain
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My Three Cats has been supplying the latest designs in cat furniture online for the last ten years. They love cats as much as you do and so while their designs are fun and attractive, they are also safe for your cat to use. Whether your looking for cat-themed apparel or you are interested in purchasing a gift for someone else, My Three Cats has the latest cat health supplies for all your feline needs including beds, trees, outdoor furniture, and nutritional supplies.

Cat Urine Cleaning Products - My 8 Tips For Getting The Best One

Choosing good cat urine cleaning products can be overpowering to the average cat owner. There's a wide variety of cleaning solutions that boast that they can do the job and it can leave you feeling lost in which to use first. The purpose of this article is to help you to find the best products out there. Without having to waste any of your valuable time and money, I have come up with 8 practical things that cat owners should consider following before purchasing any of the vast array of products in the marketplace today.
1. Never buy any cat urine cleaning product that has any form of fragrance. Fragrances will only mask the odor. These products serve as temporary and quick fixes to combat immediate odor.
2. You want to ideally use something that is easy to use and won't require you to spend much money or time on it. Don't use a product that you have to apply multiple times in order to remove the stain/odor.
3. Products that claim to absorb the stain don't work. The usual process in waiting a few hours after applying the cleaner to the affected area followed by cleaning it up.
4. Look for products that offer up a GUARANTEE from the manufacturer that promises to remove stains and odors, especially the component of urine that is the toughest of all, Uric salt crystals. Make sure before purchasing any product that it clearly states that it has been tested and proven to remove this component.
5. Make sure all solutions are non-toxic and will not be harmful to children or pets.
6. Look into whether they have a great reputation as a company. If the company has been around for a while, there is a good chance that their product is reputable and has repeat customers.
7. How much you get in each bottle? You don't want to have to be constantly going out to buy more. Make sure it will last you a while.
8. Look for an excellent value. Something else you should look for is if there is any potential for you to get any extras that you can turn around and sell, perhaps starting up your own business as an affiliate of the company.
So, before going out to purchase any cleaning products, consider the 8 things I shared above. Doing a little homework now can save you a great deal of time and money in the near future.
By: Katie Grea
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To find more detailed information about Cat Urine Cleaning Products please visit

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof On Broadway Is Here With Its Hot Issues!

Mendacity- that’s what Cat On A Hot Tin Roof on Broadway is all about. The term is coined by the character Brick Pollitt in the story. He’s an ageing football star, who perceives the world as a ‘torture’. So dominant are the negativities in his mind that he forgets to love his own wife, Maggie, “The Cat”!
Poor Maggie! She had fled from her unprogressive childhood environment to do something big in life. She married Brick, who hailed from a rich Pollit family with a view to seek love and identity. Although she was successful in making an identity in the Pollit family, she failed to get Brick’s love and attention.
Now, it’s the 65th birthday of the family’s patriarch – Big Daddy. So, what’s the big deal? Well, each member of the Pollitt family will be present on this occasion with a hope to take home a definitive share of the enormous wealth of this tycoon. Can we smell the stink of rivalry here? Of course!
The story is based on rivalry and misunderstandings amongst the family members. Each one wants to pull the other down to get into the good books of Big Daddy. The story takes an interesting turn when the doctor diagnoses cancer in Big Daddy. He has only a year to live!
The movie version of “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof” was made in 1958 by MGM. The star cast included Jack Carson, Burl Ives, Paul Newman, Elizabeth Taylor, Madeleine Sherwood, and Judith Anderson. Cat On A Hot Tin Roof on Broadway version, which debuted in the year 1955, was considered magnum opus, yet it failed to impress the jury of Tony Awards and couldn’t get any award!
Maybe the issues of homosexuality and illness elaborated in the story were too much for the jury. However, it successfully managed to penetrate into the thoughts of the common mass through its family emotions and dramatic twists.
Perhaps Tennessee Williams knew this and that’s why he gave no second thoughts in depicting the sensitive issues prevalent in the decaying Southern society. Although it was not easy for Williams to make each character express emotions in exactly the same manner in which he wanted, he was successful in producing a masterpiece on Broadway!
So, if you want to honor the efforts of Tennessee Williams, plus the entire creative team of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof on Broadway, head for the Broadhurst Theatre where the show is running since March 6, 2008. It previewed on February 12 the same year and created a sensation in the whole city.
Watch the superb direction of Debbie Allen, the splendid sets by Ray Klausen, perfect lighting arrangement by William Grant, and remarkable costumes designed by Jane Greenwood.
There’s more to just the story of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof on Broadway. It’s about the expression of emotions. So, dial a number and book your tickets now.
By: Al Terry
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Al is the webmaster of the Cat On A Hot Tin Roof On Broadway site, a New York City entertainment website with reviews and news on every event, as well as Cat On A Hot Tin Roof on Broadway tickets information.