By : ttilmo
Over recent years veterinary treatment for your cat has increased dramatically mainly due to the more available treatments on the market. It is not unusual for cats to be offered very similar treatment to their human counterparts; the problem is this does not come cheap.
Buying cat insurance is a good way to protect yourself from high vet bills after an unexpected injury or illness and allows you to provide your pet with the best treatment available without having to worry about how much it will cost.
Choosing the right cat insurance can be a tricky business considering the fact that there are many more companies offering pet insurance policies than ever before. Everyone from specialist insurers to supermarkets are now advertising insurance polices to cover your cat, however these policies can vary in the amount of cover offered and the initial cost of the policy can be deceiving.
When deciding on a policy for your cat it is important not to go for the cheapest policy on offer. There will always be a reason for this and you may find out to your cost later on that the policy does not provide adequate cover in many situations. So deciding what sort of cover you want from the outset is an important factor.
Things to consider are:
Do you want the insurance to cover for just vet bill or if you have a pedigree cat it may be that you would also like to be covered for theft and death as well.
If your cat is lost, do you require a policy that will pay for some advertising and possible reward?
Do you want complimentary therapy to be covered?
What about accidental damage caused by your cat to others property
Or cattery fees if you have to go into hospital unexpectedly.
All these things will determine which sort of policy you require and how much your monthly premiums will cost.
Always shop around for your insurance and make sure that you are given the full documentation about the various policies. The initial advertisement for the insurance may leave out vital details that will affect your decision. For instance some policies will have a yearly limit on the mount you can claim for, others will have a time limit on any particular condition that they will payout for, this is important to know if you have a cat that has an on going medical condition that may last for some time. The other thing to watch out for is how much excess you have to pay towards your costs before the insurance company will pay the rest. Some companies may also require you to pay a percentage of the bill on top of an excess charge. This can work out expensive if the bill runs into thousands.
How much an insurance policy will cost yearly will be based on several factors about your cat i.e.
The breed of your cat - moggies are less prone to illness than a pedigree cat
Age, most insurers will not insure a kitten before the age of eight weeks old and will not open new insurance policies for cats over the age of between 8 and 10. It is important to note to make sure your cat is insured before this upper age limit is reached to make sure you have cover for your cat during their later years where ill health may become more of an issue.
Sex of the cat and whether or not they are neutered.
Location, Your policy could be affected by where you live, especially if you live in a busy urban environment where the likely hood of injury by cars are increased and the cost of vets bills may be higher.
Once you have decided on which insurance policy to go for, ensure that you check the policy details when they come through to ensure that you have all the cover you require. There is usually a fourteen day cooling off period after you sign for your policy if you decide that it is not right for you and your cats needs after all.
Choosing the best cat insurance from your pet from the start is important as it is likely that you will want to stay with the insurer for the life of the cat, as changing policies may affect the cover available in the long term.
By: ttilmo
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Kate and her partner co-write a site full of further cat care and cat health topics. As well as being a feline friendly community site for happy cat and a happy owner. Their second site is all about living simply and frugally in the modern world.
Choosing the Right Cat Insurance For Your Pet
Posted by
on Tuesday, June 10, 2008
cat history,
cat insurance
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