Cat First Aid: Cuts, Scrapes and Wounds

By : Carol Osborne
common accidents is a cut or laceration that causes bleeding. Bandage material, cleaning agents and anticoagulant powder (for nails that have been cut too short) take care of most minor wounds. Larger wounds should be seen by a vet.


If a cat is bleeding the principle is the same for pets and people. Apply direct pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. It is best to use gauze or a clean bandage, but anything available -- including your hand -- will do if necessary. Release the pressure after a couple of minutes.

If the bleeding stops, access the wound. Use clippers or scissors to remove hair from the area, then take an iodine-type soap and clean up wound. Rinse it out again with hydrogen peroxide. If there is a lot of hair surrounding the wound, before you clip the hair; coat it with water-soluble KY jelly. The hairs will stick to the jelly and not to the wound and will be much easier to wash away. Cover minor wounds with gauze and reassess them the next morning. Always give your vet a call just to be sure.

If the bleeding doesn't stop, continue applying direct pressure to the wound while on your way to the vet. For foot wounds, once the cat has been treated by your vet, placing a clean sock over the paw helps keep the dressing clean. Use adhesive tape to secure the sock in place.

If you think your cat might bite you because he is hurt, scared, and in pain, protect yourself by wrapping her head in a towel. Don't leave the towel on too long or wrap it too tightly.

FACT: An Elizabethan collar helps prevent cats from traumatizing a wound but most cats don't like them.



Calendula (Marigold) lotion- 6 drops of Calendula tincture in 2 tablespoons of water. Apply to the wound, cover with gauze, and tape the gauze to the skin. This will decrease pain.

Calendula-hypericum ointment applied to a minor wound will promote healing. Leave the wound open.

Calendula 6x is often recommended for superficial wounds. One tablet twice daily promotes healing.

Arnica decreases bruising.

If the wound becomes infected, Hepar sulphuris helps to heal the infection.

Rescue Remedy, 1-2 drops in your cat's mouth or food or water dish is calming and will help him/her to relax.

Comfort. A little tender loving care (TLC) can help calm your cat and spead the healing process.

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