Cat Climbing: Something We Should Know

By Idham Effendi
After scratching, the climbing is the second nature to cats and even the youngest kittens will want to test out their skills on the nearest tree. In the wild some cats climb trees in order to pounce on their prey from above, while the leopard have been know to store food in a tree, away from hungry animals on the ground. The other reason cats climb is so that they can look down on almost every other animal - it's also the reason they hate birds.Many domestic cats claw at tree trunk in order to leave their marks. See Why the cats scratch. Others will go as far as climbing to the tree in order to mark their territory. But in both cases cats want to climb instinctively and the urge to ascend a tree will be strong. Both domestic and wild cats climb trees usually as a hunting strategy or to escape being chased.Why Do Cats Like High Places 1. Height can be a signal of dominance to a multiple cat household. The cat who sits atop the highest spot is usually the one who is in control, the boss. 2. Remember, our lovable furry friends used to live in the wild and many of their traits come from nature. By sitting in a high place, cats are better able to observe what goes on around them and in some instances use that vantage point as a place of refuge. 3. Heat rises! Usually the highest spot in the home is the warmest and that is exactly where your cat wants to be. 4. Being away from the action below is a way of calming themselves. Maybe they have had enough "interaction" with the baby, or the dog, or the other cats and just need a break.Now, we have reasonable why we should adopt cat tree for our cat. Here is a list of consideration cat tree we have to choose for our cats 1.The cat tree must be well balanced, so your cats cannot tip it over. 2.The cat tree should supply your cat with both carpet area for comfortable lounging and sisal scratching surface for scratching. Carpet may be an acceptable covering, but it should be combined first to make certain that there are no tight loops. Some cats prefer sisal, a piece of material from an old chair, or even bare wood for scratching. Sisal fibber is durable, inexpensive, attractive to cats, and last longer than carpet. Be certain to use a material that appeals to your cat. 3.Be sure that the base of the cat tree is heavy and large enough and maintain stability. 4.Take cat tree that will provide your cat not only with height and scratching surface, but and with comfortable places like shelves, trays and cat houses. 5.Be sure the components of the cat tree are sturdy and spaced, so that cats can climb up and down without slipping or falling. 6.Make sure the entrance holes of cat tunnels, cat houses or some kind of cube are large enough to accommodate your cat. Some furniture isn't made with super-sized cats in mind. 7.If you choose cat tree with shelves or trays, be sure that they can hold the weight of your cat.
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