How to Make Your Cat Urinate in the Litter Box 2

By: Richard Lindner
Its time to change the litter box if:

•A new litter being used has too heavy a scent. •The depth of the litter in the box changed. Some cats like their litter deep, others shallow. •Your cat has outgrown the box and needs a larger one. •The box is too hard to enter and exit.

Tips On How To Stop Your Cat From Urinating And Defecating Outside The Litter Box

If your cat has picked out a particular room to soil try closing the door to that room.

Put a bowl of food over the target area, as cats like to keep their eating area away from their “bathroom”.

Take your cat to the Vet on a regular basis.

If you have more than one cat, be sure you have one litter box for each cat and have an extra over and above.

If you recently changed residence, a cat might smell an area where the previous owner’s cat urinated. Remember that cat pee where the scent remains.

Do you know that it takes three to eight weeks for a cat to get adjusted to the new home, environment and people? Patiently train your cat and allow it to be familiar to a new setting.

Cats are very sensitive to change and are affected if the owner has no systematize lifestyle schedule. Handle and program your major lifestyle changes slowly and allow your cat to adjust together with you.


Urinating and defecating outside of the litter box, also known as “inappropriate elimination,” is one reason why cat owners get mad and furious.

Never rub your cats’ face on the floor, or kick it and bit it. Punishments just do not work and creates stress to your cat, which may develop to behavioral problems. It will worsen the situation.

Have patience. Be prepared for a few setbacks. Being a responsible pet owner involves more than devotion and love. With your patience, praise and helpful cat training techniques, it is possible to keep your cat from engaging in inappropriate litter habits. For more helpful information please visit

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