By: Ryan Oreilly
Pictures of cats' body language can tell you a lot about what your cat is thinking. But ask yourself this question first – is there something going on that would make your cat act the way it is? Did something change in your cat's home environment? A new addition to the household (human or animal)? Did you play too roughly with your cat? Pictures of cats' ears and tails will give you some of the information you need to get a handle on cat language. However, first hand experience is usually a whole lot better. That is unless you happen to have a cat with its ears pinned back and a nice set of teeth showing.
Pictures of cats can tell you a lot about their general state of mind, but they don't let you know what you are supposed to do when you are faced with an unhappy camper. In a nutshell if you have a cat that takes exception to living in general, it's usually a good idea to have him Vet checked for any possible medical problems first. As cats age, some get grumpy and grumpy can translate into aggression at times. Watch their diet as well. A cat that is not getting the proper nutrition can get bent out of shape in no time flat because they aren't feeling well. There is evidence that tuna, yeast and hormone-injected meats have been known to cause some cats to get upset.
Pictures of cats staring down other cats or a dog will tell you the cat is about to let fly by looking at the ears and the whiskers. The ears will be pinned tight to their head and their whiskers close to their noses. They haul in their whiskers so they can show off their lovely razor sharp teeth. No doubt you've seen pictures of cats with their heads lowered, staring down their noses, with whiskers plastered to their faces. You clearly know what is about to happen.
Ahhh but what to do when your cat attacks you? There are several things that come to mind and you might want to try some of these. Whether or not some of these things work will totally depend on the personality of your cat. Since you know your cat, pick and choose what you think would be worth trying.
The first thing to try is to simply walk away. Don't give the cat any more attention. The second thing you can try is to pick the cat up and point it in another direction. If this works, you've got a handle on the situation. If not, then put the cat in the bathroom for about five minutes. You're trying to train your cat that aggression is NOT good. You can also try distraction with a lure toy. In the final analysis, handle your cat with respect and care, don't roughhouse too much with them, keep them in a low stress environment and remember that some factors (pre-existing ones you had no control over) may have also contributed to their cranky disposition.
Enough on cranky dispositions! What about pictures of cats with a happy attitude? Here's what you would be looking for in a happy cat. Look for tail tall and straight and ears forward a touch and high – perked up if you will. Some pictures of cats that are in a grand mood will show the tip of the tail just slightly bent over his back. If the tail is horizontal your cat is having a so-so average day. Drooping tails usually indicate unhappiness or poor health. See your Vet. If you've ever seen pictures of cats with a tail all puffed out and looking like a bottle-brush, it means your cat is about ready to attack or is very frightened. A rapidly thrashing tail means "Bug off, you're bothering me!" A slowly wagging tail means your cat in on the alert. If your cat is anxious about something or fearful, you may see lip licking and in some cases purring. Talk about mixed signals!
Cat body language is an art of sorts, but once owned by a feline, you pick up the lingo really quickly, not to mention the fun of trying to figure out what they heck they're trying to tell you.
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Pictures Of Cat's Body Language Can Tell You A Lot
Posted by
on Thursday, February 14, 2008
cat history,
Cat Pictures,
Cat Training
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