Siamese Cat The Favorite Shorthair

The origin of the Siamese cat is believed to be of Siam, Thailand. It is an ancient domestic breed which has descended from an albino cat which was given as a gift to the king of Siam. It was legendary that the cats would protect the royal castles and temples from evil spirits. It was believed by the Siamese people that when a high ranking person died, the soul of the dead would stay in the cat for a certain time. The first appearance of the Siamese cat was in the West in the mid 1800s.

There are traditional and modern Siamese cats. These cats have a long, slim body with a kinked tail along with a long neck and bright blue eyes which are almond shaped. The original cat has a round head hence it being called the apple head Siamese. However, the modern Siamese cat has a head which is elongated with larger ears and more pronounced features.

The original Siamese besides having a round face is also more muscular than a modern Siamese. The coat is of short hairs and the base coat which is cream colored. The face, ears, tail and legs are dark in color. The body is usually white or fawn with the Siamese markings. When a kitten is cream colored when first born. The Siamese markings develop gradually over the months. These markings are on the ears, tail, paws, muzzle and lower legs.

It is a very demanding and attention seeking breed of cat. The mentality of this breed is very much similar to that of a dog. The Siamese cat is very affectionate, energetic, intelligent, inquisitive and people orientated. It is a breed which is the most vocal and talkative from any other. The Siamese cat constantly talks, and can be very annoying when it is on heat. It is then that the cat will become very loud and sound like a wild lion.

If a Siamese cat feels that it is not getting the attentions, it becomes extremely jealous and throws tantrums. A Siamese cat does not like being ignored, it needs attention constantly. The traditional Siamese cat has a temperament that is more laid back than the modern Siamese cat.

The Siamese cat is a breed that gets bored very quickly. Therefore it is essential that it is provided with toys an area so that it can play and exercise. In order to stay healthy, it will scratch and sharpen its claws. An essential piece of furniture for a Siamese cat is a cat gym or cat tree with a scratching post. Regular grooming is also necessary in order to keep its shorthaired coat in healthy condition

The Siamese cat is a breed that matures early could be as early as 5 months old. They are also very fertile and the average litter size is about six. Ensure your pet is vaccinated if it is allowed to go outdoors. Should you give your cat fruit or greens they have to be boiled first to aid with the digestion. You can take your pet outside for a walk by using a harness and leash to stop it running away.

The Siamese cat still remains to be one of the most popular shorthaired cats in the world. It is a cat which is only really suitable for those people that can give it lots of love and attention. It is not a pet for such people that do not like a great deal of noise, as this breed does tend to be noisy on a constant basis. The Siamese cat can however, be your best friend and a loyal companion due to its affection. Minimal maintenance is needed for this breed due to it being shorthaired. It is important to remember however, that the traditional Siamese cat does make a better pet for the entire family, as it has a much quieter personality than that of the modern Siamese.

About the Author: Paulina Jenkins likes to share her passion for kitty cats with all cat lovers. An all time favorite is Siamese Cat. You will find useful information on Siamese Cat at this website

by Paulina Jenkins