Recognizing Cat Toxic Plants

By: Angie Allen

Plants Toxic to Cats

Several sites online have listings of over a hundred cat-toxic plants. Others estimate however, that the list of toxic plants could go well over 700. What is important is that you are able to easily identify a potential plant hazard. When ingested, cats will often become groggy, agitated and may vomit or have diarrhea. In severe cases, cats could die of plant poisoning.

Common houseplants that could be toxic to your cat include lilies, mistletoe, poinsettia, poison ivy, aloe vera, eucalyptus, ferns, chrysanthemum, daffodil, holly, jonquil and tulip. Certain plants may not be toxic by nature but they can be harmful to your cat if they have been sprayed with pesticide.

Why Cats Play with These Plants

Curious and playful, your cat would consider a big potted plant as a new item to explore. Cats also love to play with grass. If you keep your cat all day indoors, he may start to think of your plant as replacement grass. In some cases, cats may even use the soft inviting soil as a litter spot.

While playing, your cat may easily chew and swallow on a toxic leaf or flower.

Redecorating Ideas

Of course, it's never easy to redecorate your home to make it cat-friendly. This is especially true if you have to cat-proof your garden too.

Keep sprinklers on timer to keep your cats from too much exploration on harmful plants. You may also want to consider putting up a fence around dangerous plants.

To keep your cats safe from indoor plants, provide a screened area for these plants. Sprinkling some cayenne powder also seems to be an effective deterrent for cats.

Other entertainment

Your cats are not little toddlers. It would therefore be harder for you to explain why they absolutely cannot have a bite of that fern. It is suggested that you offer your cat other activities to carefully divert his attention. You can offer him a grass patch or a scratching post. Make sure too that he has a variety of toys and regular outdoor playtime. In the long run however, the best solution to keep your cat safe from toxic plants is to monitor him.

Immediate Response

Respond immediately if you notice the symptoms of poisoning in your cat. Carefully inspect your cat's mouth and remove plant leaves that may still be inside. As much as possible, do not attempt to come up with a solution on your own. The vet will know best what to do in poisoning situations.

Article Source:

Discover more cat toxic plants that may be dangerous to your cat at the healthy cat.