How To Look After Your Pregnant Cat

Author: Jess Talbot

You have obviously decided that letting your kitty have birth to little bundles of joy. If your cat is under a year old it may pay to seek advice from your vetenarian as cat mothers of a young age increases the possibility of giving birth to deformed kittens.

Your kitty can also give birth to an average 3 kittens 3 times a year so make sure you book an appointment for after the birth to neuter your kitty to prevent future pregnancies. The world's cat population is vastly increasing with over 50 different breds, and so many inhumane people out there you will find feral cats come in abundance in most big cities.

Make sure mother is warm and safe at all times. Feed her small meals throughout the day and make sure you change her to a special diet full of vitamins and minerals to put her in top condition for pregnancy. Always have plenty of water available.

Find an out of the way place, such as a warm cupboard for mother to be able to escape away before and after birth with the kittens.

To find out more about your kitty, his health, find toys for him to play with and discover how to get rid of cat urine odor from carpets visit!
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