Cat Nutrition - How Protein Rich Food May Harm Senior Cats

By: Haziga Slamil
We all know that cats are carnivores thus their natural diet should consists of protein rich meat such as beef, chicken, and fish. Cats require a significant amount of protein for optimal growth, repairing muscle tissues and as a source of energy.

Senior cats on the other hand, require less protein than their younger counterpart due to their weak vital organs. Senior cats, in general, are less active therefore vital organs, such as the kidney and liver, will start to deteriorate thus the need to reduce their protein intake.

When a cat consumes protein rich food, its digestive system will proceed to breakdown the proteins in order for the body to absorb the nutrients as efficiently as possible. The breakdown process will produce harmful toxic products, which the kidney and liver will remove from the cat's body via feces or urine.

Since senior cats vital organs have deteriorated, too much protein will cast a large strain to the kidney and liver, making it difficult for the body to flush out toxins during the breakdown process. Also depending on the senior cat's age, the kidney might not be fully functioning at all so the body will act upon this, by urinating more than usual in order to remove some of the toxins.

You should start reducing protein intake once the cat reaches the age of ten, cats at this age are considered as senior cats. You can purchase foods that are formulated specially for senior cats as this type of foods have low protein content, also consider purchasing a liver aid for your senior cat to help boost its liver functioning.

Please make sure that you consult the vet as well, so that he can assess your senior cat's condition, and prescribe the type of food and diet that is most suitable for the cat.

Haziga Slamil is a long time cat owner and currently owns 12 happy and healthy cats. Check out her website to obtain more tips and advice on topics regarding cat nutrition, behavior, grooming and health care. Visit

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