What Are The Characteristics Of The Siamese Cats?

Author: George Adams
Almost everyone knows about the Siamese cat. Even those who are not particularly fond of cats have heard about this breed. Producers of mystery movies and TV series have used a Siamese cat as a character in their productions.

The Siamese cat appeared in Thailand before the sixteen hundreds. At that time Thailand was known as Siam. In the eighteen hundreds, a number of these cats were brought to Great Britain by a British ambassador. The Siamese became an immediate hit with the Brits. Although not as popular today, the Siamese cat was considered to be one of the most popular breed of cats in the nineteen fifties.

If you’re thinking about purchasing a cat, the following description of the Siamese is provided to help you to identify the breed. The body of a Siamese is long, graceful and rectangular shaped with large ears on a wedge shaped head. The tail is long and graceful and the legs are thin. The eyes are large, almond shaped with a stunning blue color. The coat of the Siamese cat is short and comes in Chocolate, Seal, Lilac or Blue Point colors. All other variations of color in the Siamese breed are considered to be a wholly different breed.

A Siamese cat is not recommended for anyone who spends a great deal of time away from home. This breed loves attention and if left alone for long periods will become lonely and bored. A lonely and bored Siamese can get into more trouble than your average cat, spending much of its time planning an escape. If you are away from home much of the time you might want to get a second Siamese kitten. The two will keep each other company while you are away.

This breed is an excellent choice for retirees and families. Siamese cats are very affectionate and playful. They soak up attention like a sponge and are very clingy and devoted. They will follow you from room to room inspecting everything you do and curl up on your lap or perch on your shoulder when you sit.

The Siamese cat has keen intelligence and is highly trainable. They sometimes have a mind of their own but are easily taught to fetch, or come when they are called. They make up their own games such as pouncing on people from atop a high objects or playing hide and seek.

If an attention loving, clinging and devoted cat that has a mind of its own is what you’re looking for, then the Siamese might be the breed for you.

About The Author

George Adams is a staff writer at http://www.pets-digest.com and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including http://www.recreation-digest.com.