Some Common Health Problems in Cats

By Jack Moundon
Any cat owner must consider cat health a topmost consideration. S/he must have basic knowledge and understanding on the prevention of certain types of cat health problems. After all, a healthy cat makes a happy owner. Here are some common health problems in cats and how you can prevent them.

Hairballs. When cats groom by themselves, they tend to swallow loose hair that naturally comes off their tongues. This hair can clump into a ball and may get stuck in his digestive tract instead of passing through the body. Cats usually don’t have a problem getting rid of hairballs, as they can just cough and hack it out. However, hairballs may pass into his intestines and cause blockage, which can cause serious complications. If your cat experiences loss of appetite, is constipated, sluggish and has a dull coat, then your cat’s blockage can be serious. When this happens, visit your veterinarian immediately. You can prevent hairballs by frequently grooming your cat to get rid of loose hair as well as feeding him certain types of food that help control hairballs.

Worms. This is but a common, recurring problem among many cats. These worms can be hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and even in some cases, heartworms. Your cat may be infected with any of these worms if it does not seem to gain weight, has white specks that resemble rice grains in his stool or is infested with fleas. If you suspect your cat for presence of worms, take him to the veterinarian. Your vet can prescribe some medication to kill off the worms. Remember that worms can be fatal when left untreated.

Urinary Tract Infections. Another health problem that is common among cats, urinary tract infection usually affects male cats that have not undergone neutering, although female cats may also acquire this problem as well. Your cat may have urinary tract infection if your cat’s urine smells strong or if it suddenly stops using the litter box. Consult your veterinarian for treatment of this health problem.

These are just some of the most common health problems among cats. While some diseases are hereditary, many can easily be prevented. By regularly taking your pet cat to the veterinarian for check-up and following vaccination schedules, you can keep cat health problems at bay. Keep in mind that prevention is your first and still your best line of defense for cat sicknesses and disease.

Jack Moundon is the owner of, Helpful information about cats health problems and meanings about their common behavior. Great gift for cat lovers and helping you cat stay healthy.

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