Cats And Feline Diabetes

Cats are one of the most popular pets in America. They are very loving animals that are capable of giving you years of friendship. Just like any other pet (or human being), your cat may become sick. You care very much about the health and well being of your cat and so, of course, you worry about it when it feels badly. There are many different ailments that can affect your cat's health so it is advisable that you take your pet to a veterinarian whenever it seems to be sick. Quick treatment is always the best and the good people at the Vet Clinics have your pets health and well-being in mind.

Diabetes is much more common among people than it is with cats or other animals but, cats can sometimes be affected by it. Although feline diabetes is a very serious condition it can be treated by proper care and the help of a good veterinarian. Diabetes is caused when the pancreas fails to produce sufficient amounts of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for controlling and maintaining the level of sugar, or glucose, in the blood.

In order to safeguard your cat you should always be attentive to it's actions so that you will be able to notice changes right away. Symptoms that may indicate that your cat is suffering from feline diabetes may vary. The most common symptom will be an increase in urination and thirst. This should be easy to recognize if you pay close to attention to your cat. Other symptoms your cat may experience with feline diabetes are weight loss and a decrease in appetite. If your cat suddenly begins to lose interest in eating to the point where it starts losing weight feline diabetes may be the culprit.

Feline diabetes needs to be treated as soon as possible if your cat is to survive. That is why it is so important that you keep a close watch on your pet. As most any cat owner can testify cats will definitely let you know when they feel badly if you are close to them. They have many ways of communicating with their 'owners'. When treated promptly a cat with feline diabetes will most often be able to live a healthy and relatively normal life. If left untreated for too long a cat with feline diabetes will eventually go into a coma and die. It is such a shame when this happens to a beautiful cat as it could have been avoided with only a little knowledge and care. Many people have lost a loved cat to feline diabetes because they didn't understand what was happening to their pet and they failed to seek out the help of a veterinarian in time. Don't let this happen to your cat.

Cats affected with feline diabetes need to be fed regularly. That means you will feed them on a schedule at the same time every day. Diabetic cats need to be kept indoors as well. The treatment will require that you give your cat insulin shots once or twice each day depending upon what your veterinarian advises you. It will seem awkward at first, but your veterinarian will help teach you how to go about administering the shots and soon you, and your cat, will become accustomed to it.

Before giving your cat the insulin injection it is important to be sure that it has eaten first. If you give your cat insulin on an empty stomach it is possible for it to suffer from hypoglycemic shock. If too much insulin is administered the same result could occur. Hypoglycemic shock can be very life threatening to your cat so exercise extreme care and thought.

Remember that with proper care and attention a cat with feline diabetes will be able to live a long and otherwise happy and healthy life. Cats understand much more than they are usually given credit for. You cat will know that you love it after a period of time it will actually come to accept the shots. The most important thing is that your cat is able to feel well and enjoy it's life.

Copyright © 2007 David Slone all rights reserved. No part of this article may be used or published by any means without my express, written permission.

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