By Kimberly Mission
Feline behavior problems such as neurotic chewing, obsessive grooming, over eating, and aggression can sometimes be caused by boredom.
You can improve your cat's mental health and physical prowess with as little as 15 minutes of quality playtime each day. Even this much consistent playtime will do wonders to strengthen a satisfying bond between you and your cat.
Once you start having fun daily with your cat, there will be no shortage of play ideas. But, just to get you started, here are some fun ideas to avoid a boring routine and to add excitement to liven up your cat's world.
Brown Paper Bag Game
Cats enjoy hiding immensely. Find a large paper bag and observe the fun you cat has. They relish popping in and out of it. Cut some holes in the bag and put one of his favorite toys inside. This game will keep your cat busy having tons of fun for both of you.
Hidden Treasure Game
Hide one of your cat's toys in between the furniture cushions, or under a pillow. This will convert the toy into a hunting game for your kitty. Each time he finds the "treasure", try a new hiding place.
Swat the Mouse
Create a cat toy or a play mouse that you can dangle in front of your cat. Tie yarn or string to the mouse and attach the other end to a short stick - like a pencil or chopstick. You and your kitty will have a blast as you dangle the mouse in front of him and he tries to swat it.
Fun With the Toilet Paper Roll
Find an old toilet paper roll with no paper on it. Kitty will love batting it around. Once he has had enough of this game, try putting an object inside, such as a small ball. Then tape the two ends of the roll. This addition makes the roll wobble each time he hits it and the fun starts all over again.
Kleenex Game
Kitty will love pulling out the tissues one at a time from a box of Kleenex. It could make a big mess, but its worth it seeing you cat having such fun.
Laser Chase Game
Those little lasers used to point to a screen for public speakers make great toys for cats. Please, however, use caution when using laser light. Never shine it in your kitty's eyes. If you don't have access to one of these laser pointers, a flashlight with a focused beam works well too. Your cat will love chasing the light around the floor and walls. It's a super challenge for kitty - not to mention great exercise.
Bouncing Ball Fun
Bouncing balls are small, but they can be big fun for you and your cat!
Sock Game
Your cat will love playing with a stuffed sock. Here's how to do it. Fill a sock with another sock or with cotton balls. Spice it up a bit with some catnip. Then watch your cat go bonkers.
The Ice Cube Game
On a smooth floor, such as in the kitchen, slide an ice cube across the floor. It's like cat ice hockey and your cat is sure to win!
Bathtub Ping Pong
Just drop some ping pong balls into a dry, empty bathtub and watch your cat have a blast!I hope you see from this list how easy it is to come up with games that you and your cat will love. If you need more ideas I can provide you with many here. Try 2 or 3 playtimes a day when your cat seems most active. Both you and kitty will be happy and fit!
Kimberly Mission is a pet lover with a special affection for cats. If you are thinking about becoming a cat owner and would like a great resource for choosing, caring for, and understanding your new pet, you will not want to miss her guide for loving your kitty.
Drop by her for more tips on caring for, training, and even communicating with your cat.
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Love Your Kitty With These 10 Awesome Games for Your Cat
Posted by
on Saturday, October 18, 2008
cat history,
cat toy,
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