Cat Care

By chan chan
Your cat's health depends on regualr, well-balanced meals. Adult cats should be fed twixe a day and will almost certainly remind you when it's mealtime! Growing kittens need several smaller meals a day, to suit their smaller stomachs.
If your cat is a longhair, remember to groom it daily. Shorthairs need brushing only once or twice a week to remove dead hairs. Grooming-time is also when you will spot any injuries, early signs of illness, or fleas. Best of all, it helps you to bond with your cat, which will enjoy the attention.
A fat cat is not a healthy cat. If your cat is overweight, ask your vet for advice on a slimming diet. It could be that you are overfeeding your cat, or your cat may be tricking your neighbours into supplying extra meals! Like humans, some cats put on weight because they have a lazy lifestyle. Indoor cats especially need plenty of play.
Cats need cat food! Dog food or household scraps do not contain the high level of animal protein they need - and even milk upsets many cat's stomachs. For a healthy diet, choose either canned cat food, fresh meat or cooked fidh. Make sure there's always fresh water, too.
Ensure that curiosity does not kill your cat by checking the house for dangers. Tuck electrical wires out of the way where they can not be chewed, and remember to put away posionous household chemicals such as bleach. With a new cat or kitten, it 's good idea to protect your home as well, by moving breakable ornaments and house plants.
Grooming is more than beauty care. Longhairs depend on daily brushing to prevent tangles which, if neglected, may need to be clipped out by the vet.
Brush the fur gently, without tugging. Go against the way it naturally lies, lifting the fur upwards and outwards so that you work right to the roots. A comb is useful for lifting out dead hair.
Finish off the cat's face fur and neck ruffs with a smaller brush. An old toothbrush is ideal for this fine work - but please do not borrow one from the bathroom!
Loose hairs get swallowed when a cat licks its coat, and can build up in the stomach. There's no need to worry unless your pet can not get rid of its fur balls. If you pot the danger signs of a dry cough and loss of appetite, head for the vet. But remember, prevention is better than cure: regular brushing means fewer dead hairs for your cat to swallow.

About the author:
1st Cat Care is to provide information and guidance to pet cat lovers in taking care of their cats' health, cat toilet training, tips on using the cat litter box, vaccinations, pregnancy and more on pet cat and kitten care ........

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