Do You Know How Vulnerable A Cat's Life Is?

By : Charley Huang
Cats are often in danger, especially the ones that have privileges to access whatever’s outside the confinement of a house. Vehicles poses the greatest threat to pets, especially cats, as most injuries caused by vehicles at a high speed can cause death, sometimes instantly, or sometimes, after a period of time where the cat would’ve somehow dragged itself home. In other cases, injuries will be too serious to be saved, or will leave it crippled or damaged in other forms.

If your cat suddenly died out of the blue, with no signs of external injuries, it means that the cause of death is an internal injury, which is fatal. You may assume that it was poisoned, of course, intentional or unintentional, for the anti-freeze that leaks from parked cars or other vehicles is not uncommon to cause such an incident.

In another scenario, believe it or not, kids may be the cause of a cat’s injury. Hard to imagine as it may seem, kids that pick on animals to bully upon might somewhat cause more damage than they think. Toy guns or air rifles are usually used for sadistic people who enjoy seeing others in pain. Otherwise, adults who dislike having other people’s cats on their property may take action on these poor felines as well, causing great harm. Be sure to always keep an eye on your cat when you let it out of the house.

This may not seem serious, but uncastrated male cats are in grave danger of being outdoors compared to other cats. They tend to wander off far from their homes and also would get into fights with other cats or dogs, and even wild animals like snakes. These injuries they suffer can prove to be serious, sometimes even fatal, especially if it has been in a struggle with a larger, more ferocious animal.

Cats also like to walk on walls, or roofs of houses, and they could also fall from these high places. Trees and balconies are also a threat to a cat’s favorite hobby. Although, as we all know, they have the ability of landing on all four of their feet after they fall, they are still prone to injuries to their legs, as the shock of landing may be great, and can cause damage to their internal organs as well.

Indoor cats basically face fewer injuries by being in the house where there are less threats and dangers, as opposed to a cat roaming the outdoors. This is the main reason why a responsible should always keep his cat in doors, or if you must let your cat out, do supervise it or keep an eye out on it and do not let it wander far from home. Ensure that the surroundings is free from larger animals that might do your cat harm.

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