How To Stop a Cat From Scratching Your Furniture

By Rose Smith
Fluffy is using your new chair for a scratching post...again!

Its a very natural thing for a cat to sharpen it's claws. After all, they are used for climbing, catching "food" (when necessary), climbing, perching and defending themeselves. Of course, let's not forget another very important trait that cat's need claws for..."kneading your leg" when contentedly curled up on your lap. So, what's a human to do?

Get a scratching post!

It's relatively easy to teach a cat to use a scratching post instead of your own furniture (and in some!). Even a "slow" cat will catch on to the idea fairly quickly. Many pet stores sell scratching posts and furniture in all shapes and sizes to keep your frolicing feline happy and content.

You can also make your own scratching post out of simple materials lying around your home. For example, take a 4" diameter branch about 2 feet long. Wrap it snuggly and securly with some rope. Voila...simple scratching post. Another option is to cover a 2X4 board with old carpeting.

Once you have a scratching post (either purchased or home- made), place it near the area that your cat spends the most time or next to his favorite "scratching" place. Now comes the hard part...waiting and watching.

As soon as your cat begins to scratch an inappropriate item (from your point of view...not his), quickly say "no" in a deep voice and pick him up. Take him to the new scratching post and rub his paws gently over the post, simulating scratching. You will have to be deligent about this.

Whenever you see your cat using the scratching post on his own, immediately praise him, perhaps even giving him a treat the first few times to reenforce the behavior. A cat learns quickly and it shouldn't take long for him to "readjust" his habits. is a fun and humorous site for dog and cat lovers, both young and old. Featuring jokes, posters, puzzles, books, videos, fun facts, informative articles, animal board games, computer games and much more. Be sure to visit us today!

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