The Five Things My Cat Smooshie Helped Me Realize About Life1

By Paul Bunting
Although she had a lot of hard times in her ten year lifespan, Smooshie maintained her princess-like demeanor all the way until parting. Smooshie and I first met when I was out of state visiting family. My sister worked at a veterinary clinic, and I decided to drop by to say hello. My sister gave me a tout of the vet clinic, and that was when Smooshie first caught my eye!

She was a beautiful beige color Oriental Short Hair (picture a Siamese with a solid coat) sitting in a cage with her back turned to the noises of the clinic. I thought it was quite obvious that she was unhappy her small cage. Feeling for this beautiful cat, I commented how nice it would be to adopt her. Of course, being that I was visiting from out of state, and living in a building that cats were not welcome, I did not think it was actually going to happen.

I thought wrong. As life would have it, I moved to a building that was cat friendly, and my sister decided to move to Florida not far from where I was living. Of course, this was about six months after I made the comment about how nice it would be to adopt that Oriental Short Hair at the vet.

When Smooshie arrived she pranced out of her carrier and started sniffing around the place. It was then I was informed about the prior life if Smooshie. I discovered that Smooshie used to be called Misty, and she was five years of age.

Misty was raised in a cattery, and used for breeding show cats, as she herself was a purebred Oriental Short Hair. When Misty had had her share of kittens, she was adopted by a woman who decided to have her front and rear claws removed so that she would not risk having her wood floors scratched by cat claws.

Somehow Misty managed to cause enough havoc at this woman’s home that she was taken to the vet as an unmanageable cat. Now she was living with me, and I decided to name her Smooshie because I think all cats are Smooshie little creatures!

The time in my life in which Smooshie was living with me was not a very enjoyable time. I had many reasons to not be happy with my life, and I blamed. I blamed the economy for my troubles. I blamed the state I lived in for my troubles. I blamed the condo board of directors for my troubles. I blamed anybody and everything outside of myself for my “troubles”.

Through this Smooshie was right there. She was always waiting for me to get home, and she never judged me. I would even get angry with Smooshie for waking me up by purring and wanting to be fed in the mornings, and she still loved and accepted me. She accepted me when I retreated in front of the computer to spend hours upon hours in cyber space avoiding my “troubles”. Smooshie was still right there accepting and loving me.

In the course of our time together there were many challenges for Smooshie. There was the time when I was gone for the weekend and upon returning I discovered the alarm clock had being going off for just about the entire weekend. She really did not appreciate that. I will never forget the look on her face as I walked through the front door. She was on top of the counted screaming – and let me tell you, that cat could meow!

Paul Bunting founded the Bryn Marr Institute, which provides Hypnosis and Life Coaching certification via home study. For additional information and to contact the author please visit

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