By : Jessica M
There could be little tiny parasites taking up residence in your cat's eat. They are known as earmites. As simple as it may sound, you should know that if this problem isn't treated, it can develop into something serious such as a yeast infection.
Cats can cause tiny blood vessels in their ears to burst when they scratch too much at their ears. The swelling and disfiguration that results could be permanent. Ear mites that are left untreated for long enough can cause a rupture of the ear drum, seizures, and even death.
If you notice your cat scratching, shaking its head this way and that, and digging at its ears, it's possible that he or she has earmites. However, you should know that a cat can be infested with ear mites and show no signs or symptoms. How severe the reaction is can really depend on your cat's sensitivity to the mites' saliva.
If there's an allergic reaction to the saliva, which can occur even with just a few mites, your cat will scratch and never find relief. If you see any signs at all of fluid in or around your cats ear, or if she is scratching and acting strangely, it is possible that she has ear mites. If there is enough reason to suspect this, you should get your cat treated immediately.
If you have other pets, you should also know that they could easily become infested with the mites as well. So if you end up treating one of your cats, you should definitely inspect your other cats for signs of ear mites, or take them to the vet as well. This can truly make your cat miserable, and the sooner she gets treated, the better she will feel and so will you.
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What Are The Symptoms of Cat Earmites?
Posted by
on Tuesday, December 25, 2007
cat history
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