Winter Tips For Cats

Cats may have a fur coat but, keep in mind just like us they are affected by the Winter cold. Here are some tips on keeping your cat safe and happy during the cold days and nights of winter.

Many people use fireplaces and small heating units during the winter. Keep in mind there can be very dangerous to your cat and can cause a serious burn. Make sure you have a screen in front of your fireplace and block off access to space heaters.

Some hairless breeds might actually need a coat to be kept warm. For instance, the Sphynx breed might benefit from a coat.

Make sure to have a nice place for your cat to snuggle and sleep. There are many beds available for this type of application.

Pay close attention to cars, if your cat happens to be outside they may seek the warmth of the engine. Be sure to check before starting your car.

If you use central heat keep in mind that it may be warm and toasty inside to you but, it might be to hot for your cat. Try to keep one room in your house cooler that the others, so your cat has somewhere to cool of. Keep an eye on your cat, if it starts to pant it might be to warm. This would be a sign to get your cat into a cooler room.

If it snows and your cat goes outside be aware that rock salt might hurt your cat ‘s paws. If you need to use ice melt around your house use the pet friendly kind. A heavy accumulation of snow may require you to shovel paths for your pet.

If your cat becomes wet from snow or rain, make sure to dry him or her.

Pay close attention to your cat’s diet in the winter, as they are less active and may tend to gain weight.

Also even in the winter pets can become dehydrated. Be sure to keep plenty of water available.

Do not leave your pet alone in the car. Automobiles do not stay warm inside for very long. Even a short trip inside a store your car can become very cold.

Be sure to keep hot beverages out of reach. A curious cat can get a severe burn from a cup of coffee, hot tea, etc.

With these tips in mind you can help keep your cat happy and safe during the winter months.


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