Can Cats Be Trained?

By : Bob Evanston
Many people think that a trained cat is an oxymoron. Cats are known for their independence, which endears them to some people and makes others prefer dogs. While cats are, in many ways, more independent and self-sufficient than dogs, this does not mean that they cannot be trained. This is especially important in regard to areas of problem behavior.

When cats cause owners a problem, such as regarding the litter box, destroying property or aggression, people too often think they have to either give up the cat or just tolerate the uncomfortable situation. For the vast majority of cats, this is happily not true. With a little effort, you should be able to train your cat into being a much better pet.

One unpleasant, not to mention unsanitary, cat behavior problem involves the litter box. Since cats are very clean animals, they are easily trained to use the litter box. If a litter trained cat suddenly stops using the box, something is definitely wrong. This is sometimes a medical issue, so the first step is to bring the cat to the veterinarian for a check-up.

One physical problems are ruled out, you should consider the condition and positioning of the litter box itself. It has to be frequently cleaned out or the cat will not want to use it. It should also be in a quiet space. Cats, like people, like to have their own "bathroom" not in the middle of things. It should also not be very close to the cat's food and water. The size should be just right as well -large enough, but also small enough to feel like a distinct space.

What about the problem of a cat who is aggressive and bites and scratches you? This is hardly desirable behavior in a pet, and fortunately is can usually be cured without too much fanfare. Again, if the cat's behavior has changed recently, have it checked by a veterinarian. If the cat has always been this way, it may be a feral, or not well socialized cat. In this case, you will have to be patient and take some extra effort at taming the cat.

If your cat is aggressive, try to become sensitive to its moods and body language. That way you won't try to touch him/her at the wrong time. Also, make sure your cat gets enough exercise. Take some time every day to play with him/her, but not too roughly (especially if aggression is the problem!). Playing has the dual purpose of giving your cat exercise and socializing him/her. Make sure your cat is spayed; this will, in general, make for a better pet and will curb aggression.

These are some rather basic tips regarding some common behavior problems. If you have a difficult problem, you will probably have to further educate yourself and invest some time into training your cat. What you should keep in mind is that almost all cats, with the right attention, can be made into great pets!

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If you want to improve your relationship with your cat, you might want to explore these resources: training cats ,covering all aspects of cat ownership and problem cats
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